Let's Make A Comic Book!!! IT's HERE!

Get ready to dive into the deep end of hilarity, comic fans, because Episode 6 of "Let's Make A Comic Book" is here, and it's packed with more surprises than a cat in a yarn factory! Last episode, Bitzy the Tradie Kat found herself in a tight spot, coughing up the cash after a one-sided brawl. But just when you thought the dust had settled, the plot thickens like a bowl of clam chowder! This week, Bitzy is back on the scene, cash in paw, ready to settle her debt with the giant space octopus. But will this be a smooth transaction, or does the octopus have a few more tricks—or tentacles—up its sleeves? Join us tonight to see if Bitzy can finally square things up or if she's about to get tangled in another cosmic conundrum!
#ComicBookAdventure #BitzyTheTradieKat #SpaceOctopusShowdown #FelineFury #IntergalacticComedy #TentacleTrouble #DebtDrama #CosmicClash #CartoonChaos #FunnyComics #CatVsOctopus #ComicJam #PanelByPanel #HilariousShowdown #ComicCreators #SpaceAdventure #EpicShowdown #LaughOutLoud #MustWatchComics #SubscribeForMore
Nick MayRob O'ConnorShane 'Sizzle' Syddall


(there will be errors in the following text)

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (00:01):
Oh my God.

Ed Kearsley (00:41):
Hello. Welcome to another episode of Let’s Make a Comic Book. I’m your host, ed Kiley, and tonight we’re going to be making a comic book page and we’ve got three great artists here. We’ve got Rob O’Connor, we’ve gots and nick me and they’re all helping out to make our page. So to start off everything, let’s take a look at last week’s page where we had Chris Wood, octopus whose name is well says I’m going to make you pay day and night, and then kicks bitsy through a sun of the moon. And then Paul Cameron’s got the attitude stance with his ay gut. And then Neil Bland’s, lovely creation. There’s is lucky. I really do have it. Shall I put on my crown of thorns? It’s got the Capitalism in Action and then the little copyright. Nick, me for the shoe down at the bottom.

Nick May (01:48):
Thanks Neil

Ed Kearsley (01:53):
Cartooning masterpiece, that page. So it’s not much for you guys to live up to.

Nick May (02:00):
Yeah, no pressure tonight. No pressure at all.

Ed Kearsley (02:05):
So now we’re going to choose our layout and Cool. Got the full screen. We’re going to click, I’m going to click on the right screen and we’ve got this one. Take this screen off and I’m going to put that into the chat so you guys can download it. And s if you want to check out the comments.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (02:41):
Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot I’m doing that too. Yes, Jules Scissors. That sounds like scissors. And of course Nick May said that this is the most important page.

Nick May (03:01):
Oh, he’s a clever man. He

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (03:03):
Is. And of course we got the woo-hoo. Hello from Kerry. I can actually,

Rob O’Connor (03:09):
Hi Kerry.

Ed Kearsley (03:12):
Okay, so they’ve put the thing into the private chat for Siz and Rob and now we shall do the hand of choosing to see who goes first. And we’ll start with Rob, you get to pick a number.

Rob O’Connor (03:32):
Okay, I’ll be number one.

Ed Kearsley (03:37):
Number one is number three,

Rob O’Connor (03:42):

Ed Kearsley (03:43):
And we’ll get Nick to pick the next one.

Nick May (03:47):
I will choose number four please. Ed.

Ed Kearsley (03:51):
Number four is number two. So we’ve got Siz. Oh God going first.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (03:59):
What I dreaded most

Ed Kearsley (04:02):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (04:03):
I’m first, yeah,

Ed Kearsley (04:05):
Nick and then Rob. Okay, so

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (04:10):
I’m going to be difficult and say Ed, I can’t see private chat for some reason. So could you message me that link?

Rob O’Connor (04:17):
Same Ed?

Ed Kearsley (04:19):
Yeah, I’ll do it again. Oh, do you know why? Because I didn’t send anything. I just put it into the check it now.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (04:26):

Ed Kearsley (04:27):
And I’ll just get the dimensions for Nick. There is second. So it’s 7.4 centimetres across the top and 15.2 long ways down.

Nick May (04:47):

Ed Kearsley (04:51):
All righty. We will let scissors get some drawing started and we’ll have a chat with these guys.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (05:05):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (05:08):
Reason to not do it straight away. Okay,

Ed Kearsley (05:18):
So we’ll start with Rob. Tell us what you’ve been up to comic book wise.

Rob O’Connor (05:26):
Comic book wise. I am right in the throes of trying to make a new issue of my comic death ship, Jenny, so this will be issue five? Yeah. Oh wow. It’s three quarter of the way through the story pages, talking to special guest artists to sort of see what we can get. See we can get some nice stuff in there. And yeah, it’s just all encompassing at the moment. It’s just use it up all the time.

Ed Kearsley (06:07):
It takes a while to draw a comic book.

Rob O’Connor (06:10):
Oh yeah.

Ed Kearsley (06:13):
Tell the viewers what death ship Jenny is about if they haven’t already seen it.

Rob O’Connor (06:20):
Yep. Death ship Jenny is, well it’s the story of Jenny McCurdy who just happens to be the most famous person on the planet, but she hates that. So she’s left the planet. She hates being a celebrity, so she’s secretly always wanted to be an engineer. So she’s gone off and done that and has run away to Mars to find, not find fame and fortune to do the exact opposite. So the tagline for the series is reality versus reality television with Martians.

Ed Kearsley (07:08):
That’s good.

Rob O’Connor (07:12):
So yeah, there’s always been a earth has always been under threat from the Martians and so she’s got to help with that effort. Sorry,

Ed Kearsley (07:31):
The Martian theme, does that tie into that cartoon she was on when she was little?

Rob O’Connor (07:37):
Yes. She’s started a show called Death Ship Jetty, hence the title and she’s where she fought martians, but she’s actually going off to fight Martians genuinely this time. But that was all in a television studio, but this is real now according to her. So yeah, it’s a satire I hope. It sounds like it is because it is. It’s really a big poke at celebrity culture and TV and just celebrity worship as well, which she just doesn’t subscribe to. But the entire planet is just celebrity bad and hopefully it’s hilarity ensues.

Ed Kearsley (08:46):
All right, let’s have a chat with Nick.

Nick May (08:52):

Ed Kearsley (08:56):
Tell us what comics have you been up to?

Nick May (08:59):
So just recently the Kickstarter for verus its Evolution baby finished up. So that is off at the printers hopefully being bagged and boarded and packaged and posted by SP Z soon. And some people who, we’ll call them discerning comics lovers, might also have ordered the newly resized version of my Minty F brisket comic, my first one called Harmonica and also my first actual comic book sized comic, the pink flamenco. So I’m waiting to get actual versions of those. These are proof copies. I also recently did a couple of pages for Karen Jackson purgatory number nine. So I did a couple of pages and I did a Dee’s exclusive comic. So if anybody can go back in time and go to Canberra, maybe you can pick up one of these from these. And just recently, just in case we reached a stretch goal on the Kickstarter, I made a SP sized ash can of a new minty frisket adventure in the hive of the albino grub. So that’s something that it’s a bit of fun, it’s a bit of stupidity hoping that the estate of Chester Gould don’t come after me and say, why are you putting Dick Tracy into these ridiculous situations? It’s not Dick Tracy, it’s minty and yeah, that’s about it. That’s what I’ve been doing I think.

Ed Kearsley (10:55):
Awesome. Keep talking Nick. Where can we get them direct?

Nick May (11:03):
So the harmonica and the pink flamenco will see what happens with them. Hopefully at some stage they will make their way to Comex land. I don’t even dare to say what the name of the shop is anymore and just because I was being stupid and a bit of a smarty pants when I made that ash can for in the hive of the albino grab, it’s just like it’s stupid and it’s big and that probably needs to be printed at a slightly more manageable size. But yeah, I’m open to requests. I’ve printed about eight of them mainly because I printed them and I was like, yeah, I’m finished. And then flicked through it and I was like, oh, I didn’t put the stripes on his tie on that page. So put on the stripes, reprinted it again, yay, I’m finished. And then posted something on Instagram and I thought, why didn’t I see that on that page? I also didn’t do the stripes on the tie, so fix that, reprint it again. So just photocopies at the moment. But yeah, I’m open to negotiations so anybody who would like a copy, send me a message on Instagram to at Chernobyl and I’ll see how gently I can break it to you that you can’t have a copy, but no, message me, let’s create a media storm. I don’t know, I don’t understand how clickbait works, but I’m going to try and do something with that sort of bait I think.

Ed Kearsley (12:55):
Is that the big ash can, was that like a four sized?

Nick May (12:59):

Ed Kearsley (13:00):
Because that’s what size we used to make comics

Nick May (13:03):
Days. Yeah, right. So I say that I was just making fun of sp, but maybe I was making fun of not making fun, but homing you Ed and the old comics that I have from the nineties with your work in them,

Ed Kearsley (13:22):
That’s much nicer.

Nick May (13:24):
Yeah, get out of my head. Spie. It’s all about edgy.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (13:35):
The ironic thing about this, I always tell everyone to think of what to do if they are burst. I had an idea and I needed a different shape box to do it. Oh dear. Bloody

Nick May (13:48):
Picky artists. Come on mate.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (13:52):
Geez. Oh well what can you do?

Nick May (13:56):
But I’ve always known Shane first, the worst second, the best third is a hairy chest. So I think they’re words that we can draw by today.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (14:07):
Oh, okay. So why am I third?

Ed Kearsley (14:16):
That’s a classic saying and not at all just made up

Nick May (14:23):
Very big in the May family back in the day

Ed Kearsley (14:27):
We got a big no from Shawnee said don’t worry. It says limitation is the mother of creativity.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (14:36):
No, trust me, it’s not.

Nick May (14:38):
That’s what, there’s

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (14:39):
No creativity going on over here.

Ed Kearsley (14:41):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (14:44):
The father

Ed Kearsley (14:45):
Of creativity.

Nick May (14:48):
I thought it was the stepbrother.

Ed Kearsley (14:54):
I just noticed that maybe I didn’t. Don’t worry about it.

Nick May (15:03):
I noticed exactly the same thing.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (15:05):
I’m very worried.

Ed Kearsley (15:09):
Yeah, I was right. So we’ve got the opposite arrangement of the panel layout that I did.

Nick May (15:19):

Ed Kearsley (15:22):
And I went first too.

Nick May (15:26):
Yeah, I reckon you guys are rigging it.

Ed Kearsley (15:27):
Not rigged at all.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (15:32):
Don’t you think I’d r it in my own favour.

Nick May (15:36):
It’s hard to know with you Shane.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (15:40):
Yeah, I’m bit stupid like that.

Ed Kearsley (15:42):
Speaking ofs. How’s your panel going?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (15:45):
Really badly.

Ed Kearsley (15:47):
Got to get the

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (15:47):
Other really badly. I’m trying to see what the octopus looks like. I don’t know how to draw one.

Ed Kearsley (15:57):
Spank it up. Just looks like an octopus.

Nick May (16:01):
I mean come on Shane. Everyone knows what an octopus looks like.

Ed Kearsley (16:04):
I of the easiest animals to draw.

Nick May (16:07):

Rob O’Connor (16:07):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (16:10):
You’re bastards.

Nick May (16:18):
I always remember saying to my mom, when I grow up, can I draw an octopus? And she said, probably not. Turns out she was probably right.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (16:30):
Oh, okay. Now my pen won’t work. What’s going on? Oh

Ed Kearsley (16:34):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (16:36):
The technology,

Ed Kearsley (16:37):
The control is broken. That’s why

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (16:40):
That’s weird. Is powered up.

Ed Kearsley (16:46):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (16:48):
It’s going obviously press something on the screen. Oh okay. Yeah, figured it out.

Nick May (16:55):
You were using an actual bio on your iPad.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (16:58):
Yeah, yeah, you got

Nick May (17:00):
Me. You’ve all done that. If you need, I’ve got a

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (17:07):
Pen transparent.

Ed Kearsley (17:09):
Do you guys ever have to be drawing digitally for ages when you’re drawing? Traditionally start trying to zoom in on the paper.

Nick May (17:15):
Yes. Humiliating. Humiliating. When you draw in front of other people and you think I just want to add a little bit of detail and they’re like, what are you doing? Nothing.

Ed Kearsley (17:29):
Magic spell.

Nick May (17:31):
Yeah, there was something on the paper.

Rob O’Connor (17:36):
The solution to that is just draw digitally.

Nick May (17:40):
Well I can’t hear you. You must be going through a tunnel.

Rob O’Connor (17:48):

Rob O’Connor (17:48):
Was this, this is earlier. The only way I can draw digitally is using one of these things and I’m absolutely terrible at drawing with a mouse.

Nick May (18:00):
Yeah, I mean that’s an additional challenge. Anyone who is interested in my distant past when you’re on YouTube and you’re not watching this incredible show, search for Nick May 69 and look for, I think it was called the Impotence of Benign earnest. It was an animation I made when I was at TAFE and I drew it using a mouse as well and that was probably the last time that I ever wanted to use a mouse for anything, so

Ed Kearsley (18:43):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (18:46):
Okay, I’ve got something

Ed Kearsley (18:48):
I’m going to bring you

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (18:50):
Gets start. I’m going a bit late here. It took me ages to figure out how to get that. Oh, why is it not coming through?

Ed Kearsley (18:55):
We’ve got like

Rob O’Connor (18:56):

Nick May (18:57):
Okay, I’ll go

Rob O’Connor (18:57):
With that. A good strong start.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (19:03):
It got stuck on the screen before I did this. Yeah, okay, here we go.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (19:10):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (19:14):
There we go.

Ed Kearsley (19:15):
Can’t see

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (19:17):
And it’s not focusing now. There we go. So it’s the octopus thingy looking at him and going, it’s too late for cash.

Nick May (19:29):

Ed Kearsley (19:31):
Off you go Nick.

Nick May (19:33):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (19:38):
That’s all I can think of. Oh hang on, I do that.

Nick May (19:42):
Just keep talking Rob.

Ed Kearsley (19:47):
I was just going to say that because if people don’t know that Nick May was one of the designers of Bitsy and he drew those lovely legs that everyone wants to

Ed Kearsley (19:58):

Nick May (19:58):
Which I did note in the intro, the legs were cropped out a lot. I don’t know if you guys know what emotional pain feels like, but I think I do. I’m not sure.

Rob O’Connor (20:17):
So now I’m trying to wonder what the octopus accepts. Does octopus accept card square?

Ed Kearsley (20:32):
We got a comment from Seany. It’s haha. Nick’s panel is going to be all legs.

Nick May (20:39):
How wrong you are Shawnee. How wrong?

Ed Kearsley (20:43):
Yeah, that’s what I said before the show. Now we could watch this drawing bitsy now.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (20:54):
Oh god,

Ed Kearsley (20:55):
No pressure.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (20:56):
No pressure at all. None. None. No pressure. Oh my god. See someone.

Ed Kearsley (21:05):
It’s looking pretty good.

Rob O’Connor (21:07):

Ed Kearsley (21:08):
Very on model. Oh and does the big, does bitsy have a tail or not debate?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (21:17):
Yeah, there’s a lot of tail in the pictures on that page.

Ed Kearsley (21:22):
Where do you stand on that? SI

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (21:24):
Don’t know. When I first looked at it I thought that was a tail, but it’s actually her hand.

Ed Kearsley (21:30):
Which one’s that

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (21:31):
Or whatever you want to call it. So I don’t know.

Ed Kearsley (21:35):
On Alex’s one?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (21:37):
Yeah, on the original. The original last one I’m looking at. I am going to go tail.

Ed Kearsley (21:47):
Nice. I’m

Rob O’Connor (21:48):
Going no

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (21:49):
That or I go down Danny Nolan’s trail and I don’t want to do that. I just don’t want to do it.

Ed Kearsley (22:08):
Okay, so while Nick’s getting his stuff set up, we’ll go back to Rob.

Rob O’Connor (22:17):

Ed Kearsley (22:19):
You tell us any stuff you’ve been reading or watching or anything good lately?

Rob O’Connor (22:29):
Oh, over the last couple of days I have been getting a whole bunch of comics. Comics following up so I could do some advertising.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (22:43):
Love you work Rob, Justine.

Rob O’Connor (22:46):
Just a whole mess of present Comex presents, so hang on. There we go. There they all are. So I’ve been slowly but surely going through all of those Lee’s fantastic battle for Bustle.

Ed Kearsley (23:03):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (23:04):

Rob O’Connor (23:06):
And shade’s no man’s land. So I did spend a good portion of my morning this morning reading through all of those and trying to keep up with all of the awesome artwork while simultaneously kind of avoiding drawing my own.

Ed Kearsley (23:33):
They’ve got a pretty similar order coming too, I think.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (23:37):
Ah hasn’t arrived yet?

Ed Kearsley (23:39):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (23:40):
Oh crap.

Ed Kearsley (23:43):
The post office is inconsistent.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (23:47):

Ed Kearsley (23:48):
We got a good evening. Good people from Peter Lane. Hello Peter Lane.

Nick May (23:54):
Peter Lane who I suggest posted something on Instagram about somebody who looked exactly like me, been thrown out of a window by Lord Deis. So just in case there’s no beef in the Comex community now there is. Sorry that wasn’t Peter Lane at all. That was something. That was Peter Wilson.

Ed Kearsley (24:21):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (24:24):

Nick May (24:25):
Hello Peter and I apologise. Alright Rob, I think I have something

Rob O’Connor (24:39):

Nick May (24:41):
I wonder if this is going to show,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (24:43):
Just so you know Ed, these words are just here so I remember they were, you are going to do the words because what I’ve done sucks and I wanted to start, oh sorry.

Nick May (24:56):
So I’m just going to have bitsy in the foreground. She will have some arms with the rocket in the background and it’s sort of a callback. When Chris Pitcan drew the original rocket ship, there was somebody, a one-eyed eyed person that you could see in the window and the one eyed person is going to be saying something along the lines of, did you disconnect the detonator?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (25:38):
I like that.

Nick May (25:40):
Boy bitsy. Did you disconnect the detonator?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (25:47):
I dunno how I’ve done this, but I’ve somehow deleted the layer

Ed Kearsley (25:53):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (25:54):
No, I’ve combined the two layers that were once there into one.

Ed Kearsley (25:59):
Just undo it.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (26:01):
Well then I’ll undo all my drawing.

Ed Kearsley (26:03):
No it won’t. You’ll just put the layer back. It depends on,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (26:07):
I did it sometime before I did all the, I just noticed it that so just looked over and it’s like, hang on, there’s only one layer.

Ed Kearsley (26:18):
We’ve got a hail from Robbie Kiley. Hey Robbie. Hey

Nick May (26:22):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (26:24):
Hey Robbie.

Ed Kearsley (26:25):
And we’ve got a tick, tick, boom from Andrew Law.

Nick May (26:30):
Hey Andrew, looking forward to Andrew’s Kickstarter

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (26:33):
Love and it’s not working. Pressing things accidentally.

Ed Kearsley (26:39):
There is a collapsed layer button that I can see you’re probably pressed.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (26:44):
They probably did.

Ed Kearsley (26:47):
Oh yeah. What’s Andrew’s Kickstarter called? Slay Him.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (26:54):
Slay Him. That’s it.

Ed Kearsley (26:56):
Did everyone check out the Slay him, Kickstarter,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (27:04):
Andrew? Has it started yet? It starts or is it still pre-launch?

Nick May (27:08):
Yeah, I think there’s a few days to go.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (27:12):
Oh, okay

Ed Kearsley (27:15):
Then don’t check it out. You have to wait check

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (27:18):

Nick May (27:18):
The prelaunch page.

Ed Kearsley (27:31):
So let’s have a chat with you while he is collapsing.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (27:35):
Trying to think what the hell to do next. What would you like to know, ed?

Ed Kearsley (27:41):
So what’s up with the comics, comic studios, the whole shebang. Tell us everything.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (27:52):
Tell us everything. Well most of the top cigarettes, we are going to rule the planet one day. One day soon. But why is that not working? Okay, that’s why it started doing that. I must’ve pressed it ages ago. Okay. Yep. Just talking to myself again. Well Comex, you got the Comex shop, which is stocking some new items as of tonight. I, that’s probably the newest thing I can think of. There will be some IPI comics in there from IP comics. I dunno. So yeah, let’s see if I can remember the titles. There is the Super Humans, I think it’s called. I think I wrote it down. No I didn’t. Okay. Superhuman Australian Superhuman. Oh God, that’s really bad. That I can’t remember. My apologies to IPI and having troubles remembering the proper name.

Ed Kearsley (29:14):
We’ve got a comment from Andrew. It says six days.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (29:18):
Six days. Cool. Oh no way. Sorry. We’ve got some fan art I just saw come in for this show.

Ed Kearsley (29:26):
Oh, for bitsy?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (29:28):

Ed Kearsley (29:29):
Oh, load it up.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (29:31):
I’m just downloading it now. Sorry, I’m easily distracted. Wow. It’s an animated gift. Okay, this is from Shawnee.

Ed Kearsley (29:52):
Oh nice.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (29:56):
Double check.

Ed Kearsley (29:57):
And Shawnee was the one who named Bity Bity.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (30:01):
Yes, this is true.

Ed Kearsley (30:05):
I’m going to bring it up. Oh

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (30:13):
Is that

Ed Kearsley (30:16):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (30:22):
Oh that’s gold. That is fantastic. Well done. You win

Ed Kearsley (30:30):
For you.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (30:32):
Thanks Sean. You’re the best. I’ve always said it. That is awesome.

Ed Kearsley (30:43):
Yep. Got things gone.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (30:49):
You all get to see my code. I’m back and I thought I should keep the tradition where the main character in my panel is saying crap. So it says it again. She says it, blank says it. Me and Morgan tried to get everyone to do it on our page but Bo wouldn’t go with it. He was all about the food.

Ed Kearsley (31:16):
He’s a rebel.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (31:17):
He’s a rebel.

Ed Kearsley (31:19):
No thanks guys from Shawnee Andrew. A lot of that is fantastic. I want to play that game.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (31:30):
Yeah. Now I feel really silly with my drawing. I should have made him punch her. They more to an octopus.

Ed Kearsley (31:47):
That’s just the ball with legs.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (32:01):
Where’s this combined thing so I know to avoid it.

Ed Kearsley (32:04):
I’ll show you on my screen. So it’s this one. Wait, that one.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (32:25):
Well actually no

Ed Kearsley (32:27):
With layer blue.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (32:32):
Yeah my hand would’ve hit that

Ed Kearsley (32:37):
Of a biscuit.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (32:47):
If I go to this then I think I can. I figured this out the other day. Let’s see if I can do it again.

Ed Kearsley (32:57):
Let’s watch. Yes. Yay.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (33:03):

Ed Kearsley (33:23):
Got more comments. Pedalling one says can draw an octopus. The other says can draw bitsy teamwork. That’s a great idea. You should do two panels.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (33:41):

Ed Kearsley (33:51):
Watch says

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (33:53):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (33:58):
Somehow press the wrong button again and mess it all up all over again.

Ed Kearsley (34:02):

Nick May (34:04):
Good work Shane.

Ed Kearsley (34:06):
Okay, which scis is the Chlor?

Nick May (34:10):
The one that doesn’t sweat,

Ed Kearsley (34:12):
The one that doesn’t sweat kill him.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (34:17):
The clone is the one with no name.

Ed Kearsley (34:23):
He says what’s the button you press to make it so you can see the people on the side of the full screen? I

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (34:33):
Hang on, I thought your okay. Yeah, whatever. That one.

Ed Kearsley (34:38):
That one. Okay, everyone’s back. So how’s your drawing going Nick?

Nick May (34:51):
Oh God. Who made me draw sitting? Just so everybody knows I infamously enjoy. Can only draw when I’m lying down and my hand is incredibly shaky when I’m drawing like this. But anyway, let’s see. I’ll just turn down something. Hopefully rocket in the back. I’m going to fit in a leg there and just the word will be in that blank space. Most of the panel’s just going to be black with stars isn’t it? I think

Ed Kearsley (35:44):
That’s the way to do it.

Nick May (35:45):

Ed Kearsley (35:46):
They’ll BWS.

Nick May (35:49):
Yeah, baby beer, wine and spirits.

Rob O’Connor (35:55):
Let’s hear it for space.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (35:58):
Can I do it again? Son of a

Ed Kearsley (36:00):
Bitch. Hey kids. I had high hopes for this page from Stu and show a small leg. Nick, we got haha bitsy looks so haunted in that shot right now. It’s true. It’s a great drawing of bitsy. Has yours going Rob?

Rob O’Connor (36:29):
Yeah, I think we’re going. Okay. It’s basically going to be bitsy again talking to the octopus going up. As you can see I’m sort of on a tight schedule. We hold off. Can we do this another time or something like that? I haven’t freaked out the words yet Quite

Ed Kearsley (36:55):
That’s right because Nick’s introduced the Did you fix the Denita?

Rob O’Connor (37:01):

Ed Kearsley (37:21):
I said while those guys are drawing tell you about tomorrow nights drink and draw is Shazam I believe. Correct. To get your pannus of Shazam into You want me to grab

Ed Kearsley (37:46):

Ed Kearsley (37:47):
I got it.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (37:49):
Yeah. That’s the one

Ed Kearsley (37:50):
Show slash art if you want to have your picture shown on the drink and draw tomorrow night.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (38:03):
So did you notice Nick? I went out of my way to avoid the legs. Just saying,

Nick May (38:09):
I mean I always thank you for the support chain and this one time I just don’t mean it. Yeah, am drawing the leg in at the moment and it’s just,

Ed Kearsley (38:30):
It’s great fun.

Nick May (38:30):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (38:36):
Oh shit, my hands are shaking a bit so this is not easy.

Nick May (38:44):
Welcome to my world. Si

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (38:47):
Shaken so much that it’s actually setting off the changing to an array all the time.

Ed Kearsley (38:56):
That’s no good.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (39:04):
I remember shaking as much when I did blank. I blamed bitsy

Ed Kearsley (39:26):
And on Monday we’ve got show means says I’ve got the recent reads where we talk about the comics we’ve read recently, but you should all watch.

Nick May (39:44):
Yeah, you should all watch. There’s a lot of gold that gets shared in that show. Things that I haven’t necessarily heard of or sometimes thought about for a long time. It’s good to be reminded of all the great stuff that’s out there.

Ed Kearsley (40:03):
Like this one

Nick May (40:06):
For example. I mean that’s possibly the greatest thing that was ever made. So this is rough. Anyway, I’m doing a sizzle now. I keep touching my screen and changing the colour of my pen to white.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (40:58):
I dunno what I just did it stopped it from drawing. Oh that’s drawing again. Again. It was tricking me.

Ed Kearsley (41:13):
It’s some nice looking tentacles there. Siz.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (41:17):
Yeah. I realised my original picture was looking very much like the hell Hydra, so I thought I better mix it up a bit. Cat coming in and getting involved.

Ed Kearsley (42:04):
Is it possible for Rob to hold up your picture to the screen so we can get a look?

Rob O’Connor (42:10):
Yep, yep. And I’m going to have to apologise to Nick as well. There’s no legs.

Nick May (42:27):
Apology not accepted. That looks unreal

Rob O’Connor (42:29):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (42:34):

Rob O’Connor (42:35):
There we go.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (42:48):
What have I done?

Nick May (42:51):
I’m Milton. You are brand new son.

Ed Kearsley (42:55):
Oh you have drawn on the pencil layer.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (42:58):
Yeah, I have two. Somehow

Ed Kearsley (43:04):
You might have drawn the bottom layer. Try and make the bottom layer go blank.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (43:13):
Yeah, I don’t even know where the blue’s coming from anymore.

Ed Kearsley (43:17):
Oh that’s the blue layer.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (43:20):
I turn off the other two. Oh there it is. So if I turn that off, why doesn’t the blue disappear? Okay, I don’t get what’s going on now

Ed Kearsley (43:28):
You’ve just got two in clears.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (43:30):
Yeah, then the blue comes back. I’ve somehow made the blue combined with us.

Ed Kearsley (43:37):
How you put the blue on the top on.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (43:40):
Oh god. Damnit

Ed Kearsley (43:44):
You got to have, I’m sure there’s

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (43:45):
A way to delete only blue.

Ed Kearsley (43:49):
Yeah, there

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (43:50):
Is. Have some cool tricks please. Mr, so

Ed Kearsley (43:53):
Go to select. You have to go to the layer that it’s on.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (43:57):

Ed Kearsley (43:58):
Then go to select

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (44:05):
Actual square. Yep.

Ed Kearsley (44:15):
See, select up the top with the file edits. Story animation please select and then select colour gamut and then put the eyedropper on the blue and it should just select and then press. Okay. And then the circle in the bottom panel is the, I think that’s the erase one, that new selection panel at the bottom of the page.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (44:50):
These ones down the circle that has all the lines come out of it.

Ed Kearsley (44:55):
Yeah. Did that erase it?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (45:01):
I don’t know if I just click off it. That should be gone.

Ed Kearsley (45:10):
It should have gone. It might be different colours of blue so you have to do it again. We’ve got HSB it from Andrew Law. Dunno what that means. And I love watching the S drama from Stu.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (45:30):
My hand must have kept pressing things over here. They shouldn’t have it there. This must be made for left-handers. It was highlighted but I don’t know. Still shimmering. I just unsought

Ed Kearsley (45:59):
If you go through all the layers and delete them all, I might. You might have to.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (46:05):
Oh yeah, there’s other blues. Damn it.

Ed Kearsley (46:13):
Yeah, you might have to reselect it because it’s a different colour of blue.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (46:17):
Yeah. Cool. I know what to do now. Thanks buddy.

Ed Kearsley (46:23):
Alternatively you could just redraw it.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (46:29):
Job for tonight, eh?

Ed Kearsley (46:32):
I do it all the time. Drawing on the wrong layers and getting colours mixed in everywhere I,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (46:55):
It is slowly getting ready. I might have to reach. Damn it.

Ed Kearsley (47:00):
It’s all good fun. Should we play the Stella Lens movie?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (47:08):
Oh yeah. Whack that up. Thanks buddy.

Ed Kearsley (47:11):
Alright everybody watch this.

Voice Over (47:16):
I thought it was great. Was fantastic. Another awesome indie comic you guys should definitely check out. I’m really looking forward to

Voice Over (47:29):
Issue number two. This was a complete comic with a starter middle on an end. It was very satisfying. It’s very well made. It’s incredibly well written and drawn and it was my favourite comic from last year. I can tell you Stella Lanes two in my opinion is beta.

Voice Over (47:48):
I’m not going to lie, I’m a grown man. I can admit this at, he had up a little bit on the last few pages. It was quite emotional.

Voice Over (47:55):
There were tears. Shed listen. My cold dead heart

Voice Over (47:58):
Unfroze at the end

Voice Over (48:00):
Issue. Well issue one and issue two more. So issue two because I was like, no,

Voice Over (48:06):
I felt that I was alive again. Okay, so

Voice Over (48:09):
You’re getting quite bang for your buck I would say because most comic books are half this size at this price point, which I think is quite the deal to be quite honest because the art is amazing and obviously the storylines are incredible. So

Voice Over (48:23):
I read it and it’s fantastic.

Nick May (48:42):
That does look very good.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (48:46):
Awesome comic. I must say

Nick May (48:49):
Apparently you must.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (48:51):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (48:51):
Seriously, I must.

Ed Kearsley (48:55):
We had a comment while the video was on. It’s from Andrew says layers are like onions. They always make you cry.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (49:09):
So they’re like cakes. No, no one gets that joke. Don’t worry.

Nick May (49:16):
Yeah, I get it. It’s from Trek, right? Yes. They’re not like cakes as it.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (49:25):
You can’t eat them.

Nick May (49:29):
I think you’re talking about a puff.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (49:33):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (49:33):
We go. Starting a new one. God damnit.

Ed Kearsley (49:37):
He’s starting a whole new drawing or just a new layer.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (49:42):
Oh yeah, that would’ve been the smart way.

Ed Kearsley (49:51):
Did you save the other one?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (49:53):
Yeah, it’s still there. There

Ed Kearsley (49:54):
Good. So just do another layer, turn that one blue and then

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (50:02):
See It sounds good in theory. The only problem is what’s that ear doing?

Ed Kearsley (50:10):
There you go.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (50:13):
Is that blue as well? There we go. It was on that layer. My god, what did I do?

Ed Kearsley (50:18):
If you double click on the word layer, whatever it says, you can type in Inc.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (50:27):
Oh, okay.

Ed Kearsley (50:31):
I forgot what button that was.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (50:33):
See this is why I’m getting things going wrong because it’s in done now. Stay layer, stay.

Ed Kearsley (50:48):
There you go. I found it and now don’t touch anything.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (50:56):

Ed Kearsley (51:07):
It doesn’t work so good. But if you turn the blue layers to black on the colour thing, don’t worry about it. Just keep drawing.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (51:19):
Cool. I’ll give an excuse to practise. There you go. Yeah. And try not to hit whatever I hit up there with my hand.

Ed Kearsley (52:04):
I am going to play Sean’s video again.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (52:08):
Sure, yeah.

Ed Kearsley (52:09):
I want to see it.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (52:27):
I love the payout. What the world needs now is more Shawnee fan art.

Nick May (52:44):
It’s very true, very true. Sizzle. Speaking of fan art, I have just emailed I my picture. So maybe Ed can start assembling stuff. It’s a little bit embarrassing. I think I’m going to go over it again when I’m in a more appropriate drawing position.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (53:13):
I’ll give you that time, aren’t we? Crap, I’m going to have to give you this piece of crap.

Ed Kearsley (53:17):
I pretty much redrew all mine afterwards. We got blushing from Shawnee.

Nick May (53:22):
No, no blushing. It’s fantastic. Yeah.

Ed Kearsley (53:25):
Yeah. Not allowed to blush. Not on my show. Yeah baby. I was thinking of making a new intro for after page 10, so I might put that if that’s okay.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (54:07):
Oh yeah, that would be awesome. Lettuce.

Ed Kearsley (54:43):
So it is about that time for everyone to send in their stuff.

Nick May (54:50):

Ed Kearsley (54:51):
So if Rob wants to get his one, I shall

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (54:57):

Ed Kearsley (55:00):
And while you guys are organising that, I’m going to have a look at the door page for comics net au slash store shelf. Is there a banner for that?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (55:31):
Yeah, I don’t know actually. Oh, there it is. Yeah. Cool.

Ed Kearsley (55:36):
There you go. So everyone greeted there. Buy lots of comic books. There’s deaf ship. Jenny. Hey. Oh and there’s a,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (55:47):
Oh this is the weird page. It doesn’t like whatever it is you use to share. I’ve got to figure out why it does that. Because if it’s doing it to you, it’s doing it to someone else.

Ed Kearsley (56:02):
Is this one of the new ones? The human fly?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (56:07):
Yeah, that’s human fly. Just put it in before the show. I’ve got a few more to put in.

Ed Kearsley (56:11):
Excuse me, human fly here. Remember that in the Simpsons?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (56:18):
No you don’t.

Ed Kearsley (56:23):
What else? This guy’s Kevin Library. It’s Peter Lane who was in the chat before? It’s Nick Cleary who was on the show is more deaf ship. Jenny. So this there are four previous ones. Rob.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (56:42):

Ed Kearsley (56:44):
So there’s four issues already made of,

Rob O’Connor (56:46):
There’s four issues already made and that’s all a complete story and

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (56:50):
A trade

Rob O’Connor (56:51):
And there’s a trade of all four.

Ed Kearsley (56:53):
Ah, I should have got that.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (56:58):
No, people can buy it either way.

Ed Kearsley (57:02):
We’ll just have to get I’m happy

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (57:03):
Either way.

Ed Kearsley (57:09):
Got satellites Devil’s toilet. That’s good. The Amazing Tails by Dave Di.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (57:18):
Hell yeah, Dave the man.

Ed Kearsley (57:24):
There’s no man’s land and there’s still the lands number one battle for bustle cut down. That’s really good too. There’s a Neil Blendon drawing a groovy, groovy sluggish is good too. And blade wet and Perceptions and Billy Bones. Okay, I’ve got all the things now. Oh,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (57:59):
You haven’t got mine yet, have you?

Ed Kearsley (58:01):
I thought you sent yours.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (58:03):
No, no, I wasn’t thinking. I kept drawing and I went, oh crap, I meant to send this bloody shit. Come on Shane. Yeah, yeah, I’m there. I’m getting there now. It’s showing me weird shit. Don’t show my screen.

Ed Kearsley (58:25):
I’m going to look at the comments.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (58:28):

Ed Kearsley (58:30):
That Kevin Low looks really cool. It is very good. I get that reference. There you go. See

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (58:44):
References. Put it in a folder that I don’t have access to. Oh hang on, there’s another button here. What’s that do?

Ed Kearsley (59:02):
Sometimes on Saturdays there’s a show which is just, there’s fighting with Clip Studio or which is a good fun watch. If you like to see someone struggling with their tools

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (59:19):
Saturday. I know that show.

Ed Kearsley (59:23):
So Sean gets a reference too.

Nick May (59:27):
I get it. I mean I don’t get it but I get it.

Ed Kearsley (59:39):
Got playing Monkeys. Is that some sort of a reference?

Nick May (59:46):
Sounds like use sort of thing.

Ed Kearsley (59:52):
How you going sis?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (59:55):
Not so great. Let’s put it somewhere. I thought I just put it in there, but it’s not,

Ed Kearsley (01:00:04):
You can save it again and pick where you want to put it.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:07):
That’s what I did. I put it where I thought it was going. Oh, hang on. There’s a button at the top. Do it. Oh, okay. I’ll keep trying. Take a screenshot

Nick May (01:00:24):
Second sis. Keep talking while number

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:28):
One second. Come on. Second si.

Ed Kearsley (01:00:31):
We’ll have a look at Shaw’s cartoon again.

Nick May (01:00:34):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:35):
Shawny to the rescue.

Nick May (01:00:37):
Shawny got the legs in.

Ed Kearsley (01:00:40):
Sure. Does that have sound on the video? No. Oh no, because it’s a gif. We got a Hi Nick.

Nick May (01:01:00):
Hey Nathan

Ed Kearsley (01:01:02):
And I. Hey to Andrew Law.

Nick May (01:01:06):
Hey Nathan from Andrew Law, loving your work that you’re posting recently. Nathan as well. Check out Naisha Art. He’s doing some great stuff. Hey Nathan from Andrew.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:36):
Don’t get what this is doing at all.

Ed Kearsley (01:01:44):
Do you want to just put it on the screen and I’ll screen cap it and then

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:49):
Yeah. I don’t know why Messenger’s not giving me access to the same folder it saves to.

Nick May (01:01:57):
Should email it. Shane,

Ed Kearsley (01:02:06):
I’ve done the wrong thing. Oops.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:09):
Put me up on the screen. Put me on the screen. Take a screenshot

Ed Kearsley (01:02:14):
It screen.

Nick May (01:02:22):
It is so good. Jane,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:27):
You are an excellent liar. That is quite the skill you have there. Remind me to never trust you again.

Nick May (01:02:36):
NI remember the first time we met you didn’t trust me then and I don’t know that it’s changed, but that is very good.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:45):
See what I mean? Again with your eyes.

Nick May (01:02:51):
Thanks Nathan. Save me again.

Ed Kearsley (01:02:59):
Do you want to do the Instagramy thing?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:04):
Yep. I’m just going to share a different screen.

Rob O’Connor (01:03:29):
So if

Rob O’Connor (01:03:30):
This is scissors presented, do we have to look

Rob O’Connor (01:03:32):
At the other?

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:34):
Yep. Two scissors still, although the comment will delete the other S. That’s good. Okay. I won’t start with that one. We’ll start with Cherno Bill, even though he doesn’t call himself that. That’s what I call him. Goddammit,

Nick May (01:03:49):
Thank you. He’s

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:49):
The Cherno bill. This is his lovely Instagram Graham.

Nick May (01:03:56):
Yeah. You can see some of the Friday night drink and draw stuff. Some of the new minty frisket looking stuff. Some of the comics that I have gotten recently ish. Nice.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:12):
Bit of a moose advertising. Love it.

Nick May (01:04:14):
Yeah, Neil Blandon made a fake Nick Ma that I decided that I would use in that moose ad.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:24):
Where’s the fake one?

Nick May (01:04:25):
So next to the bat Girl, if you just click on that Ver moose ad. Yeah, you’ll see what I would look like if I was a manly man.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:38):
Just seeing you, dude.

Nick May (01:04:40):
Yeah, it’s a fake

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:41):

Nick May (01:04:41):
So thanks for that Neil Blandon

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:49):
Iron Man with an iron. I love it.

Nick May (01:04:52):
Yeah, right. So original. Yeah.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:55):
Yep, very original. I love it.

Nick May (01:04:58):
And you can see some stuff there that I wanted to make into a comic that sort of has vaporised. Maybe it’ll be revisited sometime.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:11):
That’s a shame. Well sometime I’ll wait for some time.

Nick May (01:05:15):
Yeah, we’ll see what happens. We’ll see.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:18):
And I have a habit of staying too long on people, so I will go to Rob. Love the little ad here.

Rob O’Connor (01:05:26):
Excellent. Yeah, I did some advertising today.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:29):
I’ll just boost that up. No reason.

Rob O’Connor (01:05:33):
Can’t understand that. And yeah, a bit like Nick, you can see some Friday drink and draws in there. Some

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:45):
Made you lost.

Rob O’Connor (01:05:48):
We were looking for you.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:51):
Yeah, I was at home being sick.

Rob O’Connor (01:05:52):
Yeah. Oh, some bitsy fan art from earlier. There we go.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:07):
Lots of pictures.

Rob O’Connor (01:06:08):
I took part in a caricature. I think it was, I can’t remember the month, but it was like an October. But for caricatures.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:17):
That’s really cool.

Nick May (01:06:19):
It’s beautiful work, Rob. So good.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:23):
We’ll just get through all of them. Cool. Oh look at that. I love it. I’m a big fan of Asterisk and OBLs and then because I’m on the show drawing, I put myself in here. Here’s my drawings as bad as they are. Look at that Optimist Prime roll out.

Rob O’Connor (01:06:50):

Nick May (01:06:51):
It out, check out this guy. Levelling up.

Rob O’Connor (01:06:54):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:57):
We had to draw Optimist Prime, so I drew him as a truck. It was easier because he’s bloody hard as a robot.

Rob O’Connor (01:07:05):
I like that skeletal.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:08):

Rob O’Connor (01:07:09):
There is, Hey.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:12):
And there’s this one I liked. That was at the time, the only characters we had with Studio. Comic Studio. Wow.

Rob O’Connor (01:07:24):

Nick May (01:07:27):
Yeah. Really good.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:29):
You ready Ed?

Ed Kearsley (01:07:30):

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:31):
I’ll get this off the screen then.

Ed Kearsley (01:07:35):
Let me share screen. There we go. So we’ve got, oh I got, oh, we look at this screen when the thing’s there. I’m trying to use my mouse on that one, which doesn’t work. So we’ve got scissors panel. What’s the octopus saying? scis

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:04):
Too late for cash now.

Ed Kearsley (01:08:07):
Oh, he says Bitsy says crap. And then we’ve got Nick Mays bitsy. Did you disconnect the debt? It’s awesome. It’s beautiful.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:22):
That’s awesome.

Ed Kearsley (01:08:23):
Get some nice leg action.

Rob O’Connor (01:08:25):
Hey, put the legs in

Ed Kearsley (01:08:28):
There. Go. Yeah, as you can see, I’m on a tight schedule. Demand accepting the cash buddy. Put the reflection in the,

Nick May (01:08:40):
So good. Yeah, well done. It’s well done.

Ed Kearsley (01:08:44):
Incredible. It’s a good job by everyone.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:50):

Ed Kearsley (01:08:51):
Especially serious. Look at that. Especially

Ed Kearsley (01:08:53):

Nick May (01:08:54):
Twice The Sizzle.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:59):
I was too busy being two people to draw.

Ed Kearsley (01:09:03):
Hey Nick, go ahead. The leg extends when she flies off the page, so you get plenty of legs in. I think that’s for the animation.

Nick May (01:09:14):

Ed Kearsley (01:09:15):
Too kind. Nick looks. You are Manny, man. Nick,

Nick May (01:09:22):
I think that says many. I’ll take that as an insult. Thanks. You

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:27):
Manly man.

Ed Kearsley (01:09:28):
Manly man.

Nick May (01:09:30):
Oh, manly. I’m from Manly. Alright, we’ll take it.

Ed Kearsley (01:09:36):
Excellent Rob and wow, awesome page you guys.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:41):
Thanks Bonnie.

Ed Kearsley (01:09:44):
It is true. Is that everything? Si.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:51):
I believe so. Unless I want to talk about, you’ve already talked about tomorrow night, Shazam family to do with Shazam. Be it black, Adam, Mary. Yeah, that’s her. The wizard. You can even do the wizard

Nick May (01:10:09):
Is part of it.

Ed Kearsley (01:10:11):
Toki 20 if you want to draw a tiger or he a lion. He’s a lion tiger.

Nick May (01:10:17):
He’s a tiger. Tiger.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:18):

Ed Kearsley (01:10:19):
I think he’s a tiger. Pretty sure he is a tiger.

Nick May (01:10:21):

Ed Kearsley (01:10:23):
Now. Yeah,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:23):
Actually. Yeah, him too.

Ed Kearsley (01:10:26):
Oh, okay. On at you.

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:33):
Yes he is. Nathan is on it tomorrow.

Ed Kearsley (01:10:36):
Excellent. We got one more comment

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:41):
And if he’s nodding he is now,

Ed Kearsley (01:10:42):
Get Andrew in for it.

Nick May (01:10:46):
No pressure, Andrew.

Ed Kearsley (01:10:51):
All right, I’m going to hit the button. Thanks for coming on, Rob and Ciz and Nick,

Nick May (01:10:56):
Thanks so much for having us. Me,

Shane ‘ Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:01):
It’s my job.

Ed Kearsley (01:11:02):
Thanks to everyone who watched the chats and Shawnee for the excellent animation.

Nick May (01:11:09):
Yeah, brilliant. That’s great.

Ed Kearsley (01:11:13):
That must have taken ages. Oh, oh, I just pressed the wrong button. Settle down everyone

Nick May (01:11:23):
Just next time Shawnee. Add some eight bit sound if you can,

Ed Kearsley (01:11:29):
Nathan, with the prompt for us to remind everyone to like and subscribe to the comics YouTube channel. Thanks. Now I’m going to hit the button. Hey, thanks for watching everyone to see you on Monday or here next week. Wait.