Let's Make A Comic Book!!! IT's HERE!

Such a short lived romance for Blank last week, what will happen this week/page. Tune in to find out
#howtomakeacomicbook #makingacomic #letsmakeacomicbook #australianartists #cartoonists #australiancomic #comics #comicart
Nick 'Quick' ClearyKen bestTom Tung


(there will be errors in the following text)

Voice Over (00:03):

Voice Over (00:12):
Let’s make a comic book, but let’s make it a little bit different. Instead of one person or a team making the whole book, we’re gonna have every panel made by a different cartoonist. We are gonna do one page per episode. So the number of guests is the number of panels on the page. So now you’re probably wondering what’s this comic book gonna be about? Well, lemme tell you. It’s gonna be about a robot. This robot whose name is blank. What happens next? Nobody knows, but it’s gonna be fun finding out.

Edmund Kearsley (00:51):
Hello. Welcome everyone to let’s make comic book. This is episode three. I believe we’ve got some guests here. My let me start again. Not live. So don’t worry about it. <laugh>. My name’s <inaudible>. I’m gonna be your host tonight. I’m gonna do a really good job, <laugh>. And we’ve got we’ve got Nick Perry here and we’ve got from Best and Tom Tongue, <inaudible> cameo of his hand. And we’ve got Ciz on the ones and twos. At six night we are gonna be drawing page four of the, let’s make a comic book. And if you put me to full screen, sis can show you last week’s page. So we had is my mouse, the Lu French turned us off. Look at that. The eyeball attack. And then Alex major with the, the tender panel there. Such, such soft, smooth metal. And then blank says Tiki OU and then the turn shifts with Peter Lawson. But that looks like, ’cause it might be a bit of a betrayal, but we dunno what’s gonna happen because we don’t know who’s gonna draw the next panel yet. Oh boy. So, oh boy, let’s have a look. We’re gonna we’ll start with Nick. I’ve got three different versions of Centipede here. <laugh> little arcade handheld unit. Got the Atari 2,600 and the television version. So yeah,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (03:02):
Right. I’m gonna go with the Atari if you’ll let me, sir.

Edmund Kearsley (03:07):
This one my screen. That’s the

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (03:09):
One that’s one for me.

Edmund Kearsley (03:11):
So that is number two

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (03:12):

Edmund Kearsley (03:15):
And now Ken, you get to pick one on, on your left, the, the Centipede game.

Edmund Kearsley (03:25):
This one?

Edmund Kearsley (03:26):

Edmund Kearsley (03:28):
Okay. That is number one. You get to go first and then Tom will be going last. Good. Before we get to that, we have to pick a panel layout and it’s gonna be one of these two. And Tom, we’ve got mm-Hmm,

Edmund Kearsley (03:52):

Edmund Kearsley (03:53):
I got this lovely wood green Atari.

Edmund Kearsley (03:57):

Tom Tung (03:57):

Edmund Kearsley (03:58):
Between that one. Oh, this equally lovely. Wood green in television.

Edmund Kearsley (04:10):
Ooh, I’ve

Tom Tung (04:12):
Gotta go with the Atari. I think

Edmund Kearsley (04:15):
We’re gonna go Atari. These are much heavier than I think they would be. That is number two.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:25):
Number two.

Edmund Kearsley (04:26):
Ooh. Yes. Which is the, that one.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (04:35):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (04:37):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (04:38):
Traditional Frick Ditch.

Edmund Kearsley (04:42):
Nice stack. All right. So is it, Ken was first Mm-Hmm.

Edmund Kearsley (04:53):
<affirmative>. Yep.

Edmund Kearsley (04:55):
Right. So you can start drawing Ken.

Ken Best (04:57):

Edmund Kearsley (04:58):
And we’ll give you a bit of time. And then is there any comments?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (05:06):
Yes, there is. You just beat me to saying that. there’s one from Richo. good evening everybody. Let’s fill in some blanks. Nice little pun there. Ben Sullivan’s a Hey all. So what’s happening next? We’d love to know as well. And Nick may well I’m looking forward to this. Have a good one. Peeps.

Edmund Kearsley (05:30):
Thank you Richo and Ben and Nick. So let’s have a little chat while Ken’s getting a start on his panel. Tom, you’ve got a, a TV show on the, the Comics Network.

Edmund Kearsley (05:50):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

Edmund Kearsley (05:52):
Can you tell us about that?

Tom Tung (05:54):
Yeah. Every, every Tuesday night, I’m, I’m live drawing whatever the audience feels like. I think last week we did Animals Drawn as Avengers or in costumes of Avengers. And next week we’re doing, if no one suggests anything else gender Flips Justice League.

Edmund Kearsley (06:16):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (06:17):

Edmund Kearsley (06:19):
<laugh>. How’s the show been going?

Tom Tung (06:25):
It’s been great fun. yeah, and it’s been nice and it’s, it’s a good mix of things to draw on there too, so, yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (06:39):
And I have to hold back the urge every week not to ask for a copy of the drawings ’cause they’re so cool.

Edmund Kearsley (06:46):
<laugh>. And so you’re drawing traditional on the, on your show.

Tom Tung (06:55):
Yes. yeah. And very quick, I caught up on let’s make a comic book the other night, so I’m keen to jump into this one.

Edmund Kearsley (07:14):
<laugh>. Nice.

Tom Tung (07:16):
before this all started, did you have an idea of where you thought blank might go?

Edmund Kearsley (07:24):
No, I had no idea. That’s why the original panel, I, I tried to stuff in as much like, stuff like you see in the background, there’s fantasy and future and the like, post apocalypse and stuff, just to give the, the first artist to like, something to jump off, like a jump off point. And De Sean kicked it all off with the, the attacking eyeball, which was really cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (07:59):
Yeah. we’ve got another comment from Robbie Kiley, funny enough. And what drawing styles does everyone do?

Edmund Kearsley (08:12):
That’s a good question, Nick. What drawing style do you do?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (08:16):
How do I answer that? Like, what are the, what are the options? What’s the terminology?

Edmund Kearsley (08:21):
Do like manga style or superhero?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (08:27):
I think I do toony style, but I’m trying to do more superhero style. oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (08:36):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (08:37):
My day to day or I’m trying, I’m always, lately I just sit down. I think how I can make more of my own style, like when I’m drawing the bungee, I know how that goes, but how do I draw people is something I’m sort of trying to figure out at the moment. yeah. But I think for the Blank Robot, I’ll probably be leaning into the turny stuff, but we’ll see. We’ll see what happens.

Edmund Kearsley (09:06):
Excellent. What about you, Ken?

Ken Best (09:12):
I, I’ve been told I have a cartoony style, but I’ve worked a lot to try to get my style more realistic. So it’s, I mainly do pencils now, so I do a lot of shadows and crosshatching and, and try to get my, my anatomy as correct as I can. It’s kind of like a superhero style. It’s, but I can flip between the styles if I need to, depending on the script. I try to I am doing superhero books at the moment with Torn, so I I try to keep it because the, the anatomy’s important with torn because the, the suits that they wear are skin type, like the, the superhero type. So the anatomy’s gotta be fairly good and, and backgrounds. I work a lot on my backgrounds and, and try to try to bring some sort of realism to it.

Edmund Kearsley (10:11):
Excellent. What about you Tom?

Tom Tung (10:15):
I guess I’m mostly cartoony. I like to be a bit of everything. Like, so I’ve been, I’ve recently been doing a bunch of art studies of my favourite comic artists and trying to find out what makes them tick and draw like them. So yeah, I like, I like drawing like Brian Leo O’Malley. That’s a really fun style to do. <laugh>. I figured I’ll do some warmup blanks while I’m sitting here.

Edmund Kearsley (10:43):
I figured you’d be drawing while you were waiting.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (10:46):
Yeah. I’ve got blank tests. I phone blank to the here as well.

Edmund Kearsley (10:49):

Tom Tung (10:51):

Edmund Kearsley (10:54):
what, what guys were you studying? What artists?

Tom Tung (10:58):
so I was doing it weekly for the last month, so, so daily for the last month. So Michael Lae, curator, Toma, I can’t remember how to name it. The the woman who does Sailor Moon. the guy who does One Punch Man, Chris Soni, ed McGinness. There’s a few others in there. But yeah, it, it’s, it’s good because I think that by doing that stuff you sort of, you learn what you like about that artist when you’re reading them and then you can incorporate that into your own style.

Edmund Kearsley (11:39):
I did that recently with Keith Geffen and Simon Bley.

Tom Tung (11:46):
Oh, that would be really fun.

Edmund Kearsley (11:48):
And still a few kind of aspects of both and is said, keep geffen’s trencher.

Edmund Kearsley (11:55):

Edmund Kearsley (11:57):
So yeah, added them into my repertoire, drawing funny books. So we’ve got another comment from Richard says A guest. Yeah, sure.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (12:13):

Edmund Kearsley (12:15):
Vary from time to time. Depends on what central concept is.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (12:22):
And Nick may just throw in a trencher is awesome.

Edmund Kearsley (12:25):
Trencher is awesome. I just found out there was a, an like an another comic of trencher because I got the ones from Image and then I think there’s one from Black Balls Studios or something like that. Oh, cool. So I’ll have to try and find that. So what about influences like Nick, what sort of got you into, into drawing and drawing like you do?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (13:03):
I reckon The Simpsons is what got me into drawing. Like, if I could, I can find all my old that’s cool pictures and it’s just, they’re all knockoffs of Bart Simpson and stuff. and then I can see how I like got into Rugrats as a kid, so I can see like a bit more wacky shapes. and then influencers today I don’t, I forget the guy, the guy that makes the two books. What’s his name?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (13:37):
Rob Guillory.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (13:38):
Yeah. His stuff gets me really enthused ’cause he’s so simple and strong. so, but now I feel like I’m, I’m always looking for new influences. yeah. As I’m drawing blank here, I can see a lot of astroboy in the, in the boots and stuff like that. it’s like megaman forearms. That’s cool.

Edmund Kearsley (14:11):
Wanna bring up nick’s screens?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (14:16):
Yeah, sure.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (14:20):
Just playing with some, some blanks.

Edmund Kearsley (14:26):
It’s good figures.

Edmund Kearsley (14:31):

Edmund Kearsley (14:32):
I like how everyone draws him different.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (14:35):
That’s it. I like, he’s he’s frankensteinish ears. They, we can do different things with them. Make them a pogo stick.

Edmund Kearsley (14:51):
<laugh>. It’s like a teebo from mask. It turns into a scooter.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (14:56):
<laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. We, we, he’s a robot. We could do some pretty wacky stuff. I could change the trajection of the whole book.

Edmund Kearsley (15:12):
<laugh>. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:14):
Cool. That’s

Edmund Kearsley (15:14):
What we were afraid of.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (15:18):
Bike mode. <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (15:20):

Edmund Kearsley (15:24):
So how’s your panel going, Ken?

Ken Best (15:27):
So see

Edmund Kearsley (15:29):
If I can big screen Ken.

Ken Best (15:34):
So he is got the knife, dragging it, dragging it down his face.

Edmund Kearsley (15:37):
Oh goodness.

Ken Best (15:41):
<laugh>. So has blank Got three fingers or four? You got a thumb?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (15:45):

Edmund Kearsley (15:46):
I drew him with just three.

Ken Best (15:48):

Edmund Kearsley (15:49):
Three in no thumb, but,

Ken Best (15:53):
All right.

Edmund Kearsley (15:56):
Is that enough? I think Nick was second.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (15:59):
Yeah, I can jump in now.

Edmund Kearsley (16:00):
Yeah, there you agree?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (16:04):
So he was scratching him up as he can.

Edmund Kearsley (16:08):
Yeah. Stabbing him in the head. Scratching

Ken Best (16:10):
The the knife, dragging the knife down his face,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (16:12):
Dragging the knife down his face. <inaudible>, is there a a violence level and all this stuff? Ed, this is places you don’t go.

Edmund Kearsley (16:28):
Say he’s a robot and the other guy’s a monster. So

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (16:32):
Yeah, go for it. I haven’t got any ideas yet, but

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:40):
Say go on Nick. Be the guy that makes it an rated or r rated book. <laugh>.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (16:44):
There’s too many gadgets, exposed gadgets in this

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:48):

Ken Best (16:53):
Just Nick, for your information, he’s holding that bone too.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (16:56):
Oh, he still got that

Ken Best (16:57):
Bone for the story. Oh yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (16:58):
Still got the bone.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (16:59):
Great. Thank you.

Edmund Kearsley (17:05):
They, in the they role for the, the first episode was no nipples,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (17:10):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:11):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (17:17):
Is that a nice wide panel? We could just quick as

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:19):
Going dark,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (17:21):
Like bone on, bone on blade sword fight pirate action. Hmm. I kind of just wanna put Tom in a, in a, in like a really strange position where he has to like come up with something.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:47):
Oh, really?

Tom Tung (17:49):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (17:51):
Challenge Tom. He’ll love it. <laugh>.

Tom Tung (17:59):
I’m just gonna get that. Sorry. It’s, if the rule is no nipples, I’m just gonna get that outta my system now. <laugh>.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (18:06):
Well, robo nipple.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:09):
<laugh>. <laugh>. Nice Goodday. William comments?

Edmund Kearsley (18:22):
Any comments? There is.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (18:24):
Hey Ken, can I see that one more time please, sir?

Ken Best (18:27):
Yeah, mate.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (18:28):
Do you want a full screen?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (18:30):

Edmund Kearsley (18:36):
That looks sick.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (18:37):
Take a screenshot. All right. Okay. Is that blade going up or down his face? It’s going down. Down, yeah, then. Cool. All right. Thanks boss.

Edmund Kearsley (18:53):
Did you want any dialogue in your one, Ken?

Ken Best (18:55):
Oh yeah. I’ll give him a little gimme one. Give him one of them to fill in the background. There.

Edmund Kearsley (19:10):
You, you have to write it though.

Ken Best (19:12):

Edmund Kearsley (19:15):
So you can think about it and,

Ken Best (19:17):
All right. I’ll think about, I’ll think of something

Tom Tung (19:22):
Depending on what Nick does. I had a very cruel idea in the middle of the day what I could do, but <laugh>,

Edmund Kearsley (19:27):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (19:28):
I’m still thinking what’s my time limit? What’s my thinking limit? I got probably

Edmund Kearsley (19:33):
It’s done. You’re supposed to be drawing 15

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:39):
Thinking it’s over

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (19:41):
<laugh>. Yeah. Right. <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (19:43):
Don’t think just draw. Okay. If you’re thinking about it, don’t think about it.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (19:48):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (19:51):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (19:54):
I’ve got an idea, but I don’t know how to draw it so well. Not with one panel.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (20:02):
Yeah, here, that’s what makes it challenging. Just the one panel. That’s

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:05):

Edmund Kearsley (20:06):
It’s like one page is hard enough.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:08):
Yeah. last week I heard you guys talking about me and you said that I could probably draw 15 panels in this time. <laugh>

Edmund Kearsley (20:20):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:23):
Provide this square up <laugh> or finish the story. Happy ending.

Ken Best (20:32):
Oh man.

Edmund Kearsley (20:34):
So we always thought it would be the, the first panel and the last panel of the story would be the hardest, but it, apparently it’s age four, panel two,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:44):
You know, it

Edmund Kearsley (20:45):
Just got stumped.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (20:48):
I reckon. I’ll just go for an action beat and then that’d

Tom Tung (20:51):
Be that. Ed, maybe you should draw a last panel and then, and then everything leading up to it. That’s just how it ends.

Edmund Kearsley (21:00):

Tom Tung (21:01):
And so we actually don’t know how well that’s gonna mesh.

Edmund Kearsley (21:08):
A it’s an interesting idea. <laugh>

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (21:16):
All. I’m off.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:17):
Robbie is impressed with those nipples. Tom, we just got in the comments.

Tom Tung (21:23):
That’s good. That’s the first time I bit that someone’s been impressed by them. So that’s good. <laugh>, have we confirmed blank’s? Gender Does blank have a gender?

Edmund Kearsley (21:38):
Dunno. Dad, don’t draw any rude parts on him.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (21:44):
<laugh> kitties can handle violence but not nudity.

Edmund Kearsley (21:51):
Hmm. We can put Nick’s screen up. How did he start a drawing?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:01):
Oh, okay.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (22:02):
Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m still figuring it out. <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (22:06):
That’s alright.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:08):
Four friends here.

Edmund Kearsley (22:10):
Yeah. It won’t put any pressure on you if everyone’s watching you draw

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (22:13):
Right. <laugh>? I’m still figuring out the composition so I don’t feel like this is the final what have you.

Edmund Kearsley (22:22):
we can, we can have a look at Tom’s nipples. <laugh>

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (22:26):
Back to the nipples.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:32):
Look at that.

Tom Tung (22:34):
You gads. Beautiful.

Edmund Kearsley (22:35):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:40):
I dunno what’s happening to them. That, that, that energy coming off them. <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (22:45):
It might be his charging ports.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:47):

Tom Tung (22:48):
True. Mm-Hmm.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (22:50):
Bit of an electrical shock coming outta them.

Edmund Kearsley (22:58):

Edmund Kearsley (23:01):
So how long have you been drawing comics and stuff for Tom?

Tom Tung (23:06):
a short book back in 2012 and then ever since then.

Edmund Kearsley (23:15):

Tom Tung (23:16):
yeah. And I’ve been running many to my web comic for 10 years now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:24):
Yeah. 10 years. That’s amazing.

Edmund Kearsley (23:27):
Maybe has that got a website?

Tom Tung (23:29):
It’s on the Instagram that you can read below.

Edmund Kearsley (23:33):

Tom Tung (23:33):
Every weekday morning.

Edmund Kearsley (23:36):
That’s crazy.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (23:40):
I’m loving the latest one. Just saying <laugh>. Yeah. Un biassed opinion. Hang. I can, has nothing to do with this, that there’s a little in there, <laugh>. Nothing at all.

Edmund Kearsley (24:00):
Everyone needs a little s in their life.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (24:04):

Edmund Kearsley (24:12):
How about you, Ken? How long have you been making comics?

Ken Best (24:17):
since I turned 40, so about 14 years ago, I was, I I used to do it a lot when I was a kid, but when I finished school, my path went on a completely different tangent so I didn’t start drawing again until late in my life. And, and my influences were John Beemer and, and from the eighties. And so so I was attracted to comics when I, when I started back at drawing and, and it was the, I’m a DC guy, so it was in the new 52 was out at that time. And, and I studied some of the, some of the DC artists and, and got my influence from some of them. And, and yeah, I’ve been doing it since then on and off, just in my spare time as much as I can. And that’s awesome. So, yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (25:19):
That’s excellent. It’s never too late.

Ken Best (25:24):
No, that’s all right.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (25:25):
Yeah, I was gonna say, it’s inspiring. I actually wanna draw again. I keep thinking it’s too late. I keep thinking it’s

Edmund Kearsley (25:34):
Too late. No, it’s never too late to

Ken Best (25:37):
No, no, it’s never too late.

Edmund Kearsley (25:40):
It should be practising too sis, for when you do your panel for the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (25:45):
Yeah, I’ve heard about this, this idea that I’m doing a panel. Yeah. I roped the writer in to do a panel maybe on the same show. So, you know, and don’t look so bad.

Edmund Kearsley (25:57):
<laugh>. A lot of writers can draw so

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:00):
<laugh>. Yeah, I know, but I’ve, I’ve been on a show with this guy and we used to draw presents for people who came on, so.

Edmund Kearsley (26:07):
Oh, okay.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (26:08):
But he can probably draw sequential better than I. You watch ’cause I can just draw people standing straight on. That’s about it.

Edmund Kearsley (26:20):
How’s your composition coming, Nick?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (26:23):
Good. You can cut to it now. I can you get an idea from the goal? Maybe I can talk it through, but I’m thinking if could stab it with bone, with the bone. It goes

Edmund Kearsley (26:35):
For like a DeLuca effect.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (26:38):
A what effect? I don’t know what that is.

Edmund Kearsley (26:40):
That’s where you can see the, the two things moving. Like, oh, okay. Like someone’s running for a, it’s a DeLuca effect.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (26:49):
The DeLuca effect. but I’m,

Edmund Kearsley (26:51):
You say sorry. like Spider-Man jumping across the rooftops and you see place that he hits on the same panel.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (26:58):
Sure. I hear you. but I’m thinking of I guess I’d ripped that open and just adding a little something for, for Tom to work with.

Edmund Kearsley (27:16):
Oh, I see. Right.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (27:19):
Think about that.

Edmund Kearsley (27:22):

Edmund Kearsley (27:28):
You getting some ideas there, Tom?

Edmund Kearsley (27:30):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (27:33):
I’m gonna study how, what, what, what hand? I had two hands around the knife, didn’t it? I’m just looking at this picture of the, the, the, the hawk. The hawk eyeball. Trying to figure out how to, where to put his hands and stuff.

Edmund Kearsley (28:00):
It’s a, a, a thing about doing sequential storytelling is keeping props in, in the, the same hand as the panel before and stuff and

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:13):

Edmund Kearsley (28:13):
Doing things like that.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:15):
Well, I could, I could lodge the knife in his shoulder. That’s a busy frame, but I think it works.

Edmund Kearsley (28:25):
It’s a, like a double stab.

Edmund Kearsley (28:28):
Do you think it’ll dialogue Nick?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:31):
I’ll probably just add a spt or a bloom outta here.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:36):
Okay, nice.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:37):
My busy, my panel’s very busy. I’ve learned. I don’t think I can even fit.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:43):
We’ve got a yellow and a good evening from Facebook user.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (28:47):
Hey Facebook user.

Edmund Kearsley (28:49):
Thanks for coming to watch the show. Facebook user

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (28:54):
Looks like fun. Facebook user. Oh, it’s Shaden here from Korea.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (29:02):
Hey, Shaden from Korea.

Edmund Kearsley (29:04):
Hey Shaan.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (29:10):
Oh, okay. I’ve just been informed that Peter Lane was the one who said, looks like fun. I’ve got someone in the background looking at Facebook to see the names

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (29:18):

Edmund Kearsley (29:18):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (29:21):
Now I’m gonna do a bit of cheating a little bit online. A little bit of, I don’t know if the purists like when, when us digital artists do this, but I’m doing it.

Edmund Kearsley (29:33):
It’s the best bit of digital art except for the was you don’t have to erase and re

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (29:43):
That’s it.

Edmund Kearsley (29:44):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (29:45):
how would you feel if I drew all of these details here? this is a question for Ken and, and yourself. Ed, can that, can there be overlap? Is that a problem?

Ken Best (30:00):
No. No, not really. What

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (30:04):
About you Ed? Can I do a little bit of wing poking out over the frame?

Edmund Kearsley (30:08):
I’m gonna allow it. <laugh>.

Ken Best (30:11):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (30:13):
I love it.

Ken Best (30:15):
I do that all the time in my panels. Yeah. I don’t know if it’s it’s kosher, but I the professionals do it and get away with it. So I think I figure, well, I can’t only do it too.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (30:31):

Edmund Kearsley (30:32):
I heard the trick for, for doing that is you only have like one, like one thing of the panel breaking. So you do, you don’t do top and bottom. Yeah. You just have like one side of the box.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (30:51):
I can do that. Alright, let’s where I’m leaning cool. And I might just hear some extra cheating Play with this. More

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:03):
Digital magic.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (31:05):
Digital magic cheating.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:09):
Hence why Shane bought a iPad to try to encourage himself to draw again.

Ken Best (31:14):
<laugh>. Nice.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (31:16):
I guess I’m just cutting out the step of tracing and moving it around the page before I go for it.

Edmund Kearsley (31:27):
So Alex Major was saying last episode, the iPad suck.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (31:33):
No, I think he was pro iPad.

Edmund Kearsley (31:35):
No, I’m pretty sure he said that was They were bad.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (31:40):
The iPads were bad.

Edmund Kearsley (31:42):
Yeah. I’m just, I’m trying to do a joke ’cause Oh, <laugh>, he was trying to get the controversy going.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (31:49):
Oh yeah. He was yeah. Yeah. That’s stuff. And the jokes of the words he

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (31:53):
Was trying to stir up Logan <laugh>.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (31:57):
How do you create pain in one eyeball? How do you,

Edmund Kearsley (32:03):
Well, so can we have a look at Ken’s one again? ’cause he was

Ken Best (32:09):
So I’ve started thinking,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (32:12):
Oh, you’ve got anger down.

Edmund Kearsley (32:14):
I see.

Ken Best (32:18):
Cool. So you’re saying Lucky. My medal is at Adam Anam, but

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (32:22):

Ken Best (32:22):
Is that copyrighted Is Adam Anam copyright?

Edmund Kearsley (32:26):
I think it’s it’s in the, it’s in the, the zeitgeist, the pop culture. Everyone knows what it is.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (32:35):
We can just smell it wrong.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:37):
Yeah. Spell it slightly wrong. We’re laughing. <laugh>

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (32:41):
Adam? Yeah. Okay. Adam mutant. Ian <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (32:46):
Yep. Alright.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:48):
I don’t think it’d be an issue. I’m sure I’ve seen it elsewhere.

Edmund Kearsley (32:51):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (32:52):

Edmund Kearsley (32:53):
Archer brings it up in the, in that cartoon.

Edmund Kearsley (32:57):

Edmund Kearsley (32:59):
Like he my met his adamant Excellent. It is Trademark. Trademark by Marvel.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:11):
Oh, someone just said it’s trademarked by Marvel. Where you go.

Edmund Kearsley (33:16):
Oh. Change the name.

Tom Tung (33:19):
So that’s an egg on yours. Nick <laugh>.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (33:22):
Yeah, that’s an egg baby.

Tom Tung (33:23):

Edmund Kearsley (33:25):
Let’s have a look at Tom’s full screen. Yep.

Tom Tung (33:34):
Egg is falling and it’s opening.

Edmund Kearsley (33:39):
Yes. Getting exciting

Tom Tung (33:44):
Lying here.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (33:53):
Excellent Angling of the pad there so that we can still see the nipples. Thank you.

Tom Tung (34:11):
And let’s get back to the eyeball guy. So he’s gonna fall over here.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:29):
We’ve got a lot of s coming for what is potentially a bot.

Edmund Kearsley (34:34):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (34:35):
Is it blankie?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (34:43):
I don’t know. Or just someone with a strange name, but on YouTube I will reach out to them. 5 1 9. What’s wrong?

Edmund Kearsley (35:09):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:11):
What’s he sending you? M’s. Is that what you said?

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:13):
Just letter S

Edmund Kearsley (35:15):
Mm-Hmm. Like that? Mm-Hmm

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:17):

Edmund Kearsley (35:19):

Edmund Kearsley (35:27):
They might just one of them be,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:29):
Which is making me thirsty.

Edmund Kearsley (35:31):
The tasty drawings.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:38):
Tasty drawings.

Edmund Kearsley (35:44):
I like the, the egg in the foreground.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (35:47):
Yeah. That’s cool. Does that mean that next week someone’s gonna have to decide if there’s something in that egg? Yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (35:56):
Very good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (35:57):
Yeah. Is there anything coming out or you are leaving it to next week?

Tom Tung (36:01):
I’m still debating that.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (36:03):
<laugh>. Take your time.

Tom Tung (36:05):
<laugh>. I was debating of whether there I, I’d have a chance for him to, to be like, oh no, it was just like that time. And have them go into a flashback because that’s what comics do. You get to a really good bit and they to a flashback.

Edmund Kearsley (36:36):
I am just watching the drawing instead of asking questions.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (36:40):
This is what I do when I watch Tom on Tuesdays. I forget to talk. I just get interested in watching because I’m watching all three drawings. Well, not all three. I can’t see Ken’s, but I can see the other two.

Edmund Kearsley (37:00):
Let’s check in on Nick.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:02):
I’m trying to draw a hands. So it’s just like my least favourite thing to do. My, my main character Detective Budgie has no hands. So so I don’t have to do

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (37:13):
This intentional.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:15):
I think it was like subconscious. You say he doesn’t have thumbs, but then we gave him thumbs. I’ll just do the

Edmund Kearsley (37:27):

Edmund Kearsley (37:27):
Man. Yeah.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:29):
Give them the hand piece.

Edmund Kearsley (37:30):
Three digit, three digits.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:34):
The palm. So it’s like, where do you put the business? But if we’re just going, just trying to make it look angry, maybe less is more.

Edmund Kearsley (37:46):
Well it is kind of got the, the big just like tubes for like the forearm and hand is the one bit.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (37:54):
Yeah. Well I’ll come back to it. And knowing you’re watching makes me more inclined to, to come back to

Edmund Kearsley (38:02):
It. Let’s check in on it. On Ken.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:06):

Edmund Kearsley (38:07):
Yeah, it’s progressing.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (38:12):
Hey, hey, hey.

Edmund Kearsley (38:14):
He is himself. That’s looking good.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (38:19):
Lucky my mouse mute team.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:22):
Yeah. I love it.

Edmund Kearsley (38:29):
You’ll have to

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:29):
Trademark that <laugh>. Yes.

Edmund Kearsley (38:33):
Some nice line

Ken Best (38:34):
Work there. Thank you.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:44):
Well, I know you’re drawing Ken, but I thought it’d be rude ’cause you’re kind of new to Comex, so I was just wondering if we could ask a little bit extra about you tonight.

Ken Best (38:53):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (38:56):
Like you said, oh, sorry.

Ken Best (39:00):
Well, I, yeah, I’m, I have been around for a while. I, I I’ve done work for dark Oz, Darren Zis Decay. Oh, cool. And retro sci-fi tales. I’ve had a few pages in that. but a lot, most of the stuff I’ve done is small press stuff over overseas. There’s not a lot of Aussie stuff I’ve done. like, like I said before, I’m, I’m doing stuff for Rie at the moment. but that’s, that’s relatively relatively recent. Yep. I did do a creator owned comic series called Extinct, and I chugged it round with me to comic conventions in Queensland there for a few years. But I haven’t done any creator owned stuff for a while. I, I seem to be tied up doing other stuff. but ma mainly sequential stuff. I haven’t done many covers.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:14):
Oh, okay.

Ken Best (40:18):
So you

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (40:18):
Look like you do a wicked cover from what I’m seeing. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

Ken Best (40:22):
Yeah. I’d like to, I’d like to have the opportunity to one day like I can ink and colour my own work. I, I’ve, I’ve, I’ve taught myself how to colour digitally which is a bit of a mission. But I’ve, I inked my, my own stuff with traditional brush and, and crow quill. So that’s a bit of a, a learning curve as well. So, but I, I do enter competitions now and then I, I’ll enter stuff into talent shows and or talent competitions when they’re advertised. And, and yeah, I don’t do too many conventions as a, as a, as an exhibitor, but when I get more of a body of work, I probably will. And I, I had a portfolio review with Chris Sequeira, who’s, he’s got his own, he started his own publishing company. I-I-F-W-G-I believe it is. And he’s got a, an arm, a comics arm of that called IPI comics. So he likes my work and I could be working with him in the future. I’m looking forward to that. Oh,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:40):

Edmund Kearsley (41:41):
That’s it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:42):
I know Chris.

Ken Best (41:43):
Yeah. And

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (41:44):
Nice job.

Ken Best (41:46):
And and yeah, I, I do a little bit of stuff that I submit to. I open submissions websites on the, for the, the larger press co publishers that do have open submissions policies. I do work up for them and send it in. So one day, one day I might get a professional gig, but at the moment I’m happy doing the other stuff. But

Edmund Kearsley (42:14):
Hot. Yeah,

Ken Best (42:16):
I don’t, unfortunately I don’t get down south enough. the, because the, everything that’s going on in comics seems to happen down there. I’m based on the Gold Coast, so I catch up with the Queensland creators mostly. Paul Mason. And who else is up this way? Dan Watts and a few of the other guys. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:46):

Ken Best (42:47):
Trade them along. Along.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (42:49):
if you’ve just got a moment, we’ve got Peter Lawson asking us how we’re going and I think yours can be the best one to show ’cause you are straight after his panel. There you go, Peter.

Edmund Kearsley (43:11):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:12):
Thanks for that, Ken.

Ken Best (43:13):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:15):
Looking awesome.

Edmund Kearsley (43:23):
Tom’s already inking.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:26):
Oh wow.

Edmund Kearsley (43:39):
It’s looking cool.

Edmund Kearsley (43:41):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (43:46):
I love it. Taking the wing out as well. <laugh>.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (43:52):

Edmund Kearsley (43:54):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (43:56):
I’ll I’ll just adapt a little bit the trajectory of my bone swing.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:04):

Edmund Kearsley (44:08):
So that happened last week with, with Luke and when he was seeing stuff on that, ’cause he went first and when he saw stuff on the other, when artist panels, he’s like, oh, I’ll just add that in then.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:21):
Oh yeah. The bone and the

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:23):
Yeah, the

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (44:25):
The knife. I think the knife.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (44:30):
Peter says he loves it. Ken,

Ken Best (44:32):
Thank you. I’m liking his work too at the moment. He’s got some good, good stuff in <inaudible> as well and taught the torn universe.

Edmund Kearsley (44:45):

Edmund Kearsley (44:49):
And Peter licence he’s been killing it recently.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:03):
Yeah, he was saying that he, he was going with a really cartoony feel, but I think that Finnish product didn’t look overly cartoony how he finished it.

Ken Best (45:15):
No, I think his original work was a bit cartoony, but he’s worked really hard to on his anatomy and his facial features and everything that

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:26):
Oh, yeah. And his corrects in general. Oh, sorry. I was meeting his work last week.

Ken Best (45:30):
Oh, right, <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (45:37):
Yeah. The detail he puts into stuff now. It’s just, wow. Watching that coral fight, he’s given us previews of, of one of the toss. I don’t know which one. looks amazing. I’ve always wondered what sort of pens Tom uses. They’re magic. That’s from witch.

Tom Tung (46:01):
What pens

Edmund Kearsley (46:05):
You using? Magic pens?

Tom Tung (46:07):
No, no. The truth is you have to sell a lot of your soul to the devil. And then <laugh> these are zebra pens. I get them from Diso. They’re, they’re cheap, but reliable belt tips.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:26):
Nice. <laugh> Peter Lawson saying, bugger the romance. Love the violence.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (46:36):
There we go. <laugh>.

Ken Best (46:37):
Yeah. I’ll second that. Maybe it’s an old, maybe it’s an old bloke thing.

Edmund Kearsley (46:45):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (46:48):
You tried Alex, you tried <laugh>.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (46:58):
Did you add those sharp elbows? Ken, was that your addition?

Ken Best (47:01):
No, I got that off Peter, I think in the previous panel Peter had the

Edmund Kearsley (47:07):
Oh no, that was, that was in the original from DeShaw to

Ken Best (47:11):
Oh, it was

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (47:13):

Edmund Kearsley (47:16):
Have a look.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (47:18):
Oh yeah.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (47:19):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (47:19):
Yeah. Well, I’m gonna, I’m gonna give him blunt elbows just to be special. <laugh>. Sorry, <inaudible>. Sorry. Everyone up now. but looks like keeping the sharp, oh, hang

Tom Tung (47:30):
On, hang on, hang on. Which, which arm, which arm had the sharp elbow? No, no, no. Because if, if I, I could draw a bit, I could finish the continuity here and ’cause the, the arm that you’ve drawn blunt is going this way. So I can draw just a little, I can draw a little tip there. That’s just pull it off. And we we’re good. I’m

Edmund Kearsley (47:49):
Already, I’m

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (47:49):
Already sharpened them up. Don’t

Edmund Kearsley (47:51):
Worry. <laugh>, let’s see, like Nick’s drawing.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:00):
Yep. Yeah, I just drew a sharp elbow actually.

Edmund Kearsley (48:05):
Oh, there you go. Awesome.

Edmund Kearsley (48:13):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:15):
But not while you guys are watching, that’s

Edmund Kearsley (48:18):
<laugh> that emotion on the, on the eyeballs really good. Yeah.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:23):
Yeah. I think I got some expression out of it.

Edmund Kearsley (48:27):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:29):
That’s draw a lot. I’ll give my characters like a really thick brow. I quite like doing like a, like ball and drumm. It’s got that huge

Edmund Kearsley (48:41):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:43):
Brow expression thing.

Edmund Kearsley (48:46):
Did you know the, the eyeballs holding the blade of the knife? Not the handle.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (48:51):
I didn’t <laugh> <laugh>. It’s just me like a choice knowing you’re watching me draw hands. no, now I’m looking at it like, do I leave it? Do I make the handle really long? now I’ll make, it’s quite a deeper cut than I had planned. I’ll, I’ll adjust.

Edmund Kearsley (49:17):

Edmund Kearsley (49:21):
So I would’ve just said it to Jason gone with it.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (49:30):
What kind of blade is it? It’s got like a weird,

Edmund Kearsley (49:34):
Have a look. It’s like a commander, like a Rambo knife.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (49:38):
Oh, it is too. I saw the, the metal helm and thought it looked a bit wooden or el or something.

Edmund Kearsley (49:46):
It looks like it did hurt lots if you got stemmed by it.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (49:50):
I, I concur.

Edmund Kearsley (49:52):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (49:53):
I might be my This is

Edmund Kearsley (49:54):
A knife that’s, oh dear. All right.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (50:06):
Now I’ve got a, I don’t want these lines to overlap. To intersect. It’s better.

Edmund Kearsley (50:15):
There you go.

Edmund Kearsley (50:17):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (50:18):
<inaudible>. and I’ve tried to incorporate Ken’s vein eye scar ness. We got like 10 minutes. Oh man. Where does time go?

Edmund Kearsley (50:33):
You don’t have to finish it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:35):
Yeah, I was gonna say, you don’t have to finish it.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (50:38):
Just gotta get the, during

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (50:39):
The show. That is, yeah.

Edmund Kearsley (50:41):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (50:42):
I see. Well, that’s a relief. hand time. Let’s draw hands in front of people. It’d be good. It’d be great. I actually think it’d be better if I, if this

Edmund Kearsley (51:11):
Tom’s got a,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (51:24):

Edmund Kearsley (51:25):
Are you getting seven grey scales in there that a bit of wet brush Tom?

Tom Tung (51:32):
Yeah, these are watercolour pencils.

Edmund Kearsley (51:37):

Tom Tung (51:37):
They’re what I use for the sheep. The, the quick rendering. ah, I’m debating, I’m debating whether I put tentacles out this thing,

Edmund Kearsley (52:02):
The, the story’s really picking up now.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:07):

Edmund Kearsley (52:12):
Because it was such a like, just a, a gamble to a do a show like this because you, you dunno what’s gonna happen but Mm-Hmm. <affirmative> every episode’s been so good with the artists just doing crazy stuff.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (52:39):
Are you gonna draw Tom Tong coming outta that egg? Are you gonna introduce yourself?

Edmund Kearsley (52:43):

Tom Tung (52:45):
And that’s how I took over the world of the blank

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (52:48):
<laugh>. Alex is saying it’s all looking pretty sweet. So he is he’s not too upset about the romance being destroyed.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (52:58):
Could be sweeter. Could be a lot sweeter. <laugh>.

Tom Tung (53:04):
The romance could always come back.

Edmund Kearsley (53:06):
Yeah. You never know.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (53:08):
Maybe it’s his egg <laugh>.

Edmund Kearsley (53:12):
Oh, that is his his ex

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (53:15):

Tom Tung (53:15):
This is

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (53:25):
Robots and meatballs making babies.

Edmund Kearsley (53:33):
Alex, if you’re still there, did you get to see your panel from last week?

Edmund Kearsley (53:44):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (53:45):
Did. Did he get to see his panel?

Edmund Kearsley (53:49):
Yeah. ’cause I letter it.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (53:51):
Oh, you, oh I see.

Edmund Kearsley (53:54):
He got to see it on joint, but

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (53:58):
Yeah, he was aware of

Edmund Kearsley (54:04):
And they see it was in some sort of fugue state and that’s why

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (54:07):
Could happen.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:12):
Still holding onto,

Edmund Kearsley (54:14):
Sorry. There you go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:16):
So I figured it’s a homage to the romance <laugh>

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (54:21):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:22):
And he is like, no, he hasn’t seen it yet

Edmund Kearsley (54:28):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (54:33):
Such soft, smooth metal. That’s a bit of a soft fingers vibe for me. He goes, you know what that is. Oh

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:40):
Yeah. That is

Edmund Kearsley (54:43):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:45):
I remember being shown that and just a lot of expletives came outta my mouth.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (54:50):

Edmund Kearsley (54:51):
I knew that

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (54:51):
Just came out actually. They’re still making solid fingers.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (54:54):
Believe. Are you kidding me? Oh, wow.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (54:57):
They’re still going strong or however they were going.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (55:02):
<laugh> Alex says he wasn’t paying attention when he was drawing. So <laugh>,

Edmund Kearsley (55:40):
Let’s have a look at next.

Edmund Kearsley (55:43):

Edmund Kearsley (55:45):
The other hand turned out

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (55:47):
<laugh> my claws. I lifted the the what to call it.

Edmund Kearsley (55:58):
It’s looking good.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (56:02):
That hand.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (56:06):
I love throwing that egg in. That was awesome.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (56:08):
<laugh>. Well, I was thinking if I was gonna go first, I might draw it cutting itself open or something was an idea I had. and then I was like, well, what could be spilling out? And then let’s, here we go. And the knife is now in the correct holding position. Hmm.

Edmund Kearsley (56:49):
I see. It’s it’s gone from the, it started at the stab and then picked out.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (56:55):
Yeah, it’s plucked it out. It’s how we egg

Edmund Kearsley (57:02):
<laugh>. Perfect. <inaudible>.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (57:15):
Hmm. Trying to think what I can do if I want to work into the grey areas. Can I see the, the last page? Have those have those guys? There’s quite a lot of grey, yellow. I might just try the one, the one grey.

Edmund Kearsley (57:45):
You can do whatever you want and make it your own

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (57:54):
Fun of

Edmund Kearsley (57:57):
I hate those little pixel leaks when you’re trying to fill stuff in.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (58:01):
Yeah, right.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:05):
Good. A lettering. Looks good by Alex. And a great job guys from Peter Lawson.

Edmund Kearsley (58:14):
Thank you Alex.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:39):
Almost at the

Edmund Kearsley (58:43):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:44):
Where we’re at stage Ed.

Edmund Kearsley (58:47):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (58:48):
Am I being too impatient?

Edmund Kearsley (58:52):
yeah, I think we’re about ready for the, for the boys to send in their stuff so we can stitch together a page.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (59:10):
Are you want us to send it through?

Edmund Kearsley (59:13):
Yeah, if you can if you’ve done that at the same size as the layout, you could just send a, like a, that bolting crew and it should,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (59:31):
Hey, I’m just setting some yucky spots. That egg, I dunno if that ruins your day or anything.

Tom Tung (59:36):
Hmm. Yep. Can do.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (59:38):
I just thought it needed a little, a little monstrous something something.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (59:44):
Yep. What’s going on down there? I’m just gonna, we have got tentacles

Tom Tung (59:55):
And eyes plan to go. Both. Both. Why choose

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:00):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:00:01):
Kaulu in this, this genre now?

Tom Tung (01:00:08):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:00:14):
Lemme do one

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:15):
Thing If Tom and Ken just send, send what

Tom Tung (01:00:20):
We got.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:22):
Yeah. Just what you got so far.

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:23):
Take a photo.

Tom Tung (01:00:26):
Yep. We’ll

Edmund Kearsley (01:00:27):
See how it works with the, this is the first time we’ve had traditional artists on the show.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:00:37):
Yeah. I hope this works. Yeah. <laugh> Ben Sullivan loves it to plot thickens. I’ll go back out to this screen. <affirmative>, all the pieces are coming together. Loving it, Richard.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:01:13):
All right.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:01:29):
Everyone’s doing that. I might stick a site up. What do you reckon, ed? Just something to look at while everyone’s doing that. And I should have got this ready beforehand.

Edmund Kearsley (01:01:46):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:01:49):
Where do I send this?

Edmund Kearsley (01:01:50):
just send it to me on Facebook.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:01:52):
On messenger. On Facebook. Okay.

Tom Tung (01:01:57):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:02:02):
You gotta accept my friend request. Now. You’re all been waiting for this.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:12):
We put budget up first.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:02:15):
Uhoh, Hey, there’s me web beside and have a little browse. Show ’em how to, how, how to work it.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:23):
There we go. At that Ooh thing. Spinning around. It’s lovely.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:02:29):
Put stuff in the shop mate.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:34):
Put stuff in the shop. I think I own everything you’ve done.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:02:37):
Oh. Show the people how to shop.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:40):
Show the people how to shop. Okay.

Edmund Kearsley (01:02:43):
Put something into the cart

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:02:44):
And then Yeah, put some stuff in the cart and then show ’em how to pay for it and then I’ll

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:52):
Details. Yeah. Not problem.

Edmund Kearsley (01:02:55):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:02:57):
I don’t know which is my favourite here. It’s other Flyboys or Propeller Ella.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:03:05):
Oh, there you go.

Edmund Kearsley (01:03:06):
I need to get those. I don’t know.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:03:12):
I sent that to you, ed.

Edmund Kearsley (01:03:14):
Thank you. Yeah, I sent mine via Messenger. Yeah. Thanks Ken.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:23):
Cool. So this is this is good old quick next site. These are his books. All great books. I have them all. I’ve enjoyed them all.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:03:38):
There you go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:40):
Robert Danon Jr. Goes to the movies was quite funny.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:03:46):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:48):
And I love the story behind your dad’s trek, Terry’s Trek.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:03:52):
Yeah. It’s a fun one.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:03:54):
Yeah, that’s really cool. Just, yeah,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:03:57):
I was at a booth on the weekend for the comic and Toy Fair and some people came up to me who’d read the book and they were like, oh man, this is really sweet. Great tail. Got to know your family. Got to know your dad. I was like,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:10):
Yeah, that’s really cool. I’ll have to reread it. I don’t know how any, any of these are

Edmund Kearsley (01:04:21):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:24):
What we got about the artist. I’m not gonna put in stuff in the cart so you can come here and read all about him. And did that come from the site?

Edmund Kearsley (01:04:48):

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:04:49):
For drink and draw and then he just sent them to me separate. Okay.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:04:59):
Go back to the homepage. Yes, that is detective budgie net. For anyone watching you want to check it out. That’s what it looks like. what I might do is I will share a link

Edmund Kearsley (01:05:16):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:18):
Comments. Most people will get these.

Tom Tung (01:05:25):
Ed, I’ve just added you on Facebook so I can shoot through when you’re ready.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:05:35):
There we go. Okay, let’s get onto some, oh look, we’ve got Nick again this time. It’s oh boy. It’s his Instagram <laugh>. So here’s some fun. Oh, we’ve got some TikTok videos. I won’t bother playing those because I don’t know what’s going on with my thing. Oh, what’s this one? Oh, it’s a movie. Is it Swamp Thing with the Fantastic four-ish?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:06:05):
Well, there’s a, there’s a preview of some of the Robert Danny Juniors.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:10):
Ah, yes.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:06:11):
Hey, click that, click that top middle one. And then I want you to do all the voices for me. Sizzle. Talk me through what’s going

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:18):
On. All the voices. Oh, I can’t do all the voices for this. Just,

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:06:21):
Just just just explain to the people at home what’s going on on the page for me. Just to put you on the spot. A little <laugh>

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:29):
What’s going on the page? Well, this is a classic scene from Star Wars, but well not Star Wars, return of the Chato, if I remember correctly.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:06:36):
Very good.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:38):
And looks like Stark is hand solo coming out of the, I never remember what that stuff’s called.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:06:47):
Oh, who Guess Termite.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:06:48):
Is that it? Carbonite. Carbonite. Ah, so Close <inaudible>. Yeah, <laugh>. And is that meant to be Princess Layer or someone else?

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:07:04):
That’s the layer. She’s in disguise as a, some sort of dude,

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:10):
Some sort of alien. Oh, shwarma. Yeah, of course.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:07:18):
And then of course, yes, a reference to Avengers after he

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:21):
Was reference Revive back to Avengers. I like it.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:07:25):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:27):
Classic. Classic.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:07:29):
That’s what the book’s all about. Just weird film swapping.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:35):
Oh yeah. It’s, it’s great fun. And when you pull it apart like that, it’s not so fun. But <laugh>, when you read it, it’s a good laugh. It’s a good laugh. There you go. It’s when I read that it was a good laugh when I tried to explain it then not so much

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:07:49):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:07:51):
so lots of cool stuff in there. Next we have Ken Instagram, some very cool pencil work here. I don’t know how well that comes up on the screen, but it comes up for me.

Edmund Kearsley (01:08:16):
I’ll click on that. Phantom. Cool.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:22):
How cool is that? Oh, sick. Awesome. Wow.

Ken Best (01:08:28):
Yeah, I like drawing Phantom. He’s of course I grew up with him as well. I grew up in the Darling Downs in Central Queensland or Central South Queensland. And all I could get was Fandom Comics when I was younger. Fandom and Marvel and Ian Comics came in the Barbarian. So

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:08:53):
Cool. Very cool. What was this one?

Ken Best (01:08:59):
That was a that was a talent search for Mad Cave Studios. Okay. Which is a, a South American, I think it’s South American Comic book company. And every year they have a talent search and you can draw four or five pages of their characters. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And this character’s a, I forget what he’s called, but he’s a samurai type character. So they did a couple of pages of him getting attacked by Ninjas.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:09:33):
I think his name is the Ninja Killer going by the little Call of Ninjas. <laugh>. Cool. We’ll pop over to Tom. And this is the man who draws one of these a day for the last 10 years. We’ll just have to bring this one up. This one’s extremely important. Yes. Yes. Important one. <laugh> <laugh> No. Yes. youtube.com. Com X net au That’s where you wanna go. Oh yeah. Which most of you are already there.

Edmund Kearsley (01:10:12):
And hopefully liking and subscribing to

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:16):
Yes. Liking, subscribing, doing all those beautiful things that help us make more content. And share it around. Tell your friends. Tell your friends friends. Tell people in the street. Just tell ’em <laugh>

Ken Best (01:10:33):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:10:38):
Very cool. Tom. I collected those oh, what are they called? I dunno what they’re called, but Yeah, the things from the shopping centre. And we just lost Tom for a second. Cool. And we were going, are you ready for this one, ed, to explain where you are in this?

Edmund Kearsley (01:11:05):
we could, we could just cut to the, to the thing. I’m ready to go.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:10):
Okay, cool. I’ll take me off the screen.

Edmund Kearsley (01:11:12):
Put me on full screen

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:18):
And I’m where Tom is.

Edmund Kearsley (01:11:21):
There we go. Everyone

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:22):
Look at that. That is so cool. I love the, the way these pages keep coming out with each panel so different like the, the colours, the, well not colours being shades, <laugh>, you know what I mean? It’s gonna work. It’s gonna work awesomely.

Edmund Kearsley (01:11:46):
Well then we get the, the air ball flick and then un speak tomorrow.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:11:56):

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:11:57):
Next week’s gonna be scary.

Edmund Kearsley (01:11:59):
No, no.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:12:02):
Can next week be Red Octopus? Only <laugh>

Edmund Kearsley (01:12:07):
Could next week go back to the love story <laugh>.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:13):
Well, I was gonna say, I’ve seen movies with scarier looking things than that and they love stories.

Edmund Kearsley (01:12:18):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. We’ll have to find out next week.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:12:24):
Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>.

Edmund Kearsley (01:12:27):
we’ll stop the show here. Thank Nick Cleary and Ken Best and Tom to, for coming in and lending the drawing skills to the project.

Nick ‘Quick’ Cleary (01:12:45):
Thank you. Thanks for having me. Good fun. Can’t wait to see it.

Edmund Kearsley (01:12:53):
And yeah, like, comment, subscribe. Everyone’s Instagram’s is on the bottom there. Mine’s at Ed Kiley Art as well.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:13:05):
Oh, sorry.

Edmund Kearsley (01:13:06):
<laugh>. That’s alright. And yeah, I think it’s time to hit the outro movie, sis.

Shane ‘Sizzle’ Syddall (01:13:15):
Awesome. Thank you everyone for watching. Sees later.

Edmund Kearsley (01:13:19):
See ya. Thanks for watching everyone.

Voice Over (01:13:22):