Let's Make A Comic Book page 13

Follow in the footsteps of giants like Nick May, Stu Thornton and Rob Lisle, this weeks guests will tackle Blank new powers..... paranoia and flight. Time for some fun drawing.
#howtomakeacomicbook #howcomicsaremade #comicbooks #comic #indiecomic #australiancomic #australiancreators #aussiecomic
Danny NolanLeigh ChalkerLauren Marshall


(there will be errors in the following text)

Voice Over (00:08):
Let’s make a comic book, but let’s make it a little bit different. Instead of one person or a team making the whole book, we’re gonna have every panel made by a different cartoonist. We are gonna do one page per episode. So the number of guests is the number of panels on the page. So now you’re probably wondering, what’s this comic book gonna be about? Well, lemme tell you. It’s gonna be about a robot. This robot whose name is blank. What happens next? Nobody knows, but it’s gonna be fun finding out,

Edmund Kearsley (00:46):
Hey, we’re here for another episode of Let’s make a comic book where we make a comic book. We’re the different artist on every single panel. So let’s get stuck into it and meet the, the artists that are gonna be on today’s episode. We’ll start with Danny Nolan. Hello, Danny. Hello <laugh>. Thanks for coming on the show. And we’ve got Lauren Marshall’s here as well. Lauren. Good.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
How you doing?

Edmund Kearsley (01:17):
Good. And we’ve got Leg Chaka holding it down at the bottom square.

Leigh Chalker (01:23):
Hello. All to myself. Down the bottom here in the, you know, dystopian landscape. So, yeah, all ready to rock in my pineapple hat. Here we go.

Edmund Kearsley (01:33):
That’s the way to do it. That’s right. Should we have a look at last episode’s page before we start everything else? If you wanna put me to full screen. Si.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:46):

Edmund Kearsley (01:49):
So there we have last week’s episode. We had Nick May kicking it off with the, no, it can’t be true. There’s a call, blank background stuff. And then we’ve got have a look. Stu Thornton, he’s got the diamond build flying at the up in the air, and it’s a trap with Blink looking, very, a agitated. And then Rob sps Lyle with the Do and the Cool Blast off, and the, the desert background. And there’s, look at that bill there, <laugh>. So that’s where you’ll be carrying off from. So we’ll kick it back to sps and we can choose who goes first and we’ll kick off with let’s say sps. I mean Sizzle.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:49):
You meant Sizzle, okay. Yes. Okay, I’ll go full screen.

Edmund Kearsley (02:53):
Yeah. And again,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (02:55):
I’m going, what’s Spez doing? I was

Edmund Kearsley (02:57):
Waiting, waiting for you to answer it. It was like, wait minute. Oh yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:00):

Edmund Kearsley (03:01):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:02):
Get out

Edmund Kearsley (03:04):
Or get a,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:04):
Okay. So

Edmund Kearsley (03:06):
Danny can choose first.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:08):
Danny will choose first. Well, I’ll just show you. We’ve got Ior

Danny Nolan (03:12):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:14):
We’ve got Pop Vinyl Optimist Prime, and we have My Little Pony Optimist Prime.

Edmund Kearsley (03:25):

Danny Nolan (03:25):
I’ll, I’ll go for eo. He’s my spirit Animal. <laugh>

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:28):
Excellent. EO is, can you see it? Two, number two.

Edmund Kearsley (03:33):
So you’ll be going in the second panel. Number twos, we’ll get Lauren to choose one. Now

Danny Nolan (03:40):
I gotta go Optimus. That is solid choice.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:43):
The, the main Optimist or the

Danny Nolan (03:45):
My Pony Optimist. oj.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (03:47):
Yeah. Okay. Oh, looks like you are going first.

Danny Nolan (03:51):
Solid. Lauren first

Edmund Kearsley (03:53):
Please go third. And if you pop me back to full screen, Lee Spie, I mean far out <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:02):
I thought you were doing as a joke that Time

Edmund Kearsley (04:04):

Danny Nolan (04:06):
Oh, yes, yes. Yeah, I did. <laugh>

Edmund Kearsley (04:10):
Lee. You get to choose the hand of choosing,

Leigh Chalker (04:13):

Edmund Kearsley (04:13):
Will choose the layout. Just gimme a second.

Leigh Chalker (04:18):

Edmund Kearsley (04:19):
And so there’s the four layouts that we’ve got tonight. Yeah. So if we get to choose one, two, or three

Danny Nolan (04:30):
Or four

Leigh Chalker (04:31):
Or about the fourth, because, because oh look, ed Decisions, decisions mate. you know, because there’s a little bit of I guess punk rock in me, mate. Let’s go to number three.

Edmund Kearsley (04:46):
Number three, which is

Danny Nolan (04:51):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:52):
Layout Four,

Edmund Kearsley (04:53):
Which is, that’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:55):
Which one’s that,

Edmund Kearsley (04:56):
That’s the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:57):
Oh, yes. Or the big box and the little block down the bottom. Yep.

Edmund Kearsley (05:00):
So you guys can see that. Yeah. So we’ve got, Lauren goes first and then Danny, and then Lee

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (05:09):
Lee’s on the bottom line.

Leigh Chalker (05:11):
What’s my dimensions there, man?

Edmund Kearsley (05:14):
Give you that? You have, so your third, so your one is 15.3 centimetres across. Yeah. And then 7.5 up. So you got the big bottom rectangle

Leigh Chalker (05:31):
Three and you said 7.5

Edmund Kearsley (05:34):
Up? Yeah.

Danny Nolan (05:35):
Alright. Alright. Okay. Got that. And throw it at me for mine, please.

Edmund Kearsley (05:45):
You, you could just draw onto the

Danny Nolan (05:47):
Page if you got it. Oh, yeah. Easy.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (05:53):
You can, you can get that. Do you need me to send it again?

Danny Nolan (05:56):
No, no. I was just like, if there was a panel size, I could just work with that, but that’s okay. Totally fine.

Lauren Marshall (06:04):
All right, cool.

Edmund Kearsley (06:08):
And Danny’s one’s pretty much the same as Lee’s just long ways.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:14):
Oh, really? All right,

Leigh Chalker (06:15):

Edmund Kearsley (06:16):
As I, I tried to make them to third, they’re, they’re just a little bit different, but it’ll should all fit in. Ah, so we got through that bit with minimum stop ops,

Leigh Chalker (06:30):
Except for your pension to call Sizzle Spie. But you know, that’s alright. I mean, I, so we’ll roll with that too. I’m not the only one obsessed with Fed <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:43):
Well, well now it’s my turn to while everyone’s well, well, Lauren’s starting. I should say. Everyone else is just ruling up lines. let’s go through the comments we got. Nick May from an hour and a half ago saying, I’m waiting <laugh>. And then about 20 minutes ago said, time to kick it on. and then Ed went in there and told him to settle down Ricko, which is Travis, I believe. he’s like, whoa, this episode’s gonna be crazy. So yeah,

Danny Nolan (07:15):
<laugh> crazy.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:17):
let’s bust a move from Nick.

Danny Nolan (07:20):
They’re horrible.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:21):
<laugh>. Ben Sullivan’s got a nice old Good luck creators. oh. This is all before we started. <laugh>

Edmund Kearsley (07:32):

Leigh Chalker (07:34):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:34):
Then, and then Nick’s like, don’t be late. It’s eight. stitching time saves nine. Thank you. Ricko. And then Dave di has given us a high all once we started.

Lauren Marshall (07:47):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:47):
That’s bad. And Ando or Travis has gone predicted Lauren and Lee would be on tonight. Woohoo. Or LL

Danny Nolan (07:56):

Leigh Chalker (07:57):
I dunno. How.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:02):
And of course, monitoring

Danny Nolan (08:03):
Your message

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:04):
On the typical hey, sizzle, sausage, sizzle and the gang. So thanks Jackie.

Leigh Chalker (08:15):
There you go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:16):
Someone’s already running away. Who was that?

Edmund Kearsley (08:19):
That was Danny, but he’s back already.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:21):
Oh, okay.

Danny Nolan (08:22):
I need better glasses. I need my ringing glasses. I can’t see that floor on the ruler.

Lauren Marshall (08:29):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:30):
Okay. That’s all the comments caught up. So we can check. Alright, we pick on

Edmund Kearsley (08:41):
It’s pick on Danny.

Danny Nolan (08:45):
What, what’s Danny done? <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (08:48):

Danny Nolan (08:49):
I swear.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:50):
Hasn’t he done?

Edmund Kearsley (08:52):
Hmm. So tell us about the comic books you’ve made.

Danny Nolan (08:58):
well I made a comic, my very first comic back in 1984 with my younger brother. Wow. It was Wombat Comics. I think that’s in the Legion of Honour. Now. I like to think it’s probably, but yeah, I, I think you signed a couple copies, didn’t you? In the, in the comic shop for some ridiculous price. You antique now? Yes. Yeah, you’re all gone. So yeah, that was, that was good. these days I usually I do more pros. I write for a newspaper, but I’ve got a new comic out on with Reverie. my second Rick Clune floppy cool. so that’s a, that’s the whole comic is just that one story. So that’s digging up the past. so the Return of the West, and thanks to Gary, Gary d So that, that’s about it.

anything else I’ve done, I’ve, I’ve got some stuff in Torn three because Gary’s starting to do that whole once, once you have a comic we have like a fanzine section at the back where people, oh, write reviews of very old comics, new comics. Or they might do essays on the Australian comics scene. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. So I’ve got a couple of those in torn three. eh, other than that I tend to, we, I, oh, here’s the one we always forget and everyone forgets with, with max Ferrata. We do the Comex Aussie Indie Review Show which is, we try and do at least once a week yep. Sometimes, you know, once every three weeks. and that’s where people send us in comics preferably Australians, preferably Indie. And we review them. we try and give a, an honest opinion.

and yeah, if anybody’s got any, we want them to send them to Shane. PDFs, we don’t have to have physical copies. And we don’t even care if you put proof all over them or draught only, you know, if you don’t think, trust us that we’re going to, you know, photocopy you and send them out to the rest of the world as pirates. So, but we won’t. and we we’re quite happy to to, you know, put it on the list. the last one we did, which we only recorded last night was Dave Dies amazing tales number five. And yeah, kind of got a bit weird near the end ’cause it’s just one big love story to Dave. ’cause we just <laugh> <laugh>, he’s a hard man to be critical of it because everything he is does is just brilliant. And he’s a nice guy to boot. So he, so there you go. Now that’s my two minutes now, Lee, you can talk for the next two hours, <laugh>. Oh, you find it very easy. <laugh>.

Leigh Chalker (12:28):
I I was hoping to have the night off and listen to your eloquent tales of life and wisdom, Danny. And you explore your stories, mate. yeah. I don’t know. Ed, do you want me to go next? I suppose? Is that how it goes? While Lauren’s doing her drawing, drawing

Edmund Kearsley (12:47):
Stuff? Let’s let’s have a look at what Lauren’s got so far. ’cause Yep. I can see some action going on in there.

Danny Nolan (12:54):

Edmund Kearsley (12:56):
Some blocking in. Oh, that looks cool.

Danny Nolan (13:00):
<laugh>. Oh my God, I feel so inadequate.

Edmund Kearsley (13:05):

Danny Nolan (13:06):
Look, I’m, I’m, I’m dusting myself off at the moment. I will say that

Danny Nolan (13:14):
I’m having a hard time doing the border.

Edmund Kearsley (13:16):

Danny Nolan (13:17):

Edmund Kearsley (13:19):
Geez. All right. So while Lauren getting a panel figured out, Lee, tell us about your comics.

Leigh Chalker (13:30):
okay. battle for Bustle is my comic that I do. which will be sort of coming back out in its second volume this year with varying issues and stuff. ring around the Rosie’s another one, which Danny and Max have reviewed on their review show. And I’m very grateful and thankful that they did that. that was a lot of fun. just, I don’t know, ed, I’m doing a lot of different stuff at the moment. Maybe I’m sort of living a bit free with my artwork, man. I’m just dabbling here and doing painting and doing some sculpting and

Edmund Kearsley (14:13):
Oh, nice. Just you know, like doing a whole heap of different stuff, man. It’s all for a purpose and a goal you know, for battle for Bustle ’cause there’s gonna be some different methods and styles used throughout the comic book. But I just I know, man, I just sort of guess I’m just going with the flow of whatever sort of tickles my fancy with my creativity at the moment, man. So I’m not really in a rush with anything. I’m just sort of, you know, seeing what’s happening. And if it works, it works. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. And, you know, just rolling with it, man. So I’m in a pretty cool place at the moment. So hopefully it comes out in my artwork when everyone sees it. Probably, I don’t know, I don’t, I really can’t even tell you a date that I’m thinking about because I’m just having a heap of fun creating at the moment, man.

So it’s maybe May, June-ish, you know what I mean? So it’s I got that much content for what would be <inaudible> two issue, one that I might turn it into a 64 page issue. I might split it into two. I mean, I don’t know, man, I’m just sort of I might turn it into three <laugh> in the air mate, like, so I’m just letting things sort of fall where they go, man. And just enjoying everything, you know, because yeah, you know, like just different approach to the ear meant. So not forcing things, you know, as such, just sort of trying to I guess just enjoy everything, you know, like meeting people with Chinwag and doing my comic books and you know, just enjoying my animals and living a bit, you know, and that sort of stuff, man. So you know, I’m, I’m going through a phase of pineapple hats at the moment, you know, <laugh>, I, I usually do the Pineapple Hat and Secret, you know. but you know, like when you asked me to be on the show, I just thought I’d I’d bring it with me, you know? So it’s it’s just one of those things, man. Just, just, I’m going with it, mate. So letting it all letting it all go, so,

Edmund Kearsley (16:41):
Yeah, it looks good. So with the sculptures, are they, and painting, is there gonna be some like mixed media sort of stuff in the books, or is that for references?

Leigh Chalker (16:53):
Well, when I, I there’s, there’s a bit of a backstory with how that came about. If you’re up for a two minute, you know, like Quy, I’ll give it to you. you know last year I was, or the year before, I was going to bring Battle for Bustle issue five out. And when I was a little boy, my dad collected the amazing Spider-Man. He’s got hundreds and hundreds of them in a run from, you know, all ages, lots of Marvel stuff. And I always, you know, there’s a lot, obviously a lot of classic covers and stuff that stick in your mind, but I was probably about maybe eight or nine at the time. And a cover of the Amazing Spider-Man was actually a photographed cover of an actor playing Peter Parker with his mask off. He was getting changed into his uniform, and a bloke came through the back door and was taking a photo of him and I, that was, I remember that vividly thinking, wow, that’s weird.

You know, like, I didn’t know comics went that way. And then as I got older and you start getting into 2000 ad and you start getting into you know, like all the Vertigo type stuff that I was into at the time, you know, like they would using a lot of sculpting and painting covers and things, you know, mixed media. And so my brain automatically went to, well, I like doing that sort of stuff. So maybe I could put, you know, like a, a sculpted cover on the issue five. So the sculpted cover that was originally going to be issue five will probably most likely here’s an exclusive for you, B the cover of the trade paperback of the first four issues of Battle for Bustle at Oh, cool. Yeah. And I’m currently doing a sculpture that I’m not gonna show anyone until it’s finished, but it it’s I guess it’s, it involves lots of circuitry and it involves plants around sculpted I guess limbs and faces and it’s, it’s pretty big.

I don’t know, maybe a metre and a half by a metre sort of thing. and is in a like it’s in a frame I’ve made, like, with walls around it and things, and, you know, like, and I dabble with you. I don’t know, man, just anything. I’m just trying stuff. It may work, it may not, you know, like, but once it’s all done and finished, I’ll just throw it out there for people to have a look at anyway. So I just wanna try and do a few different things like that, man. you know, are you going

Danny Nolan (19:28):
All ger on us? Are you

Leigh Chalker (19:30):
Diva ger you know, like human parts and circuitry and, oh, no.

Leigh Chalker (19:38):
Well, battle for Bustle is essentially, you know, if you break it down it’s about nature versus machine you know, and how not just, you know, machinery as such and nature like that you think of them, you know, in the obvious sense. But, you know, it’s also about you can push that across into the create the characters in it as well. You know, like some people you meet are more human, they’re a bit more organic and stuff where other people are a little bit more regimented and, you know, like that sort of a thing. So I guess it’s a, a an overall arcing arching theme man. and just when it comes to and it’s something that I want to implement in it, that’s something that’s important to me as I’ve gotten older and my values and virtues and things like that.

and what I appreciate about the world and just how I see it. So that’s why it’ll be volume two, issue one just with a change of perception on, in my case to just ever so slightly push it off a little bit in a different direction. So, and I just like artwork Denny, and I didn’t like getting, I’m a painter and I didn’t, I, I love drawing obviously, but I didn’t really, and, you know, I like all that, but I didn’t really want to separate them anymore. I wanted to, you know, like bring them all together into one. And I sort of figured that battle for bustle is my thing, so I may as well bring all of me into it. And if it works, it works, mate. If it fails, it fails, you know? If people like it, they like it. If they don’t, they don’t. It’s it’ll be what it is, man, but it’ll be all me. So that’s really just enough. That’s divas, I guess. I’m a diva, but, you know, if I am a diva Danny, I’d like to see other divas out there with a pineapple hat, mate. So you, you know,

Danny Nolan (21:40):
<laugh>, I, I want to confirm here that, you know, I said Ger as in HR Ger. Oh,

Leigh Chalker (21:46):
Ger. I thought you said Diva. I was gonna say,

Danny Nolan (21:53):
Ain’t much of a diva

Leigh Chalker (21:54):
Mate. These things, mate. You know, like, I’ll go and, you know, I’ll wipe my tears off on the back of Lloyd’s, you know, like throw him over my shoulders and storm out. <laugh>, it’s <laugh>. Yeah. I can, you know, Giggy Yeah. You know, if that’s the way he look. I like his stuff too, man. I’ve got lots of books on him. I’m not so air brushy though. But

Danny Nolan (22:17):
No, just the whole idea of human and, and, and biomechanical kind of, you know, combination. It, it’s, it’s a, it’s a great concept and, you know, I think it needs to be explored more. That would be

Leigh Chalker (22:27):
Great. Yeah. Well, trying mate. So you know, I will I’ll let you know when it gets a bit closer. So Shane’s seen a bit of it and Peter Wilson and that, but it’s I dunno, I, I’m not sharing as much of this artwork on my Facebook page at the moment. So I’m I’m keeping a lot of it in-house until she’s ready to show. So nice. Yeah. But that’s, you gonna

Danny Nolan (22:54):
Display or you gonna put it in an exhibition or anything, or you just, it’s just you to feel personal growth?

Leigh Chalker (23:04):
It’s just my own personal thing. I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to certain things and pieces of art I’ve got, oh man, I’ve got paintings and sculptures all over the background and stuff, you know, I wouldn’t be opposed to showing it. But I a lot of this is my own self-expression, Danny. It’s it keeps me I guess grounded and stuff, man. And you know helps me sort through my emotional process and things like that, mate. So it’s artwork, I guess to a certain extent is therapeutic for me to a certain extent, you know?

Danny Nolan (23:44):
Well, I show some, some of my artwork.

Leigh Chalker (23:47):
Yeah, sure. Can

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:50):

Danny Nolan (23:51):
This, this is, this is, this is mine.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:55):
I’ll bring you up

Edmund Kearsley (23:57):
Pretty on full screen.

Danny Nolan (23:58):
Oh. Can you see that? That’s my, oh yeah. That’s cool. That’s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:01):
Pretty cool.

Danny Nolan (24:02):
That’s my character from 1984. But he got old and when he got stuck in his little exhibition bowl, he ate himself so <laugh>,

Leigh Chalker (24:15):
He ate himself. That’s,

Danny Nolan (24:22):
That’s the little rat. Yeah. I, I know there’s a bit of flare there off the glass, but yeah. And sticky tape to stop the thing from falling off, but yeah. Yeah.

Leigh Chalker (24:29):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:30):
I wonder what that was.

Leigh Chalker (24:31):
What did you make that outta

Danny Nolan (24:33):
That’s poster scene. poster scene, cardboard and just water colours.

Leigh Chalker (24:43):
Yeah. Yeah. Nice.

Danny Nolan (24:45):
Yeah. Oh, he’s turned around now. Ah, yeah, that’s,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:49):
Well, I think, I think it would agree that Lauren has drawn more than enough for number two to start. Do

Edmund Kearsley (24:57):
You wanna tell us what your panel’s about Lauren?

Danny Nolan (25:00):
Right. So I was a little taken aback that old mate at the beginning died. So I thought a little revenge panel might be a bit of fun. I love it. Yeah. And given said creature, like a certain character from a monster Zinc it is called WW <inaudible>. okay. And it’s, it’s a revenge plot pretty much.

Danny Nolan (25:26):
That’s fantastic. Excellent.

Edmund Kearsley (25:28):
So, Danny, you’ve got, you’ve got enough information to go on with your panel.

Danny Nolan (25:33):
Yeah, I’m gonna run out the door <laugh>.

Danny Nolan (25:37):
Sorry. Lots, lots of eyeballs to draw <laugh>.

Danny Nolan (25:41):
Yeah, I, I’m, I’m gonna get started, but you don’t wanna see my process, so keep, keep it on Lauren. ’cause that’s, that, that’s amazing. That’s scary. Good. I hate, I hate her. I hate to <laugh>. That’s, that is great. Alright. We’ve got enough to start. Yes, I will start.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:04):

Danny Nolan (26:06):
Keep talking. Lee <laugh>,

Edmund Kearsley (26:09):
How we

Leigh Chalker (26:11):
Say something brother out? <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (26:17):
Hey, <inaudible> Got some comments?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:19):
Yeah, we’ve got some comments. We’ve got Nick May is a little dismayed by the fact there’s no triangle panels tonight. Travis is all Lee was out in the garden or the beach today. I think he’s talking about the pineapple cat. Mm.

Leigh Chalker (26:38):
well, I wasn’t at the beach possibly in my mind. I was, but I was in the yard. So, Travis, you got a half a tick there mate. You know, <laugh> half a tick. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:53):
Then we got an hello from Rusty. So we Hello Rusty. Hope your hands going well. And then we’ve got, you know, rat is short for Ew.

Lauren Marshall (27:07):
What? <laugh>

Edmund Kearsley (27:08):
Rat is short for Rat. Do you? It’s like a Matthew.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (27:12):
Oh yeah. Sorry.

Danny Nolan (27:15):
Ha ha ha.

Lauren Marshall (27:18):

Edmund Kearsley (27:22):
So Lauren, tell us about your comic books that you’ve made.

Danny Nolan (27:26):
Oh, God. I’ve been so MIA lately. I’ve got a lot of dust <laugh> on my stuff. so I’ve got Lana which a lot of people who probably tutored to comics know about. which is sort of taking the back burner at the moment while I’m trying to learn how to be a responsible adult with a crotch goblin <laugh> a, which is sort

Lauren Marshall (27:50):

Leigh Chalker (27:51):
You should see a doctor about that sort of stuff.

Danny Nolan (27:54):
I did. And then I ended up with her. So,

Yeah. That’s funny. What yeah. so I haven’t really done too much, but I do have the time that I’ve had just sort of playing and spending time with her and just becoming a, a whole new person almost has kind of given me a lot more perspective in terms of what I wanna create and what I wanna go forward with. So I have a lot of ideas on going on in the back of my head. one, I’m sort of playing around with a left field story of Medusa, which would be kind of cool. and then obviously continuing Lana as much as I can. And yeah, sort of just most, mostly at the moment just doing a lot of work for other people and helping them create their stories and, and their, and ideas and visions which I love doing. that’s very cool. But in terms of self, self sort of stories, it’s it that’s sort of on the back burner at the moment until I find my feet a little bit.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:04):
Makes sense.

Edmund Kearsley (29:06):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:11):
Sounds like lots of fun.

Danny Nolan (29:14):
Well, you know, raising a person’s interesting

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:18):
<laugh>, many people, <laugh> crazy many people.

Lauren Marshall (29:23):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:28):
So having fun already, Danny,

Lauren Marshall (29:31):
I’m concentrating <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:36):
I know these numbers permanently stuck to <inaudible>. <laugh>, you’ll be two forever.

Leigh Chalker (29:47):
I think that numbering system worked out perfectly tonight, sis. ’cause I was actually gonna go with my Little Pony optimist Prime, so <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah, I was, that was exactly what going for that, you know? So

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:02):
And then you didn’t get a,

Leigh Chalker (30:04):
Oh, I sort of did. You know, like you

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:08):
Got the hand of ing.

Leigh Chalker (30:10):
Yeah. It’s a,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:13):
It’s an honour.

Leigh Chalker (30:13):
That’s right. That’s right.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:16):
Excellent choice on number

Leigh Chalker (30:18):
Three. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. That’s right. So Danny, you’re not doing anything like, you know, what are you doing, man? You, you gonna gimme a hint there? Or do I have to wait? <laugh>.

Danny Nolan (30:34):
are you familiar with Da Vinci’s last supper?

Leigh Chalker (30:39):
<laugh>? Yeah, yeah,

Danny Nolan (30:41):
Yeah. Well

Leigh Chalker (30:45):
Table, this is getting interesting

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:49):

Danny Nolan (30:51):
Actually, the 180. There’s a hint. There’s a hint. Okay.

Leigh Chalker (30:54):
Oh yeah. Very good. He’s got little

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:03):
Shorties on, doesn’t he? The fourth monkey is watching and he says, looking awesome guys.

Edmund Kearsley (31:09):
Fourth monkey,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:10):
Fourth monkey is Stew. Dunno if I meant that away or not. Not

Leigh Chalker (31:16):
You dunno whether you’re supposed to give that away.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:18):
Yeah. Oh, well, everyone knows you True now.

Leigh Chalker (31:22):
Oh, well, you know, I nearly changed my name to Minty Gordon a couple of weeks ago. Shane, you know that, you know <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:31):
Yeah. I was there for that conversation.

Leigh Chalker (31:32):
Yeah. Yeah. I almost, for a brief moment, I fleeted with the idea. So it’s but then I think, I can’t remember who brought me back. So, you know, like to <laugh>, the reason <laugh>,

Edmund Kearsley (31:54):
Do you guys, do you guys know that you don’t have to finish the panel on the show? Yeah. So don’t, don’t be too stressed out about

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:02):
It. I try to stress that now because some people get really stressed about it, right? No, no, no. You don’t have to finish it during the show.

Danny Nolan (32:09):
I’ll be finished in a minute.

Leigh Chalker (32:11):
Excellent. Ed. I haven’t even started the panel on the show, mate. <laugh>. I’m hoping I don’t have to finish it ’cause it’ll be like quickest drawing I’ve ever done in my life, man. <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:23):
Oh no. Now I’m in trouble.

Edmund Kearsley (32:27):
Oh, no.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:27):
Giving away Secret identity. Oh, sorry. Fourth Monkey.

Leigh Chalker (32:33):
Oh no,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:36):
You’re gonna have to get a new name now. Maybe Fifth Monkey.

Leigh Chalker (32:40):
Yeah, that it worked.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:45):
Oh no it doesn’t. I just gave it away as well. <laugh>.

Leigh Chalker (32:48):
Oh, true.

Edmund Kearsley (32:49):
Yeah, they’ll be looking out for it now.

Leigh Chalker (32:51):
Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. Target the numbered monkey.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:58):

Edmund Kearsley (33:01):
So we’ve got the drink controls on tomorrow, isn’t it?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:07):
Yes. With Arnold Schwartzenegger characters.

Edmund Kearsley (33:12):
Oh, cool

Leigh Chalker (33:13):
Man. I was gonna say, that’s a big guest. How’d you pull in? <laugh>. <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (33:23):
So who’s your favourite Arnie character. Start with Siz.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:28):
Start with Siz. I knew you were gonna do that. <laugh>. I don’t know if I’ve got a favourite. The Ator. There you go. <laugh>. There’s my favourite.

Edmund Kearsley (33:40):
<laugh>. What about you Lee?

Leigh Chalker (33:45):
there’s a lot. but I will go back to the very original one that I saw when I was a little boy, which was Conan the Barbarian. So, oh, goodness. Choice. My that really blew my mind as a little fella watching that. So forever, you know, I drilled in, so I’m going with that. And Ian the Destroyer was cool too, despite what everyone says. Like, I like that. I saw that at the moment.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:15):
I don’t listen to them.

Leigh Chalker (34:18):
Don’t listen to ’em Shane.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:19):
Don’t listen to them. No. It was an excellent movie.

Leigh Chalker (34:22):
Yeah, I agree. And the soundtracks were cool too, over that big drum and like B, BB, you know, like I like that sort of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I’ll go with that.

Edmund Kearsley (34:35):
Excellent. It’s a good choice. I watched that Running Man the other day.

Leigh Chalker (34:40):
That’s all right too.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:43):
Oh, I forgot about that movie.

Leigh Chalker (34:45):
That big dude. The Reta. The ano dude that used to fire off Lightning. Remember him in that? Yeah. Used to <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (34:55):
I think they were all wrestlers or the, or the stalkers.

Leigh Chalker (34:59):
Yeah. Oh,

Edmund Kearsley (35:01):
Because the, the roller skate guy was definitely a wrestler and Jesse Ventura was in it.

Leigh Chalker (35:09):
Yeah. Yeah. Nah, cool show too. And then

Edmund Kearsley (35:16):
Commando’s pretty good too. Yeah,

Leigh Chalker (35:18):
He’s dead tired.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:21):
You’d do the job.

Edmund Kearsley (35:24):
I think I’d picked the Terminator for the first movie from my favourite.

Lauren Marshall (35:31):

Edmund Kearsley (35:33):
Classic art.

Leigh Chalker (35:35):
Yeah. Has he done any dramatic roles?

Edmund Kearsley (35:40):

Leigh Chalker (35:43):
What’d he do?

Danny Nolan (35:44):
Is the father of the the girl who was turning into a zombie very slowly.

Leigh Chalker (35:49):
Oh yeah, that’s what Maggie, wasn’t that called Maggie or something like that. Yeah, that’s

Danny Nolan (35:53):
It. That’s a beautiful show.

Leigh Chalker (35:54):
Yeah, I saw that not long ago. I

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:56):
Haven’t even heard of that one.

Edmund Kearsley (35:58):
I haven’t heard of that.

Leigh Chalker (35:58):
It’s when he came, did his comeback after his governorship, I think. Yeah. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:07):
I love the Ator. He

Leigh Chalker (36:08):
Wasn’t too bad.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:11):
Let’s vote for someone ’cause he is a movie star.

Leigh Chalker (36:14):

Edmund Kearsley (36:17):
Have you got a favourite Arnold role? Lauren look, I’m quite partial to the nineties, so I’m gonna say, well, my family nineties, like home alone era. It’s gonna have to be kindergarten cop jingle the Way <laugh>, that sort of stuff. Junior. Yeah. Absolutely. Ridiculously stupid, but so much to date. <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (36:43):

Leigh Chalker (36:45):
Cool though.

Danny Nolan (36:47):
Oh God. Yeah. It’s not a Puma. Something I quote most days in my life.

Leigh Chalker (36:55):
Yeah. I went to see kindergarten cop with my grandma at the movies. I remember that. I remember laughing very hard with her. She cackled herself like full on <laugh>. Good memory. Yeah, it was, it’s probably

Danny Nolan (37:10):
Quite relatable. <laugh>.

Leigh Chalker (37:12):
Yeah, man, she just laughing and head off, man. Hey, I just remember laughing at her as well as the movie. It was like, I, I don’t know how old I was at the time, but it was just a, it was a cool vibe, you know? And I hadn’t thought about that in a long time. So, yeah, it was good. She had a cool cackle on her as well.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:30):

Danny Nolan (37:31):
I’m glad I brought back fond memories.

Leigh Chalker (37:33):
Mm. Thank you <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. No, same. Thank you. It’s been a long time since I thought of it,

Edmund Kearsley (37:41):
So Danny, how’s your drawing going?

Danny Nolan (37:44):
Yeah, I’ll just

Lauren Marshall (37:47):

Danny Nolan (37:48):
It in in a sec.

Danny Nolan (37:50):
I’ll say I am, I am drawing ate Diamond in here.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:55):
Yeah. Follow. Yeah, I saw that right up in the corner.

Danny Nolan (37:58):
So that’s pretty much the panel. I’ve gotta be rolling with

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:10):

Edmund Kearsley (38:19):
You got 10 comments, sis.

Danny Nolan (38:23):
Okay, you

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:24):
Ready? Oh, comments. Sorry.

Edmund Kearsley (38:26):
I’ll have a look at, have a look at Danny’s picture first. Yep.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:29):
Cool. I’ll bring it up.

Danny Nolan (38:30):
This and Lee can get started. And this, this is gonna be a, a massive finale for Lee. There we go. Can you see that? He’s turned himself into a torpedo and it’s a change of tact he thinks. <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:45):
I love it.

Danny Nolan (38:46):
I’m a coward. That was the easiest way.

Leigh Chalker (38:50):
Okay, so what does he say?

Danny Nolan (38:53):
Change of tact Me thinks, actually I spelled tact wrong. It should be A-A-T-A-C, T, not K. What? Dickhead.

Edmund Kearsley (39:02):
So he’s, he’s like shooting down towards the ground.

Danny Nolan (39:06):
Yes. So you can’t see the that’s a, that that’ll come in later. Yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (39:13):
Oh yeah. Yep,

Danny Nolan (39:13):
Yep. The emotion lines. You know, that’s artist talk for, you know, movement.

Leigh Chalker (39:20):
Alright. Alright. You’ve made it hard for me, Danny, because I could make this really interesting and just end the comic on my panel now that he’s talked <laugh>. You know, I’m tempted. Hey, it’s like

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (39:50):
Revenge of bringing you on the last minute. I will end your

Danny Nolan (39:54):
Oh yeah. He’s a coward, isn’t he? He’s gonna cop heaps next time, time I see him.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:01):
Oh yeah. Oh, can’t see this one. Yeah. Go.

Edmund Kearsley (40:11):
Okay, now I’m Comments. Comments.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:13):
We’ve got two by Rusty Killian. Is that like the name of the character? I’ll be back and only in a rerun. Rerun Power.

Edmund Kearsley (40:22):
But that’s from the Running Man. I think that was the Oh, okay. Post

Lauren Marshall (40:27):
What? The,

Edmund Kearsley (40:28):
I’m not mistaken.

Lauren Marshall (40:29):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:32):
And even if you are mistaken, we’re gonna go with it. Oh, max is asking, what did I do? <laugh>. What you

Danny Nolan (40:40):
Didn’t do buddy, you didn’t front.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:48):
Yep, you’re right. Running man. Rusty just confirmed

Edmund Kearsley (40:53):
There’s someone in the credits of the running man whose name is Roger Bump

Danny Nolan (40:58):

Leigh Chalker (41:00):
Well, you think his agent would’ve pulled him up on that far out mate? You know, like, oh, you know, you are looking for a long career in Hollywood, mate. You’d probably want to change your name.

Edmund Kearsley (41:10):
I think it might have been one of the resters trying to not get a credit or something.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:17):
Oh, okay. Think you might have

Edmund Kearsley (41:18):
Read in a Mask or something. But it’s a funny name. I took a picture of it on the credits. <laugh>,

Leigh Chalker (41:26):
Man, I haven’t drawn anything in days. I’m like, well, stiff ass days,

Lauren Marshall (41:32):

Leigh Chalker (41:34):
Days, months. I gotta keep this, I gotta keep this. Well-oiled machine. Loose mate. I’m getting old, you know, like a couple of days off. I like atrophy. You get atrophy and stuff.

Lauren Marshall (41:46):
<laugh>. God, if I get five minutes, that’s like living the Dream

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:52):
<laugh>. And we’ve got Fourth Monkey Total Recall. So I guess he’s answering that question about favourite movies or something.

Lauren Marshall (42:03):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:07):
Total recall. I, yeah, that’s one of the, the weird special effects with that woman’s face turned into Arnold.

Edmund Kearsley (42:15):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:16):
I dunno if that counts as a character you’re allowed to draw tomorrow.

Edmund Kearsley (42:20):
Oh yeah. Yeah. ’cause he,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:23):
Because it’s technically him.

Edmund Kearsley (42:24):
Yeah, that’s a good point. Yeah. Put in the chat everyone who’s your favourite ar movie role and all other stuff. And if you’ve got any questions for the, for the artist tonight in, in the chat, drop ’em in. Oh, of

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:48):
Course. Yeah. Okay. Nick May’s got a stupid names. What about ex footballer actor? Dick Butkis?

Lauren Marshall (43:03):

Edmund Kearsley (43:04):

Lauren Marshall (43:06):
He said, but

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:08):
I don’t know him. and Fourth Monkey is, see you at the party. Victor. He yells at Victor as he’s fell to his death with his arms chopped off. Nice. I guess Victor won’t be drawing on one of these.

Leigh Chalker (43:26):

Edmund Kearsley (43:29):
Unless that’s another

Leigh Chalker (43:30):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:32):
Oh yeah, of course. It’s still a fe

Edmund Kearsley (43:35):
The Arne is famous for his, for his one line deliveries after he like kills people.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:42):

Edmund Kearsley (43:44):
Elected Predator when he threw the knife through the guy and he stuck to the tree and he goes, stick around

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:49):
<laugh>. Oh, okay. Travis is saying that he saw an episode recently that Arne directed and appeared in Encrypt Keeper for Tales of the Crypt, which ironically has a Body Swap episode. Oh, okay.

Leigh Chalker (44:17):
There. Yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (44:23):
That’s very cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:24):
<laugh>. That was the exact scene I was thinking of. Predator Stick around <laugh>. Yeah, that’s Rusty.

Leigh Chalker (44:36):
That was a cool movie in its day.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:40):
More, more what do you call it? comments. So I can read ’em out wrong. <laugh>. Stop whining. Kindergarten cop Best Line. No <laugh>. Best line for kindergarten Cop was, it’s not a

Danny Nolan (44:55):
Yeah, a hundred percent.

Edmund Kearsley (45:07):
What else?

Danny Nolan (45:08):
How his dad’s a, a gynaecologist. Sorry, just had to

Edmund Kearsley (45:11):
Put that in there. I That’s okay. <laugh>

Danny Nolan (45:13):
<laugh>, my dad’s gynaecologist.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:17):

Edmund Kearsley (45:23):
So it says we’ve got drinker draws coming up tomorrow.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:28):

Edmund Kearsley (45:29):
And then what’s next after that?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:32):
After that would be the Saturday show with Amateur Hour Assist. Tries to draw something. what am I doing this week? I can’t even remember. I now I’m drawing something <laugh>. And it’ll be in the intro to the, the, the description of the video. I’ll have to stick to whatever it says. then on Monday we’ll be recording, possibly showing another review by Danny and Max. Then Tuesday we have Chinwag with Julie.

Leigh Chalker (46:13):
Julie Dietrich.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:14):
That’s it. And then Wednesday we have shade and myself on the Oz Comic Show interviewing Tim McEwen for Greener Pastures. Excellent. I think it is. Yeah. So, and that show’s more about the product. So we’ll be talking about the comic a lot. So yeah. Hey Luke.

Danny Nolan (46:41):
Can you hear me?

Leigh Chalker (46:43):
Are you talking to me?

Danny Nolan (46:45):
Yeah. Look, look.

Leigh Chalker (46:46):
Well that’s good information that I can hear you mate. <laugh>,

Danny Nolan (46:51):
We we’re doing a review on Monday and look, I’ve been practising . Listen to this Tad Pie kovski.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:00):
Oh, hello.

Leigh Chalker (47:03):
That’s pretty good. <inaudible>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:05):
Go for Tad Pee.

Danny Nolan (47:06):
I’ve, I’ve done it. <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (47:09):

Leigh Chalker (47:09):
Yeah. Yeah, mate, I, the funny story is, if, if Tad was listening, he’d be chuckling at this too. Before I did the chinwag with him, I went through like the proper pronunciation of his name quite a few times. ’cause I didn’t wanna misrepresent him, obviously and show respect. And I had it down pat 30 seconds out from the intro, you know, like, and I’m like, I’ve got this, you know, like, so the intro goes and I introduce him and man, I wish I would’ve said Tad Pete because it’s like I automate. It was just like <laugh>.

Danny Nolan (47:43):
I’ve met him twice and both times I said, Hey, you doing Mr. Pete? I was just not even gonna even attempt it.

Leigh Chalker (47:50):

Danny Nolan (47:51):

Leigh Chalker (47:54):
Cool. Dude though

Danny Nolan (47:56):
Talks boy. Yeah,

Leigh Chalker (48:00):
Yeah. I think he actually, man Shane might be able to back me up on this, but Tad has, I think he holds the record of the longest chinwag I’ve done so far. And

Danny Nolan (48:09):
Oh, that was technical problems as well, wasn’t it? You you had a lot of problems with that feed, I remember. Yeah,

Leigh Chalker (48:17):
That’s true too. Yeah. Yeah. There was some drop ins, but yeah, that went for over three hours. I think it clocked. Didn’t that man?

Danny Nolan (48:28):

Leigh Chalker (48:29):

Danny Nolan (48:30):
So yeah. Proof. Thank you mate. Dear

Leigh Chalker (48:33):
Man. Lots of good info there.

Danny Nolan (48:36):
Thank you. I just got my cup of tea.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (48:42):
Cup of tea. and then maybe, maybe next Thursday we have a show again. Maybe not, I’m not sure yet. I’ve gotta figure this out. May or may not next week have a show on Thursday. We will still have a show. But will it be Thursday? <laugh>?

Edmund Kearsley (49:13):
Oh, is that the, the one we were talking about?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:18):
Yeah. And could be Friday. Drinking controls on next week could be Saturday. Just ’cause it’s the weekend and we wanna chill out.

Edmund Kearsley (49:35):
It’s all very exciting.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:37):
Hmm. Or it could just be Thursday. Who knows? <laugh>

Danny Nolan (49:42):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (49:45):
I dunno. So I can’t tell you. I’m still trying to find out. Yeah. And then I could sit here and go through the next week, but that’d just be silly. For example, I dunno what the topic to drink and draw that week is.

Lauren Marshall (50:05):

Edmund Kearsley (50:08):
Is drink a drawback weekly or

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:10):
Is that No, no. Fortnightly. Yeah, still fortnightly. We were gonna have another show. We were gonna give it a crack, but I don’t know. I was excited about it for a while and then I wasn’t sold on it after that.

Edmund Kearsley (50:26):
Give yourself a, a day off every fortnight.

Danny Nolan (50:32):
<laugh>. What’s that shit? Do you know what a day off is? Is?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:36):
that’s a strange word. It’s

Danny Nolan (50:41):
Day off.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:44):
It’s like, it’s foreign, isn’t it? It’s foreign. Yeah.

Danny Nolan (50:48):

Edmund Kearsley (50:57):
So Lee, do you wanna give us a look at what you’ve got so far? No

Danny Nolan (51:04):
<laugh>. Just

Leigh Chalker (51:07):
To throw you off the scent there, mate. You know, hang on a second. Gimme a,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:11):
Gimme a, that’s okay.

Leigh Chalker (51:13):
I just, I dunno man. I’m, I’m just, I’m playing with this, so I hope you don’t mind. I just feel like mucking around, so. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:21):
Yeah. Well that’s what it’s all about.

Leigh Chalker (51:24):
Gotta have some fun. Hey. Yeah. All right. there you go. That’s what I’ve done really quickly. <laugh>

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:37):
Gone the ground.

Danny Nolan (51:40):
That’s exactly what I wanted. Well done. The apocalypse begins.

Edmund Kearsley (51:48):

Leigh Chalker (51:49):
It’s gonna be

Edmund Kearsley (51:50):
Fun for next week.

Danny Nolan (51:50):
World’s of the Worlds. Where’s the music? Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (51:52):
That’s gonna be awesome for next week.

Edmund Kearsley (51:54):
That’s great.

Leigh Chalker (51:56):

Danny Nolan (51:58):
He wakes up from a dream. Never happened. <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (52:01):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:02):
Someone’s gotta dig him out. Or maybe he takes to a underground. Oh no, I shouldn’t say things. It just, it what do you call it?

Danny Nolan (52:14):
Don’t feed ideas. Don.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:15):
Next, next week’s. Guess

Edmund Kearsley (52:17):
That was really hard when we first started to show.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:21):
Oh yeah. I wanted to keep saying, what about this? What if you do this? What if you do

Edmund Kearsley (52:25):
That? <laugh>,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:31):
Then we’d have to change the credits to Drawn by Anne. Written by Siz. <laugh>. ’cause he didn’t shut up

Leigh Chalker (52:40):
<laugh>. Yeah, it’s good. It gets you thinking on your toes, man gets that you know, brain No. And working, you know. So

Edmund Kearsley (52:54):
There’s a lot of inspiration with all the cool panels that have been made on the show so far.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:58):
Oh yeah. The book is turning out Awesome. Except for that, that weird one with the dragon Eating the Dragon. I don’t know what that was all about. <laugh> really need to rethink that guest.

Edmund Kearsley (53:14):
Yeah. <laugh>.

Danny Nolan (53:15):
Forget that one. What was his name? What was his name? SP was it

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:21):
<laugh>? Sp

Edmund Kearsley (53:24):
Sp did that good.

Danny Nolan (53:25):
Apparently that’s hang

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:26):
On. Sp was on twice. That’s be, that’s be

Lauren Marshall (53:29):
Rich. Oh, <laugh> have to talk to our booker.

Leigh Chalker (53:35):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:38):
Oh, SP

Lauren Marshall (53:39):
<laugh>. What

Leigh Chalker (53:51):
Is it? Just me. Here’s one for you. While you’re all here. And I’m thinking about it. I don’t have to think about this. When you haven’t drawn for a while, you get like a real, like achy arm when you’re trying to do things and stuff. You know, it doesn’t come like fluid some days just sit down and it’s just like, whoop, whoop, whoop. You know? And then other days it’s just

Lauren Marshall (54:05):

Danny Nolan (54:07):
That’s called tunnel.

Leigh Chalker (54:10):
Could be. Thanks for that. Now you know, that <laugh>

Lauren Marshall (54:22):
Oh man.

Leigh Chalker (54:23):
Bring up. I’m not,

Danny Nolan (54:25):
I sit up my arm every night. I have to. Otherwise it’s buggered for the next day.

Leigh Chalker (54:30):
Oh man. It’s like, how do you get around that? Like ice it up? Yeah.

Danny Nolan (54:37):
Yeah. Pretty much. I strap heat treatment, rest.

Leigh Chalker (54:42):

Danny Nolan (54:43):
<affirmative>, you know, which is not always possible.

Leigh Chalker (54:45):
Yes. Is it just like, do you tend to find now like that you got it, it comes from mostly drawing or you get it doing a lot of activities with well, I favour my left arm for holding Lunar, so, you know, it’s a, it’s a double whammy for that one, unfortunately.

Leigh Chalker (55:06):
Gotcha. Yeah,

Danny Nolan (55:08):
So I’m a, a rare, I think I’m a rare case. And now Lockie actually 3D printed. So your your best bet is just strapping it at nighttime to pre prevent any twisting and flexing. but Lockie actually 3D printed a cast, which we, you put into hot water and then moulded around your wrist and then put <inaudible> straps on it. So it’s like, it, it breathes. and was obviously free. <laugh>. But yeah, it, it works really well. Like Oh, cool. It’s great.

Leigh Chalker (55:46):
Amazing. A 3D printer is what you can do.

Danny Nolan (55:50):
Oh yeah.

Leigh Chalker (55:58):
When there’s a dude that does his own war hammer stuff in town, like builds, you know, does all the models and stuff like that. I’m not actually sure he’s allowed to. I mean, I don’t know much about War Hammer law and you know, like <laugh>, they’re pretty yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:18):
They are actually. Yeah.

Leigh Chalker (56:19):
Very intense individuals. Those Warhammer fans. That’s okay. That’s okay. You know, the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:26):
Warhammer fans at Comics Plus do not care for comic collectors.

Lauren Marshall (56:34):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:39):
Snub their nose at us as they walk through the market.

Leigh Chalker (56:46):
And then there’s subdivisions of the War Hammer community too. There’s the ones that like the Oh, serious. Yeah. And there’s the ones that like the 40,000, you know, like the 40,000, the more like the That’s awesome. Militant sci-fi one. And then there’s the fantasy ones, you know? So

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:01):
We’re so good at each other.

Lauren Marshall (57:04):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:05):
Ah, sp day. He was here talking. We’re reaching that time of the night folks when the send in what you’ve done so far.

Danny Nolan (57:29):
Yeah, I can do that now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (57:32):
you’re welcome to send it to me on Messenger. ’cause it’s not, we’re not trying to get a high re res picture from this.

Danny Nolan (57:39):
Okay, no worries. I’ll do that now.

Leigh Chalker (57:42):
Well, I’ve got, I’m like a, a partially ink thing going here, but I’ll take a photo. Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:11):
We did have a plan Ed, but I think watching Lauren’s draw is just fine.

Lauren Marshall (58:17):
<laugh>, no pressure.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:21):
No pressure. Oh, I love this. This is awesome. Apparently I can talk dead for a while.

Lauren Marshall (58:38):
Oh shit. Oh, <inaudible>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:46):
Just message it to me if you want, Lee.

Leigh Chalker (58:48):
I’m doing that, but it’s on its way. Oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:50):
Okay. Cool. Rather than the troubles of doing the email, I think email’s a bit more of a pain in the butt.

Leigh Chalker (58:56):
Shane, come on man. I’m gonna, I’m gonna message you. I, I, it’s, I I don’t, you know, brain shut down this time of night, you know?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:10):

Leigh Chalker (59:12):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:14):
Mine did weeks ago.

Leigh Chalker (59:16):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:16):
That’s why don’t need sleep.

Leigh Chalker (59:19):
I understand.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:22):
My brain is always asleep.

Edmund Kearsley (59:27):
So I just need Lauren’s one now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:31):
Yep. Wait on you, Lauren.

Danny Nolan (59:36):
Oh, sorry. Am I? Yeah,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:39):
Just see what you’ve got. Yeah, that’s,

Danny Nolan (59:40):
That’s, sorry we

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:43):
Go all good. It fun watching you.

Danny Nolan (59:45):
Sorry, <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:47):
Hey, Ryan. Valla. Yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (59:50):
Hey Ryan.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:51):
I think I’ve seen him on the show before. comment anyway.

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:01):

Danny Nolan (01:00:01):
Okay. I’ll message her

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:06):
To Mo or Ed to Mo to sp I’ll send it to,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:12):
To sp It might take a while to get to Ed.

Lauren Marshall (01:00:16):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:16):
Sis, can you, like, what are they talking about?

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:21):

Danny Nolan (01:00:22):
If Sis moves his panel just to the left, his head fits perfectly on that robot. No, the just Can you

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:31):
Move twist to shoulders?

Danny Nolan (01:00:33):
Yeah. You get your shoulders on top of that robot there. Blank.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:36):
Oh, wrong way. Yeah, I can’t. There we go.

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:41):

Danny Nolan (01:00:45):
Okay. Okay. I’m coming. I’m coming. Sorry. Here we go. Upload. Done. Shall

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:59):
Cool. You may continue drawing if you want.

Lauren Marshall (01:01:03):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:04):
<affirmative>. Well I go through yours and these Instagram.

Danny Nolan (01:01:10):

Edmund Kearsley (01:01:10):
To send me that panel first.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:13):
Yeah, I’ll do that first if you are lucky.

Lauren Marshall (01:01:17):

Danny Nolan (01:01:18):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:25):
Cool. okay, let’s look at some Instagrams. Bring up my screen. Is it working? No, my mouse didn’t. There we go. The martial arts.

Danny Nolan (01:01:46):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:49):
Can’t believe this is like in a, like a mainstream game.

Danny Nolan (01:01:54):
Oh yeah. The Spider-Man one. That was cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:56):
That’s awesome. I can’t believe we got you on the show. You are like a superstar now.

Danny Nolan (01:02:05):
Oh, not at all. Always be there for you. Sizzle slash sped

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:12):
<laugh>. These are very cool. It goes without saying really. Thank you.

Danny Nolan (01:02:27):
Do you ever get any guests that comes on that’s just like, thanks my stuff is so good. <laugh>, <laugh>. Just keep showing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:36):
I don’t know. Yeah, <laugh>.

Leigh Chalker (01:02:40):
Well let me be the first guest. I had the doubt in the end the comic. I may as well take the lead on that one.

Danny Nolan (01:02:48):
You have the permission now. <laugh>

Leigh Chalker (01:02:51):
Just be a total Dilbert. You know <laugh>?

Danny Nolan (01:02:54):
Yeah. Where you going for

Leigh Chalker (01:02:57):
<laugh>? Yeah, I, Nelly. You know the one I Nelly went for? Like, but I had to reel it back there. It’s a PG rated show. Youg.

Danny Nolan (01:03:05):
Pg, pg

Leigh Chalker (01:03:06):
<laugh>, <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:09):
I need to, oh, Luc.

Danny Nolan (01:03:15):
Oh God. You’re going right down now. What you

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:17):

Leigh Chalker (01:03:18):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:19):
I’ll pick on Lee now.

Leigh Chalker (01:03:21):
I don’t have that much.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:23):
You haven’t got that much. Nah,

Leigh Chalker (01:03:25):
It’s only like, I, I’ll

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:25):
Scroll slower for

Leigh Chalker (01:03:27):
You. I don’t use Instagram that much, so. Oh

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:29):
God. That’s all of it. <laugh>.

Leigh Chalker (01:03:31):
Yeah, I don’t use it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:33):
I got,

Danny Nolan (01:03:34):
Hey, it’s quality over quantity.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:37):
Yeah. That’s the

Leigh Chalker (01:03:37):
Spirit. That’s right. That’s right. And we’re gonna bring

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:40):
This one up because I love this one.

Leigh Chalker (01:03:42):
And to be the first DLL bit, you know, like <laugh>, that, that’s my video. Yeah, yeah. Mm. Yeah, that’s, that’s actually the cover of the trade paperback. So there you go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:56):
Yeah. Nice. Just

Leigh Chalker (01:03:57):
Nice footage form. so, but the cover will obviously be an image from that. so

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:06):
No, I want a video cover.

Leigh Chalker (01:04:09):
Well, you know, if we could arrange that, you know, like, I dunno,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:15):
Talk to your publisher.

Leigh Chalker (01:04:17):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I could arrange that. But look, just to get back to being the first egghead to do this, you know, and probably not the last. Now how good is that? You know, like very, very good mate.

Danny Nolan (01:04:29):
Absolutely. Solid.

Leigh Chalker (01:04:30):
Oh, thank you. I think so as well. You know, like <laugh> should

Danny Nolan (01:04:35):
Be well tough with yourself mate. <laugh>.

Leigh Chalker (01:04:39):
anyway, you can send all negative emails about Minty Gordon to Shane <laugh> time you like and they’ll be put into that file ’cause you know, Shane’s got the minty Gordon f ready to go <laugh>. Yep.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:54):
Yeah. send all hate mail and love mail. We we’re open to both to shane at com net au.

Leigh Chalker (01:05:08):
that’s bad.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:11):

Leigh Chalker (01:05:13):
And you don’t want Minty Gordon back either after tonight, you know, so

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:18):
We’ll just leave it on there. Everyone can look at the awesomeness that is these sketches. Ooh, I have not seen this one. Ooh. I think I’ve seen it, but not with all the colours.

Edmund Kearsley (01:05:35):
Oh, cool.

Leigh Chalker (01:05:36):
That one was I did a draw. Here you go. I did a drawing and hate wasting paper and this the hand holding. I started off with light pencil and I thought, I’m gonna ink splash it. Right. You know, grey shade. So I got there and I liked it and I thought I was okay. And then I went to do the hand freeform that held the sword and I totally ced up the hand. And and then instead of throwing it away, I wanted to try and cut out a flame in it. Right. and then go a bit Pollock on the background. ’cause it’s all watercolours and stuff that, you know, like I used on it as well to bring out in the background. So the cutout piece of him on top with the image is actually put over glued to painting underneath to give it the impression of that. And talking to Rob O’Connor the other night, if anyone saw Chinwag, those are the eyes that I thought needed. I wanted, you know, like to bring those, that was the part of the conversation I was talking about with the eyes. So and I thought back to Rob and a few of the little techniques that he did. So yeah, so everything comes in a circle, so yeah, that’s just how I did that. Just buggering around

Happy, happy mistake. I guess. So

Edmund Kearsley (01:07:07):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:07):
Those real depth.

Leigh Chalker (01:07:10):
Mm mm just what it is to muck around with art man, I guess. And I’m just fiddle, so, you know, worked, but yeah, yeah, that’s the story behind that. I can tell you stories behind all you really wanted to know. The one in the middle, Nick Cleary gave me that idea. Nick Cleary. There you go. He said, you know, you should do this. So I had to go at it and you know, like that worked too. So thank you to Nick for that one. So yeah, my

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:41):

Leigh Chalker (01:07:42):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. It’s a good idea.

Edmund Kearsley (01:07:48):
I’m ready to go if you asks.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:51):
Cool. I was trying to bring something else in, but there’s no point for that for everyone where they should be. Full screen. Let’s have a look. Yep.

Edmund Kearsley (01:08:08):
There we go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:09):

Danny Nolan (01:08:10):
Oh, I can change mine up so it’s not so cut into everything, if that makes sense.

Edmund Kearsley (01:08:17):
Yeah. So we’ve got the, the chase from Lauren, got all the guys

Danny Nolan (01:08:24):
There, the jack at the, the, what was it? The Jack Ows?

Edmund Kearsley (01:08:30):
Yeah, the Jack. Ow the Maki Clans coming after blank. Mm-Hmm.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:34):
<affirmative> <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (01:08:36):
Then we got it to change, or t we think a great directional device there. And they look where he lands. It’s like right where he is pointing <laugh> and then there’s the

Danny Nolan (01:08:55):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:58):

Danny Nolan (01:08:58):
Awesome. It’s on his feet hanging outta the ground. <laugh>. Yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (01:09:03):
So he is landed in a direct line, like right from where he is pointing.

Danny Nolan (01:09:08):
That’s actually cool.

Edmund Kearsley (01:09:12):
These silhouettes look really cool too.

Lauren Marshall (01:09:15):

Edmund Kearsley (01:09:17):
So there’s another awesome page in the books. Great work, everything.

Danny Nolan (01:09:25):
So you guys, are you guys gonna be printing this obviously later down the track?

Edmund Kearsley (01:09:29):
Yeah, that’s the plan.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:30):
That’s the plan.

Danny Nolan (01:09:31):

Leigh Chalker (01:09:34):
There you get it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:34):
Cool. Two comments. Let’s see what people are saying. Is that even a word? Nickname? Wonder Bar. Yeah. Wonder Bar. Yeah. Okay. Page 13. Got the lucky treatment from everyone tonight. Well done. Thanks Travis.

Edmund Kearsley (01:10:04):
Settle all the comments.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:07):
That’s all the comments. Yeah. All right. Well another popped up. Well done everyone by Dave Dye.

Edmund Kearsley (01:10:12):
Thanks Dave. We’ll wrap it up and say thanks to Danny Nolan for coming on and torpedoing the show, so to speak. <laugh> Lauren for an excellent panel and to leave

Lauren Marshall (01:10:34):

Edmund Kearsley (01:10:34):
Great chalk for unleashing Hell <laugh> on the, the next person who has to draw the next panel

Danny Nolan (01:10:42):
In a very topical way. Well, <laugh>. Yeah. You

Leigh Chalker (01:10:46):
Know, un unleashed. Hell with love and pineapples. So, you know, like

Danny Nolan (01:10:50):
Very <crosstalk>. It’s festive Hell.

Leigh Chalker (01:10:53):
That’s right. That’s right.

Danny Nolan (01:10:54):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

Leigh Chalker (01:10:56):
That’s for the next person to explore. <laugh>. Awesome. It’s fun. Thank you for having me. That was excellent. Thank you. Yes.

Danny Nolan (01:11:04):
Thank you for having us. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Pleasure. It’s been a pleasure.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:07):
Thank very much. Three of you. Thank you, ed guys did

Edmund Kearsley (01:11:11):
A great job. And thank you s

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:13):
And thanks for everyone in the chat for Yep. And everyone who didn’t chat, who just watched. Yeah. Thank you to you as well. And thank you to everyone who liked and subscribed, just saying wink, wink. Very important. yeah. Is that it? Ed, are you done? I think so. Excellent. In that case, I will say goodbye to everybody and I was about to press the background instead of the outro. There’s always a technical difficulty here. Let’s go sees everyone. Bye. Bye.