Let's Make A Comic Book Final Page
(there will be errors in the following text)Voice Over (00:08):
Let’s make a comic book, but let’s make it a little bit different. Instead of one person or a team making the whole book, we’re gonna have every panel made by a different cartoonist. We are gonna do one page per episode. So the number of guests is the number of panels on the page. So now you’re probably wondering, what’s this comic book gonna be about? Well, lemme tell you. It’s gonna be about a robot. This robot whose name is blank. What happens next? Nobody knows, but it’s gonna be fun finding out.
Edmund Kearsley (00:45):
Hello and welcome back to Let’s make a comic book where we make a comic book with a different artist on every single panel. And tonight we are gonna be finishing off this first book. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> this first season. And for such an important occasion, we needed a important artist to help us. So we’ve enlisted Dave Die
Dave Dye (01:15):
<laugh> to
Edmund Kearsley (01:17):
Step into the dock.
Dave Dye (01:22):
I dunno. Important, important, important. I think you scraped the bottom of the barrels. Only one left.
Edmund Kearsley (01:35):
so we don’t have to pick a panel and we don’t need the, the hand of choosing for tonight ’cause we’ve only got one guest.
Dave Dye (01:45):
I choose number one, <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (01:49):
You can,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:50):
I just have put a comment up. We don’t usually do this, but I want Dave to see this one.
Edmund Kearsley (01:55):
Dave Dye (01:57):
<laugh>. Thanks Gary. <laugh>,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:01):
Your number one fan. I, I thought you’d like to see that
Dave Dye (02:04):
<laugh>. Thanks Gary <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (02:07):
Okay, so let’s have a look at the comic so far, and we’ll see what what’s been going on and what Dave has to finish it finish up with. So this is the first page that I drew and I designed the character and tried to put some details and stuff in the background and give the, the next page or the next page, whoever went next. some stuff to go on with. And it says, greetings fellow sentient beings. If you have a spare time unit, I’d like to tell you a story, a story about a little robot with a big case, OFO, amnesia. This little robot couldn’t remember where it was from or what its mission was. The only thing you could remember was its name. And he says, hello. I am blank. So listen up and find out what happened to the little robot with a big case of robot amnesia. A robot named blank.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:09):
This is the first page I read,
Edmund Kearsley (03:12):
<laugh>. And then we had the, the first episode with Deshawn Silver and Peter Wilson. We had deshawn got the first spot and had to start the whole thing off. And he’s pulled some elements from my page and
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:31):
Edmund Kearsley (03:32):
Done a sick drawing with the eyeball coming in with the, see he is made, the, the arms splu out from the sides. And then that’s cool. Pete’s made the, the eyeball angry <laugh> and blank doesn’t know what’s going on.
Dave Dye (03:49):
Edmund Kearsley (03:50):
And then we go to Lu French and they’re cool. attack sequence. Yeah. And then Alex Major has done this such soft, smooth metal <laugh>. There’s a tiki. Oo,
Dave Dye (04:06):
What has he got a bone in his hand?
Edmund Kearsley (04:09):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:10):
Best not to think about it. Dave
Dave Dye (04:11):
<laugh>. Where did that come from? Serious
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:16):
Edmund Kearsley (04:17):
<laugh>. And then Peter Lawson’s gone on with the, with the, the sneak attack where, which we dubbed the, the one panel Romance
Dave Dye (04:30):
<laugh>. And, and actually going back to Alex’s panel, he’s got a little wet checks packet thing there. Yep. Yeah. That’s what’s going on. <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:39):
Yeah. We’ll go with that.
Dave Dye (04:41):
Edmund Kearsley (04:45):
Then we got Ken Best put the, the eyeballs attacking with the knife. And lucky in my measure is Nut Tanium. And then Nick Cleary’s done the double attack where they’ve attacked each other and and eggs bloked out. And then Tom Tongues finished it off with the, the eggs landed. It looks like the, the eyeballs wings being chopped off as well. Yeah. Yeah. And then there’s the, the little other creatures come out of the egg.
Dave Dye (05:17):
Edmund Kearsley (05:19):
Then Chris Pitcan said, no. Why did it have to end this way? <laugh>. And then Neil Bland’s going crazy big, some classic Neil Bland in artwork.
Dave Dye (05:31):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (05:32):
Beautiful stuff.
Edmund Kearsley (05:34):
And then Brett and McKenna put the, the blanks all tangled up in the tentacle monster.
Dave Dye (05:43):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>
Edmund Kearsley (05:44):
And Yana Hoffman introduced the Dragon
Dave Dye (05:47):
Edmund Kearsley (05:49):
And then a sick reaction shot from Shannon Brown anymore.
Dave Dye (05:52):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (05:53):
That’s very nice.
Edmund Kearsley (05:54):
50 calls.
Dave Dye (05:59):
<laugh>. I think this was the funniest show. I wa I laughed a lot during this show. <laugh>,
Edmund Kearsley (06:10):
Dave Dye (06:11):
Were laughing with me, Dave. Oh, with you. Not at your fellas In <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (06:17):
Scissor has done the classic, the attacking monster gets eaten by a bigger monster. They blank saying crap, and then Morgan Quaids, but him saying crap too and there’s a crap
Dave Dye (06:29):
Falling out.
Edmund Kearsley (06:32):
Dave Dye (06:34):
He did. That’s right. <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (06:36):
And then bear Roth with, I believe in peace and forgiveness, but a robot’s gotta eat <laugh>. And then the dragon saying, how did I end up here?
Dave Dye (06:45):
Edmund Kearsley (06:46):
It’s reserved for the Aussie verse.
Dave Dye (06:47):
Yeah. Good. On your boat.
Edmund Kearsley (06:50):
The to McGee get the, the munch crunch with the crunch. There’s a diamond in the eggs. The Dana King’s got the Ouch soup pretty well. No <laugh>. And the diamond’s blown off on Laura Smith’s. Add the diamond turning to a little robot.
Dave Dye (07:10):
Well, that’s good value that page, because you go back there, you’ve got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 basically eight panels. <laugh> for the price of three hours.
Edmund Kearsley (07:25):
Dave Dye (07:26):
Edmund Kearsley (07:27):
Yeah. Ethan Harris has had the, the little diamond turn into a monster and attack the running team of the, the comic. And it sha and Jews introduced the, the big guns coming up out of its head.
Dave Dye (07:42):
Edmund Kearsley (07:43):
And Luca Palmer’s, how did you, how did you get in here? I wish it had some more team, but I guess this will do <laugh>. He pulled out a fly water.
Dave Dye (07:51):
Yeah, that’s
Edmund Kearsley (07:53):
Right Ryan with the die f Freak <laugh> Adam Gillespe caught the thing there. A freak and then a great pedal from Sean Creek with the super high nails of the winter ferric missile barrage.
Dave Dye (08:09):
Lot of detail in that.
Edmund Kearsley (08:11):
Yeah, that’s a great panel. When that’s printed or when you get the PDFs from the Kickstarter
Dave Dye (08:19):
Edmund Kearsley (08:19):
In there. Yeah. Rob O’Connor, the Why are you attacking me? We’re friends. Roseanne. Mulan were <laugh>. And then Brad Daniels, it’s me, diamond Bill. Did you think there’s more to life than eating and violence?
Dave Dye (08:36):
Edmund Kearsley (08:37):
And Nick May said, no, it can’t be true. It’s Stu Thornton’s, it’s a trap. And then Rob Lyles, no, as he’s zooming off, <laugh>
Dave Dye (08:46):
Zooms off.
Edmund Kearsley (08:48):
Lauren Marshall. Oh, was given chase with the, the army of the eyeball monsters.
Dave Dye (08:53):
Edmund Kearsley (08:54):
De new attack me things with the, the torpedo manoeuvre. And then Lee Cha’s got the eyeball apocalypse and blanks landed in the ground.
Dave Dye (09:06):
Yep. <laugh> upside down. That’s right. <laugh> that
Edmund Kearsley (09:12):
Tim Mccuen’s very cleverly got out of having to draw the eyeball apocalypse by having him appear in a ooh, hello secret underground civilization,
Dave Dye (09:24):
Edmund Kearsley (09:25):
And then Mike Sance had him fly over there, the creatures. And then Zach George deaf to the surface dweller. So again, he’s found someone, and then they’ve attacked instantly. <laugh> then Matt Scofield said, think again with the big chest gun and gene Whitlock, where the, you bo us surface gun to a rock fight rock <laugh>. This means conflict <laugh>. And this is probably the biggest plot twist in the whole thing, is the concrete source has introduced the energised chest laser, initiating power circuits, overloading memory, back memory, bank activating, have you eaten your brussel sprout? S Planky. And then his mother
Dave Dye (10:14):
Edmund Kearsley (10:16):
You can see there’s a skull under
Dave Dye (10:17):
There. That one too. Gee, yeah,
Edmund Kearsley (10:19):
That was
Dave Dye (10:19):
A classic match.
Edmund Kearsley (10:23):
Now Andrew laws got his close, his chest laser up and he’s crying saying, mother, then Toby Blanc go, Walter <laugh>
Dave Dye (10:33):
Edmund Kearsley (10:35):
<laugh> with rub shery. Where Walter, what are you doing back here? And then Jenny Macintosh, it was a long time ago, but he left as the Surface world was calling to you. And then Chris Wood, I had to try so hard to make sure this wasn’t my villain origin story. And then, yeah, it’s still a flashback
Dave Dye (10:53):
<laugh>. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.
Edmund Kearsley (10:55):
And then Ben Sullivan, here’s something to help you on your journey. Still in flashback mode. Aaron Mack with the world above is so cold and harsh, we had to make you so if you were to survive your mission, but a cold facade is no shield for a heart as warm and pure as yours. So for you, my son, I gift you companionship and then, then you what as that. I have you now brother leads into last week’s
Dave Dye (11:27):
Edmund Kearsley (11:28):
Jesse TrackMan’s Classic. And brother, I love metal. And Jonathan Cylinder says, but I hate you.
Dave Dye (11:37):
Edmund Kearsley (11:37):
Then Don take you his little brother. Can’t we talk about this over a pizza? So
Dave Dye (11:42):
Edmund Kearsley (11:43):
And that’s where we’re up to. Yeah. And that’s where Dave will be starting.
Dave Dye (11:48):
Yeah. Well, it’s very random in it’s yes. Process. Some great art. It makes it
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (11:59):
Easier and harder for you. <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (12:01):
It’s amazing how well the, the the whole thing’s turned out. Mm.
Dave Dye (12:08):
Yeah. Well, I’ve sort of, I’m, I’m in a, a bit of advantage to the other people because I’ve had a little bit of time to think about Levi. I, and also I’ve got a whole a, a normal shape panel to work with <laugh>, not a triangle or what some of those other shapes that people had. so it’s been a lot easier for me to, well think about what’s gonna go on. I’ll bring up my page down here and we can, I’ll start trying to get something together. <laugh> we
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (12:50):
Well you’re doing that. I’ll read some comments. Robbie saying Hello all. William. William Palm Marie. Sorry dude. good day. How are you all? Danny Nolan is Hi. Hey William. Hi Dave. Now you have to pull the whole thing story together. Good luck.
Dave Dye (13:08):
Ha ha ha. <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:11):
And then Rob O’Connor is bring us home, Dave. Sp he is no better person to make to make it all make sense. Yeah,
Edmund Kearsley (13:21):
That’s what we’ve thought too. There’s Dave locked up or is he thinking
Dave Dye (13:27):
Mine? yeah, I just froze. Oh yeah, you
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:30):
Up. Oh, there you go. You’re moving again. <laugh>
Dave Dye (13:33):
Little spin in circles. wasn’t me eyeball, I’ll
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:37):
Just sit here Nice and still. And I think it’s locked. <laugh>.
Dave Dye (13:40):
Maybe it’ll draw itself if I wait to long enough. <laugh>. That’s what I, that’s what I was hoping. alright. You can see that. Okay. My head’s gonna get in the way every now and then. Maybe. yeah. Well, so we wanna, it’s a full page. I was thinking, I’ve had, I’ve been looking at some Michael Golden. Golden. Yeah. He, he did some Punisher Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> covers and stuff. so see if I can work out blank in some dramatic sort of maybe something like hill of Bones. I wanna put the his cityscape in the back that bring it back to your original page where you had the ruined buildings. Oh, cool. that’s
Edmund Kearsley (14:40):
His exciting.
Dave Dye (14:42):
Let’s see. Maybe put blank, maybe back that way a bit more, gimme a bit more room.
Edmund Kearsley (15:04):
Like how you hold the pencil. Like the
Dave Dye (15:09):
Yeah. When I’m doing the, this sort of rough sort of stuff, I can hold it pretty loose like this and it gives me a chance to just just I don’t know. Just try feels feeling naturally do that
Edmund Kearsley (15:25):
It gets emotion in the line.
Dave Dye (15:27):
Yeah. Because you drawing with me shoulder the, the movements come from my shoulder instead, if you’re holding it like this, it’s just with your fingers. So it just feels a bit easier to, to work like this way. Have some gunfire. You said I can have a little bit of what do you call it? Bleed. So Yeah, it’s good sort of there like that pretty dramatic sort of pose if I can make it that bit of, bit of movement like this.
Edmund Kearsley (16:15):
It’s looking good already.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:17):
Yeah, it is.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:18):
Dave Dye (16:22):
I’ll give him two double guns,
Dave Dye (16:26):
Two pistols.
Dave Dye (16:26):
I see sweet one up there. One here and up in here going up to that shoulder. We’re sort of looking up at him a little bit.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:39):
Oh yeah.
Dave Dye (16:39):
Got a black, black round thing. Earmuff or something. Isn’t he there? Yeah.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:46):
Dave Dye (16:47):
<affirmative>. That’s right. I can see actually, I can see the front page.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:55):
This deserves Shane or forgot to send Dave the file again.
Dave Dye (17:05):
Yeah. <laugh> like
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:12):
Every second week. I swear I forget to send that thing. <laugh>
Dave Dye (17:16):
Minor, minor technicality mate. Yeah, that’s right. I’ve, I’ve watched every episode so I know what he looks like. <laugh>. And actually when it first started, because I thought eventually you’re gonna ask me one day, I don’t know. I was thought, I thought you might one day and I thought I’m gonna get a little bit of practising . So when you, when people were drawing them, I was actually doing it at home. Oh. I’ve got, so some of the early pages where well, I I drew something completely different to what other people did. But that’s cool. If I can find them, I’ll show ’em before we finish up.
Edmund Kearsley (17:52):
Yeah, we’ll stick them in the Kickstarter extra.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:57):
Yeah, I was gonna say, if you can’t, I I will steal them off you
Dave Dye (18:01):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:01):
When I’m down Melbourne, I’ll make a a turn right and go <laugh>.
Dave Dye (18:05):
Ah, <laugh>. Yeah, it’s not far. Only six hours.
Edmund Kearsley (18:10):
Dave Dye (18:11):
Edmund Kearsley (18:12):
Just at the other end of the state.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:14):
Yeah. Yeah. Just it’s just a short drive. Just a couple hundred hours. Yeah.
Edmund Kearsley (18:21):
Which reminds me that me and s will be at the Melbourne Supernova next week. I think it is.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:30):
Let me, I’ll grab something. Hang on, keep talking <laugh>
Edmund Kearsley (18:34):
Next week and yep. It
Dave Dye (18:39):
Says, is it Easter weekend or after Easter weekend?
Edmund Kearsley (18:42):
The next one after.
Dave Dye (18:43):
Oh, the one after Easter weekend, right?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:45):
Edmund Kearsley (18:46):
So weekend after next is what I should have said.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:50):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:51):
No, I, I do the same thing and I’m just trying to grab the thing I made. Here it is. And so you can find me and Ed, that’s where you go. 81
Edmund Kearsley (19:06):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:09):
Right in the middle. We are of Indy Press
Edmund Kearsley (19:13):
Holding down the Indy press zone.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:16):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:19):
Yes. I’ll be posting that lots in the next week. It’s funny, I keep gonna have like, private conversations in the middle of the show. <laugh>, Hey, remember? Oh, hang on. We’re in a show. That’s right. Yeah. I think this is the most relaxed of all the shows I have <laugh>
Dave Dye (19:43):
This one. You’ve been very relaxed. Have you? That’s a good way to be, mate.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:48):
Yeah, I think I, it’s ’cause I get to hide down the bottom here underneath ed, so I don’t have to There’s not as much pressure,
Dave Dye (19:55):
Right? No,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:56):
It’s, it’s, it’s for me. How Mary. Okay, cool. Usually how I get go with it. Cool Pal Mary. Thank you William. Just explaining how to pronounce his name. Alright, I’ll in Supernova want to get a copy of Metal Gear solid signed. Oh nice. Well come to the Comex table and get yourself some I was going to assume what Ed is taking. Ed, what are you taking?
Edmund Kearsley (20:23):
<laugh>? I’ll have these exclusive sea mandrel from Earth.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:30):
Alright, cool.
Edmund Kearsley (20:31):
I think and I’ll have radical one, two, and three. Oh yes.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:37):
Radical. I was hoping you were gonna say that because I was gonna say it even if you weren’t. And then <laugh>, if you didn’t take it, that would be really embarrassing.
Edmund Kearsley (20:45):
And I’ve got some other little bits and bobs as well. And I’ll have their com presents. one, two, and three as well. The,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:57):
The covers that
Edmund Kearsley (20:57):
I did. Yeah. He got me <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:02):
I a lot of our presents one, two, and three went with four that we just did the Kickstarter for.
Edmund Kearsley (21:09):
Oh, nice.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:10):
A lot of people had never seen or been on the other Kickstarters and got the back back issues. So that was cool. So it got rid of a chunk of comics. Now I just have to pray. I worked out the numbers. Right.
Dave Dye (21:26):
you would’ve mate
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:28):
<laugh>. Yeah. Who knows, you know, getting drunk on beer a lot lately.
Dave Dye (21:33):
<laugh>, that’s a, oh, that’s not a bad little habit to help you relax mate. I, I reckon
Edmund Kearsley (21:44):
Yeah. Is that pizza boxes? Is that how that’s
Dave Dye (21:46):
That’s the pizza box down the bottom there. <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:48):
Oh I love it.
Dave Dye (21:50):
Connection with last week’s show.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:56):
That’s awesome. And I’ll just throw up what I’m taking ’cause I’ve got it in a picture.
Edmund Kearsley (22:04):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:05):
Seven comics. Wow. You can buy ’em separately or you can buy ’em more for $50 cash
Edmund Kearsley (22:11):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:12):
Why am I making it five more for the card? No idea. I thought it was a cool gimmick.
Dave Dye (22:19):
Good idea, mate.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:22):
Preferably getting,
Edmund Kearsley (22:25):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:25):
Oh, sorry.
Edmund Kearsley (22:27):
How you go?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:28):
Oh, I was just gonna say preferably efficient or no, because it makes it more fun. <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (22:35):
So I was gonna say getting like like a robot king nan vibes with the
Dave Dye (22:42):
Y Yeah.
Edmund Kearsley (22:43):
When he, when he at the movie when he’s sitting on the throne.
Dave Dye (22:47):
Yeah. The well, yeah, this also the other thing I was sort of thinking of when I was, when I’m doing this is the Terminator when he is they’ve got all the bones and that, that the, the tanks and that are grinding through in that post apocalyptic world that the Terminator story sort of comes from.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:18):
Well William, oh hang on Pal Murray has said cool planning to drop about $200 on comics
Dave Dye (23:26):
For the event. Oh right.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:27):
Nice. So there you go. Quarter with us. Well done. Good man. I’m glad we both agreed on that. Getting good <laugh>
Edmund Kearsley (23:36):
Nice hold for 200 bucks.
Dave Dye (23:38):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:38):
He spent a bit of that budget on Darren Close last time
Dave Dye (23:42):
Last year.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:43):
Alright, very good stuff. Yeah, I’ve got all his books. Darren closes. I think I have, anyway, I’ve even got struggle. So I think I’ve got all of it. ’cause when I first went looking into Australian Indie Kru was the first thing I found.
Dave Dye (24:01):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:01):
In old Google. And then after Goog after that was Rie.
Dave Dye (24:09):
Edmund Kearsley (24:10):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:12):
And then it sort of was organic after that, but it not so thing Melbourne won’t know what hid it. Cracked Robert on it, Connor.
Dave Dye (24:25):
Well, I’d like to, if few people might be watching if I haven’t got a snappy one-liner or anything for this last page. So if anyone watching has got something they think might suit this for blank to be saying while he is, he’s shooting rounds away here. Like there’ll be cartridges flying off here. <laugh>. If they would like to maybe suggest something that he might be saying just put it in the comments and we’ll run with it. We’ll see if it suits
Edmund Kearsley (25:16):
It should be in keeping with the, the kind of the schwartzenegger influences for the, the drawing. Yeah.
Dave Dye (25:24):
<laugh>. Yeah. These are wreck wreck skyscrapers. They’ve sort of fallen over little bit of force crazy perspective on them, but that’s makes it fun, doesn’t it? Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> And yeah, that should be all right. Bit of maybe a bit of smoke coming up here just to fill that blank area.
Edmund Kearsley (25:50):
No pun intended. <laugh>.
Dave Dye (25:53):
Yeah. Alright, I’ll just have a little refreshment.
Edmund Kearsley (25:59):
Yeah. Get a refuel.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:03):
Alright. I press the wrong button before. There we go. There if anyone who missed what you said, if they come in late or come in early, whatever come early. Doesn’t make sense. there’s a little reminder. Hopefully I wrote that right. I did it in a rush.
Edmund Kearsley (26:20):
Says, help Dave script what blank is saying in the comments and give Dave some inspiration.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:25):
Dave Dye (26:29):
All right. I might just have to put a bit more detail into these guns. I, these weapons. Yeah.
Edmund Kearsley (26:41):
So this is the last of this season, but we are gonna be back with the new season later in the year. Oh yeah. And we’re gonna have a a, a brand new character.
Dave Dye (26:55):
Oh, right. So it won’t be blank. No. Right. Alright.
Edmund Kearsley (27:07):
Be doing something different.
Dave Dye (27:09):
Ah, right. Okay. So, oh, I could have killed him off. Yeah. <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (27:16):
Well this could be his like could Jacob, Jacob the lat sort of scenario because he, he thinks he’s being cool, but that little guy shot him
Dave Dye (27:27):
Edmund Kearsley (27:28):
Oh. Which I shouldn’t say ’cause we’re not the best of giving.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:30):
Oh, yay. <laugh>. I’m only breaking that rule every week. It’s about time. It was someone else. <laugh>. I am like, oh, that’s so cool. You should make him. Oh, hang on. I can’t do that. Stop it. <laugh>.
Dave Dye (27:48):
Catch your, watch your tongue. Bite your tongue, mate.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:51):
Yeah. Bite my tongue. Big time.
Edmund Kearsley (27:53):
It’s the hardest part of the show. Mm. Give you a little do this, do that. suggestions to everyone who’s drawing.
Dave Dye (28:04):
Oh. See if I can some link on the page now.
Edmund Kearsley (28:13):
Oh, cool.
Dave Dye (28:20):
He is such a, you know, you’ve made him, like you said at the beginning of the series, you made him nice and simple to simple shape and all that. So it makes it nice, easy for
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:34):
Even I could draw him <laugh>.
Dave Dye (28:36):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:37):
And I still avoided it and drew his head only
Dave Dye (28:41):
Edmund Kearsley (28:48):
Do you mostly ink with the brush?
Dave Dye (28:51):
Yes. That’s what I pretty much ink with mostly these days. I used to use a, a dip pen all the time, but now it’s mostly brush because it’s a lot quicker. and you can get just as finer line with a brush as you can with a, a pen. Sometimes even finer.
Edmund Kearsley (29:26):
I almost don’t wanna talk while thinking case.
Dave Dye (29:29):
No, that’s all right.
Edmund Kearsley (29:31):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:31):
Yeah, I do the same. I, I forget I’m on a show and I think I keep thinking I’m watching it when I watch the artist. It’s like, oh, hang on, I’m part of the show. Gotta gotta do something. Read
Dave Dye (29:42):
Some comment <laugh> say something <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (29:46):
Because you’re using a brush too. Like I’m almost holding my breath every time you
Dave Dye (29:50):
Put it down, right? Yeah. this is cartridge paper and it’s a bit more absorbent than I’m used to. I’m usually use Bristol, but this is a bit more absorbent, so it’s a behaves the brush seems to dry out a bit quicker.
Edmund Kearsley (30:10):
Dave Dye (30:11):
It soaks up more ink.
Edmund Kearsley (30:13):
Is that easier to control?
Dave Dye (30:15):
No. Yeah. I I’m used to having it where it sort of sits on top of the paper a bit more and this sort of soaks in. What are these, what are they? they’re white. Those shoulder pads. Little shoulder joints.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:37):
Oh yeah. Yep.
Dave Dye (30:40):
Not black. His top arm is is white.
Edmund Kearsley (30:49):
Dave Dye (30:51):
And this part’s black.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:57):
Oh, I’ve just been asked what is its GSM the cartridge paper?
Dave Dye (31:01):
what is it? I think it’s one 10 or something.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:05):
There you go. William. one 10. Yeah. Yeah. I usually and I don’t usually have graphite as a, I use, use a blue line. I Oh, the blue pencil. yeah, just so you can see the graphite rubs straight off on me hand here.
Edmund Kearsley (31:44):
I always put my hand in the end too whenever I’m
Dave Dye (31:47):
<laugh>. Do you, you gotta try and remember to work left or right if you’re left if you’re right handed.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:53):
Dave Dye (31:56):
His hands are white, aren’t they? His fingers are white down the,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:13):
Maybe I’ll send that file to you late <laugh>
Dave Dye (32:17):
<laugh>. I’m looking, I can just see him running in the corner here under you sis. So that’s enough of me. I’d love to enough to use as a guide. Now this is his fingers, but he hasn’t really got a back of the palm of his hand as he’s
Edmund Kearsley (32:34):
Yeah, it doesn’t matter. ’cause everyone draws him different.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:37):
Yeah. And he can have giant guns come outta his chest. He can have palms come outta his
Dave Dye (32:46):
<laugh>. Right. Let’s try and get a point into this brush
Edmund Kearsley (32:58):
And type of brush you using.
Dave Dye (33:00):
This is a Rafael number two. number three. it doesn’t come to a nice point. I’ve got a, this is a brush here that when Tim McKewan was on, he was using one of these brushes and I actually asked him on the show, I said, Tim, what’s, what brush are you using? He said, I’ll tell you. It’s a blah, blah blah. And he said, contact me and I’ll tell you where to go to get ’em. So he, I did and he did. And he did. So I’ve got one now. I’ve got, I bought two of them.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:34):
Them. Sweet.
Dave Dye (33:35):
So this, you can see the difference in the points in, in those mm-Hmm. That’s a Chinese calligraphy brush. Ah. And I haven’t teased it out. I could wash all the new, the hard stuff outta there and it had spread out more, but I’m just kept it as a nice point. So I’m only yearly using the bottom half of the bristles for to get ink in. But that’s all that, that’s good enough. I just want to keep that lovely point. It’s beautiful. Mm-Hmm. Really do some fine work with that.
Edmund Kearsley (34:12):
So I’ve never had the control to be able to use a brush for anything except for spotting blacks.
Dave Dye (34:20):
Yeah. Well must be a I’ve got the shakes up tonight. I need to drink more beer. Mm-Hmm. Need a settler <laugh> <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:36):
Well this is a hell of an awesome ending to the book. Even the little bit you’ve done. It looks awesome.
Dave Dye (34:44):
Are we up to an hour yet? Nearly.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:51):
You sound like, are we there yet? Are we there? Can I stop
Dave Dye (34:54):
Edmund Kearsley (34:59):
And everyone in the chat? Don’t pick it to a send in suggestions for a snappy one-liner
Dave Dye (35:08):
For blank to see to finish book. Well he could be saying what what was I was thinking it doesn’t end here or is it’s only the beginning. Oh,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:26):
I like that. It’s very ironic considering it is the end.
Dave Dye (35:31):
<laugh> <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:33):
That’s awesome. I love that one. Okay, don’t worry about suggestions everyone. We got it.
Dave Dye (35:37):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:38):
Dave’s got it handled. No seriously suggestions. Come on, get in there. Peoples <laugh>. Don’t let me start thinking there’ll be all sorts of weird noises coming from my head.
Edmund Kearsley (35:54):
Yeah. We don’t want that
Dave Dye (35:56):
<laugh>. Yeah.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:59):
I try avoid thinking at all times.
Dave Dye (36:05):
Yeah. You wanna get headaches mate.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:08):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:12):
I just do things like agree to go to Melbourne. No thinking.
Dave Dye (36:16):
Oh, this is, is no think whatsoever. <laugh>. That’s black up there. Right? So Right. This is all black.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:23):
Edmund Kearsley (36:24):
It’s got black chest and
Dave Dye (36:27):
And numbers.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:28):
Dave Dye (36:35):
I say there’s a little bit of, this is quite
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:37):
Specific. William has said Dave, get yourself some Captain Morgan, a copper cup, a Bundaberg ginger beer mixed together with ice and a couple of mint leaves. It’s called a dark and stormy and it’s a great nerve karma than beer. A greater nerve carer
Dave Dye (36:56):
Than beer. Right. Oh, good on you. Who was that from? Who said that?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:00):
William hang. I look up the top. How to pronounce his name pal. Mary William P Mary.
Dave Dye (37:06):
Ah, good on you. William. Can I call you Bill
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:11):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:13):
I’m sure William is about to tell us
Dave Dye (37:15):
<laugh>. No, don’t call me Bill anything but Bill <laugh> all there. This is a magazine from that pistol.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:37):
Here we go. We’ve got a suggestion. this is just the beginning. Oh is what I was gonna say, but you already said
Edmund Kearsley (37:43):
Who was that?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:45):
Rob O’Connor. Sorry.
Dave Dye (37:47):
You on Rob. Thanks mate. So we’ve
Edmund Kearsley (37:49):
Got two for, this is just the beginning.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:55):
I vote for it. Three
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:57):
Dave Dye (38:00):
So some people consider
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:02):
Second or third vote for the line. Okay. <laugh> refer will don’t mind shortening. It
Dave Dye (38:10):
Will good on you will. Thanks mate.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:12):
Better changes
Dave Dye (38:16):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:18):
I know a few wills. I know another one now. William p Mary.
Dave Dye (38:24):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:29):
<laugh> so can hang on. Is that Oh yeah. He said consider it the second or third vote for the line. And then now he is saying consider it the third or fourth vote for the line. So I think Rob is voting up his suggestion multiple times now if I’m understanding it.
Dave Dye (38:46):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:53):
And we didn’t say you couldn’t vote multiple times, so I guess No, that’s
Dave Dye (38:56):
Edmund Kearsley (39:04):
We’ve also got a Kickstarter thing running for this book, which is getting finished off now.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:15):
I should probably go into my little spiel. I will have I put a picture in here or anything? No, I have not. I’m a slack ass. Hmm. Yep. Total slack <laugh>. I thought I’d made something. Okay. Maybe not. Anyway, it’s I put the banner up for it at least if I can find it. There it is. It’s in pre-launch stage at the moment. It was meant to be launched yesterday, but things have happened in my life so I haven’t been able to launch it. It’ll probably launch after Melbourne. ’cause I’ve got a lot to do to prepare for Melbourne and I think that would be poor form of me to try to do a kickstart in the middle of it all. I wouldn’t give blank the attention that he deserves.
Dave Dye (39:59):
Mm, that’s alright. He deserves a lot of attention.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:04):
So yeah, so blank is multiple layered little Kickstarter. I have milestones in there as well as stretch goals for those. Not aware of the difference. oh, thanks. In that one sentence that I’m allowed to do in the pre-launch page it doesn’t really tell you much, but blank will be, there will be a 12 hour reward, a 24 hour reward, and a 48 hour reward if you get in there and pledge that quickly. all rewards are electronic, digital, whatever word you wanna use. Oh, sorry. I should have drank so much soft drink <laugh> <laugh> and it’s yeah, so off the top of my head I can only remember two of the things. So the 12 hour ones, if you get in and pledge for that first 12 hours you get a rev pack. and this has a whole bunch of, of number ones in the rev line. Yeah. I try to list them because I get it wrong every time. And then I have Toold myself. It’s, it’s not pretty. and the 24 hour one I believe is Wordsmith, which is a graphic novel in PDF form. Of course.
Dave Dye (41:29):
SK isn’t it?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:30):
Yeah, SK he’s donated that to help boost the thing. Nice. So because we’ve got these pledges that are all time considerate considered you need to go to that page, that blank.com X studio takes you to hit that notify me when launch. So you are notify when it launches so you get in on time to get those extra rewards. it Australians have a bit of advantage ’cause it will be launching in the middle of our day. so that 12 hours will be a lot easier for Australians just saying. but all the other Americans can still get in there and Europeans can still get in there and everything else, but it’s more our daylight hours.
so yeah, you definitely want to get that page and hit that pre-launch so you know that it’s launched. You get all the extras. ’cause if you’re in the first 12 hours, you get the 12 hour award, you get the 24 hour award and you get the 48 hour award. you get the main book for $2, which is not going to be the normal price. That’s just the early bird price for the first week of the campaign. And then it’ll go up to $3 after that. Heaps of other things. You can get heaps of stuff from comics, studios different PDFs and so forth all throughout the campaign. won’t try to go through them all here. And yeah, so getting early, that’s the main thing I’m trying to say is ’cause you’ll get all the cool bonuses. Then there’s stretch goals once we hit certain goals after our target. And yeah, even more goodies. So get in early. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, very long-winded way of saying get in early.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:17):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:17):
Like a good idea, mate. To McGee did a little emoji. I can’t see what that is on my screen. And he also said oi oi <laugh>. Yes, yes. Wordsmith is is Steven Cox book? Yeah, correct. Oh, sk, whichever name you wanna call him by. never. Oh, and then I didn’t read what you wrote next was nevermind. Answered faster than I could ask <laugh>. So it would help if I read all the comments before I start reading the comments.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:54):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:02):
Yes. If you’re in Melbourne and you wanna meet Ed or me or the Mack brothers or Ben Sullivan. Ben Sullivan, who, who is currently working with the Mack Brothers then Melbourne Supernova, that’s where you want to go. we’re selling our books from Comic Studio, a special sizzle edition of them for a nice cheap price of $50 for all seven if you pay cash 55 by card. Ed’s there selling all his goods and wares with us as well. And the Mack brothers are selling a special co supernova edition of their book. It’s, you get to see it before they launch. They launched the campaign on Monday, this Monday coming their campaign. But if you go Supernova, you’ll get to be able to get the comic. they’ve only printed 50 of these and they are foil covers so they look spectacular. Nice. And yeah, so you can get a sneak peek into the story before anyone in the Kickstarter and that was a word I couldn’t remember. Kickstarter, <laugh>,
Dave Dye (45:15):
Edmund Kearsley (45:16):
Get to be able to meet William p Mary as well.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:20):
Oh yeah. He’ll be there somewhere spending all his cash at the Comex studio tables. Good to hear. Thank you William.
Dave Dye (45:29):
Yeah, good on you. That’s gonna be great. Gonna be, I wish I was going down now
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:36):
You’ll be there in spirit my friend.
Dave Dye (45:38):
Edmund Kearsley (45:39):
Have you got any plans for any conventions coming up, Dave?
Dave Dye (45:43):
No, I’ve sort of decided I mightn’t do any this year. I’ve sort of in hibernation this year. I’ve just got some other things happening at the moment so hopefully I’ll get over them and then maybe in a year next year I’ll be able to get mobile again.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:06):
Cool. Nice. Well it seems even paper cut has a year off every now and again, so it’s all good.
Dave Dye (46:16):
Yeah, right. If they can do it, I can do it. Eh,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:20):
Dave Dye (46:26):
How are we going for time?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:27):
Sorry. you got 15 minutes before we hit the hour mark. I dunno if that means we stop though.
Dave Dye (46:34):
Alright. We might nearly get it done.
Edmund Kearsley (46:40):
Even more pressure.
Dave Dye (46:42):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:44):
Edmund Kearsley (46:48):
And don’t forget to give us some ideas for what Blank’s saying on the, on the last page
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:56):
Here. Yeah, Rob’s gonna get control of this one, but you know, Dave can ignore you Rob, no offence. So <laugh>, he can still go his own way. Doesn’t have to take your suggestion. Dave’s a grown up, he can do what he wants,
Dave Dye (47:12):
Big boy <laugh>. But all suggestions will be gratefully accepted.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:18):
Correct? Except maybe Rob’s
Edmund Kearsley (47:24):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:25):
Oh, I’m just teasing Rob. Sorry,
Edmund Kearsley (47:27):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:37):
Okay. William said Sunday. Did we ask him what day he was gonna be there? Is that what that was?
Edmund Kearsley (47:43):
No, we said he was gonna be there.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:46):
Okay. I go into the city to teach It’s Parker
Edmund Kearsley (47:53):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:55):
Parkour. What’s that?
Edmund Kearsley (47:56):
That’s when you jump around all over the buildings.
Dave Dye (47:59):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:59):
Oh wow. See that’s why I wouldn’t know it. I don’t know about any of that stuff. <laugh>. so I’ll be opening, hang on. So I’ll be in opening until 12. Oh, okay. Yeah, I get you. Now also, let me know if you see anyone selling weeds.
Edmund Kearsley (48:18):
Oh, Lloyds are cool.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:19):
Yeah. Nice, nice. nice things there. William Parkour and ZOS. Well, I’m impressed.
Dave Dye (48:30):
Was William on the drink and draw one episode about two years ago?
Edmund Kearsley (48:38):
Let’s find out. You
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:38):
Expect my memory to work that well. <laugh>,
Dave Dye (48:41):
I remember we we drew a comic character doing that. What? You said that funny word. Oh, cool. And he was jumping over buildings and things and that was from his comic.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:54):
Oh, okay.
Dave Dye (48:58):
If not,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:59):
This will be the embarrassing part where William says Yes, that was me. And I’ll be like, oh my God. <laugh>. No. Yeah, you were on that show. I can’t remember any of it. Maybe I’ll sick that night. Yeah, that’s what I’m going with.
Dave Dye (49:10):
Yeah, that might’ve been it, mate. Yeah,
Edmund Kearsley (49:13):
Dave Dye (49:18):
Oh, was he? Okay. Must have been someone else.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:25):
Dave Dye (49:26):
What were you saying? Ed?
Edmund Kearsley (49:27):
Oh, <inaudible>. What you yell before you jump off something and then hurt yourself really badly.
Dave Dye (49:33):
Oh, I thought it was Geronimo <laugh>. That’s
Edmund Kearsley (49:39):
Aeroplanes , isn’t it?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:40):
I was gonna say what I say before I drop off things and may hurt myself, is not able to be said on the show. So <laugh>, but sure as heck is not hor or Geronimo. I
Dave Dye (49:56):
Your name isn’t Alex. Major <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:00):
No it’s not. I won’t throw out all sorts of different letter bombs. Yeah. And Rob was agreeing with Dave. He’s just letting me know. I love the pizza boxes. That’s awesome. Mm-Hmm.
Edmund Kearsley (50:33):
That’s what they call a nice touch.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:36):
Mm-Hmm. <laugh>
Dave Dye (50:42):
Still a little bit there for you. Si <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:46):
Oh, nice.
Dave Dye (50:48):
What do you want? Rain or <laugh>
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:52):
Back under the, the gunfire to get some
Edmund Kearsley (50:56):
Dave Dye (50:57):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:00):
And wet myself on the way through <laugh>. I did not have nerves of steel.
Dave Dye (51:07):
Yes, you do. <laugh>. I saw sling dug
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:12):
<laugh>. <laugh>. Oh, that’s really cool. Okay. It’s it’s a French training philosophy. The ethos is to train, to be able to move and overcome obstacles in your environment in the most efficient way possible.
Dave Dye (51:37):
All right.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:38):
That’s from William again.
Dave Dye (51:40):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:46):
It sounds far too active for me.
Dave Dye (51:49):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:50):
Getting outta my seat to go to the sink fridge and get a drink is like, that’s exercise.
Edmund Kearsley (51:56):
That’s dangerous too.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:59):
It’s dangerous. Yes. I’ve got a Dodge dug
Dave Dye (52:02):
<laugh>. I don’t think that’s what he’s talking about being dangerous, but Yeah, I guess mate <laugh>. Yeah,
Edmund Kearsley (52:14):
Because you could fall,
Dave Dye (52:18):
You might drop the remote mate.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:26):
Okay. He says that it has a, the group that he’s in has a motto. He says it in French. I’m not even gonna try. And in English it means to be strong, to be useful.
Dave Dye (52:38):
Oh, that’s pretty cool.
Edmund Kearsley (52:40):
I can’t deliver of those
Dave Dye (52:43):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:51):
I try very hard to be useful. I, but no, no, I don’t really go for the strong thing that involves activity.
Dave Dye (53:01):
One of my mates was over in, where did they have the genesis or was it Rwanda. Rwanda, I think he was over in Rwanda. You know, they had the ties versus the tootsies. and he was a peacekeeper over there. and he went to one of the they, they have these huts where all these people got, there’s genocide and a lot of people were murdered and they threw all the bodies into these buildings and Wow. What happens naturally? ’cause all the skulls were sitting on top and all the other bones sort of settled down. So you end up with all the skulls sitting on top of all the other bones. It’s sort of seemed to be, I asked, I said, how come all those skulls are sitting up on top like that? He said that’s just, they just settle down like that. So if we just do a heap of skulls up here, that’s that’s sort of true to life. Hope that didn’t put a damper on the show.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:18):
Well, I’m glad did that because I was about to
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:22):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:31):
All good, all good.
Dave Dye (54:35):
Put this other building in
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:46):
And I figured I’m on camera. My tongue out. <laugh> poor Ed. He’s gotta put up this crap. <laugh> old says underneath him doing stupid shit.
Dave Dye (55:02):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:06):
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:08):
<laugh>, he says on camera <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:14):
We will have a meeting afterwards. So <laugh>
Dave Dye (55:17):
<laugh> start this out once and for all
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:20):
<laugh>. nice.
Dave Dye (55:27):
So when will, okay, well this is going to be put into a digital thing. You said a Kickstarter’s gonna be run.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:35):
hopefully not too long after Melbourne. Melbourne’s what’s, it would be soon if it wasn’t for all the work I’m putting into getting prep for Melbourne. Right. that’s kind of held me up on a few things. And so I’m not sure. I I, yeah, it won’t be long. It won’t be long. ’cause it, the, the Kickstarter is sitting there and a lot of it’s being filled out. So I just need to be in a position where I can properly promote and fulfil and all that sort of stuff. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.
Dave Dye (56:09):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:15):
But yeah, although, and again, I have a very silly, I was in a bit of a mood when I did the Kickstarter. I, I do that sometimes.
Dave Dye (56:26):
Mm. We all get in your moods. It’s
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:28):
A very silly Kickstarter, so I might have to go over it again and check that it’s a
Dave Dye (56:31):
Oh, okay. A
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:32):
Good Kickstarter <laugh> at the moment, it’s very silly. IIII describe the first 10 pages in a very verbose way. <laugh>, because I thought it was funny at the time, but I don’t know if it’s actually a good Kickstarter. It was just amused me when I wrote it. So Yeah, that might stay. I’ll probably push it to the bottom just so people can see what it is that I originally did. It of amusement pushed a bit that Ed helped me with. That’s
Edmund Kearsley (57:17):
Pizza that last week when the, when Don started talking about pizza as Robbie was in the chat and watching and she ordered a pizza. <laugh>.
Dave Dye (57:31):
Did he <laugh> Robbie the power of suggestion.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:36):
Oh, you might be getting pizza for dinner tonight again tonight. <laugh>
Dave Dye (57:41):
Edmund Kearsley (57:44):
And Robbie’s my wife. But everyone
Dave Dye (57:47):
<crosstalk> <laugh>.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:50):
Yeah. Not, not Rob O’Connor.
Edmund Kearsley (57:52):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:53):
He’s just Rob. Yeah. So there’s no confusion.
Dave Dye (57:57):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:58):
Robot apocalypse. You better believe he’ll make bones about it. There you go. There’s a suggestion.
Dave Dye (58:06):
Make bones.
Edmund Kearsley (58:14):
That might be good for a little caption
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:18):
Edmund Kearsley (58:19):
Or maybe at the top or
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:21):
Oh, at the top. Sorry. Yeah.
Edmund Kearsley (58:23):
And then he says this isn’t the end or whatever.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:27):
I like that. Not that we’re swaying. Dave. Dave, you choose Dave. Dave. Anytime. Dave.
Dave Dye (58:34):
Edmund Kearsley (58:36):
Okay. Can have more than one if we feel that way. Inclined.
Dave Dye (58:42):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:47):
And you don’t have to put ’em in All the words can be by Ed digitally afterwards.
Dave Dye (58:53):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:01):
So don’t feel pressured more than you already are.
Dave Dye (59:05):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:09):
Edmund Kearsley (59:16):
Well, we’re just about at the hour.
Dave Dye (59:19):
Oh right,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:20):
Okay. This is the part where we get everyone to send in their Oh, sorry. <laugh>.
Dave Dye (59:25):
Edmund Kearsley (59:28):
I was thinking we don’t need to do that ’cause everyone can see it.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:32):
<laugh> don’t feel you have to finish it now either, Dave.
Dave Dye (59:38):
No, that’s all right. Yep.
Edmund Kearsley (59:40):
Yeah, that is a rule of the show. You don’t have to finish it on the show.
Dave Dye (59:46):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Alright. Okay. Be the bit this is gonna be,
Edmund Kearsley (59:57):
But while Dave’s finishing that up I just wanna say thank you to everyone who’s contributed a panel over the last is it 19 episodes now?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:15):
Edmund Kearsley (01:00:17):
Because everyone did such a awesome job and we’ve ended up with a sick comic from a big idea that me and Siz had to start a show to make a comic live on TV
Dave Dye (01:00:35):
And sort of happened
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:37):
A bloody awesome idea.
Edmund Kearsley (01:00:39):
That’s crazy. And a big thanks to s for organising it all. Sorry to interrupt, but
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:46):
Edmund Kearsley (01:00:47):
We couldn’t have done this without s Yeah. All the, the contacts and these organisation skills. ’cause I certainly wouldn’t have been able to do it all. So we wouldn’t have this without so.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:04):
Well I’d just like to throw in there a huge thanks to the guy who came up with the idea to do the show and has hosted every night that we’ve done it. Thank you Ed. Thank you to the people who helped Ed make this an awesome comic. And thank you to the audience who’s watched it and helped us move along as well. And a big thanks to Dave for <laugh> putting it all out there and doing the last panel.
Edmund Kearsley (01:01:30):
David bringing us on. I I’ve got a little bottle of
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:37):
Ation time
Dave Dye (01:01:40):
Edmund Kearsley (01:01:41):
And I crack it open. Oh, I wanted one with the, with the pop and cork, but the little ones have only got the
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:50):
Ah, no,
Edmund Kearsley (01:01:52):
The little twist tops but
Dave Dye (01:01:55):
No, not quite the same. Is it? Where’s the pop
Edmund Kearsley (01:01:58):
Dave Dye (01:01:58):
And the bubbling overflowing bottle.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:02):
Where’s the bubbling? So here’s the cheers
Dave Dye (01:02:07):
Edmund Kearsley (01:02:10):
Dave Dye (01:02:11):
Edmund Kearsley (01:02:13):
And I think there’s about 50, almost 50 artists as well who’ve contributed. So
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:18):
I counted the other day. It’s 50 something,
Edmund Kearsley (01:02:21):
Which is incredible.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:23):
That is,
Edmund Kearsley (01:02:27):
And thanks to everyone who watched as well.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:30):
Edmund Kearsley (01:02:31):
Everyone who contributed to the chat and watched their vibes and watched live and everything.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:39):
And I’m gonna comment on their behalf. I’ve got caps on <laugh>. Nice.
Edmund Kearsley (01:02:48):
They’ll be able to hear you better.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:56):
There you go. All the people in the chat would like to say to you, ed, you are welcome.
Dave Dye (01:03:01):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:02):
Dave Dye (01:03:05):
I might just put a freehand border around that. Oh, I can see if I can put the panel border in. This rule is a bit bit wobbly. It’s not a not very stiff. It’s not very good. Not
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:25):
That you can see me.
Dave Dye (01:03:27):
I should do it by three. And
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:30):
Where’s the camera? There you go. You want, you want one of these the old scale rulers Solid. Not so bendy. Back when I used to do tech drawing when they used to use pencils and pens.
Dave Dye (01:03:47):
<laugh> nice stiff one. I want.
Edmund Kearsley (01:03:56):
Oh, look at that. That’s the most impressive thing all night <laugh>
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:10):
Straight line. My god.
Edmund Kearsley (01:04:12):
Yeah. With a brush. I could never do that in a hundred years.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:16):
I still can’t get over the the ruler trick that you have. I couldn’t do that otherwise actually make marks that I could trace and turn into straight lines.
Dave Dye (01:04:30):
this is because it’s light paper. It’s, it’s hard to get a, an even a a a line. See how it’s, see how it’s different width? That’s because the crinkles in the paper, if it was nice and flat should be able to get it at even width all the way along. But that’s all right. I don’t think, I don’t mind it having that character. Yeah, there
Edmund Kearsley (01:05:29):
You go.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:31):
That’s so cool.
Edmund Kearsley (01:05:32):
It’s amazing.
Dave Dye (01:05:35):
Put a sign. Can I put a signature on the bottom?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:38):
Yeah, of
Dave Dye (01:05:39):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:42):
I kind of forgot to tell people they should do that. <laugh>
Edmund Kearsley (01:05:46):
<laugh>. But you get your name under it anyway.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:50):
Yeah. You get your name. Yeah.
Dave Dye (01:06:02):
Oh yeah.
Edmund Kearsley (01:06:04):
That’s awesome.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:07):
Dave Dye (01:06:08):
Edmund Kearsley (01:06:10):
Then this is number
Dave Dye (01:06:11):
More work down around there I play with. Oh yeah.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:13):
Yeah. That does. That’s an awesome ending. I love that.
Dave Dye (01:06:19):
and thank
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:19):
You William for your bit.
Edmund Kearsley (01:06:21):
This is just,
Dave Dye (01:06:24):
I was thinking of having him say no more Mr. Nice guy.
Edmund Kearsley (01:06:28):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:33):
That’s a good point. He has been a nice guy Up until the until he tried to kill diamond Bell.
Dave Dye (01:06:40):
And he ate the dragon.
Edmund Kearsley (01:06:41):
No, he was defending himself. He did, but it wasn’t kind of established how the dragons died ’cause he was going away and then he
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:52):
Dave Dye (01:06:53):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:54):
Well the way I read it,
Edmund Kearsley (01:06:56):
He hasn’t been aggressive.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:59):
Dave Dye (01:07:01):
Edmund Kearsley (01:07:03):
Or were you gonna say the way you read it?
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:08):
Oh me. Oh, the way I read it with the dragons was he drew the smaller dragon’s head. So I’m just thinking the bigger dragon trumped it and the head is all that was left to, to the ground. I thought it came out in that weird mutant poo
Edmund Kearsley (01:07:24):
Might have been in the poo. Yeah.
Dave Dye (01:07:26):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:28):
That was some scary looking poo.
Dave Dye (01:07:31):
It was hairs and
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:33):
Hairs and
Edmund Kearsley (01:07:33):
Eyeballs. Eyeballs and stuff in it.
Dave Dye (01:07:35):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:38):
Obviously Dragons can’t digest eyeballs. That’s an interesting new fact. <laugh>, thank you Morgan for that new piece of law for our world or blank’s world I should say.
Edmund Kearsley (01:07:55):
Hmm. And even though he won’t be back for next season, he may be back for some other stuff at some point. So. Oh,
Dave Dye (01:08:05):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:07):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:09):
Because I like throw a real curve ball in there.
Edmund Kearsley (01:08:12):
Dave Dye (01:08:13):
<affirmative>. Yeah.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:15):
Well, considering the artist can do whatever they want with the next story. Just like this story.
Edmund Kearsley (01:08:20):
Say don’t give ’em ideas.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:22):
Oh don’t give ’em ideas. Okay. Sorry. <laugh> just in the background people. So don’t get in trouble with Ed <laugh>.
Dave Dye (01:08:35):
<laugh>. Alright. Okay. Alright.
Edmund Kearsley (01:08:45):
There you go. Freaking awesome. Dave brought us home
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:51):
And then some.
Dave Dye (01:08:55):
I’ll be all that out there in here. These are good. These need erases.
Edmund Kearsley (01:09:02):
Yeah, they’re awesome.
Dave Dye (01:09:06):
Just make sure you ink dry before you start.
Edmund Kearsley (01:09:11):
That’s another one that I do when I’m drawing with ink is started racing before it’s dry.
Dave Dye (01:09:18):
Yeah. Get a nice mudge. I’ve done that a couple of times on the drink and draw of bloody mean rubbing away and smudge. Whoops. He so there’s no drink and draw tomorrow night? No,
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:34):
No. Not till next Friday.
Dave Dye (01:09:36):
Next the following Friday.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:38):
Right. And no other shows next week apart from drink and draw.
Dave Dye (01:09:45):
Right. That’s the only one.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:46):
This one’s finished
Dave Dye (01:09:47):
Up. Oh right.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:49):
Yeah. Wednesday is every fortnight And we just did a show yesterday. chinwag is taking a two week break. Oh right. Leave. yeah, just drink and draw.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:07):
Dave Dye (01:10:13):
Alright, let’s go. Do you want end the show
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:19):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:20):
Should I go up for dance? No, no. I’m not that cool.
Edmund Kearsley (01:10:23):
No. Do <inaudible> across your desk.
Dave Dye (01:10:27):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:27):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:30):
Yes. Your lawyer will be talking. My lawyer will be talking to you very soon about these injuries. I just got from your suggestions, my vocal cords trying to pronounce the word and my body trying to do it. <laugh>.
Edmund Kearsley (01:10:49):
That’s it. That is the, that’s the end of the first season of let’s make a comic book starring blank. The little robot with robot amnesia. Hey, there’s Dave.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:03):
Hey Dave.
Dave Dye (01:11:05):
<laugh> there. I’m that shiny dam of mine. Look at that. That’s where at. Yeah. I need to put some hair on that dome.
Edmund Kearsley (01:11:22):
So just before we go, once again, thanks to all the artists or the viewers chatters anyone who supported us in any way. check out the Kickstarter comics shop for all your Australian comic stuff like, comment and subscribe if you haven’t already. Thanks to sis for putting this all together. And that’s me done for season one.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:52):
Edmund Kearsley (01:11:54):
Mm. Cheers
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:54):
To everyone. I was sorry, my line, which I do a really simple version of what Ed says. Thanks everyone.
Edmund Kearsley (01:12:02):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:03):
There you go. That’s me. Done.
Edmund Kearsley (01:12:05):
We’ll see you in season two.
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:07):
See you for season later. Later.
Dave Dye (01:12:09):
Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:09):
Again, Dave.
Dave Dye (01:12:11):
No worries.